I Filmed Dijia, And The Famous Scene Made The Whole Network Cry!

Chapter 210 Angels Descend! ! Is It The Salvation Of Mankind Or The Abyss Of Destruction? ?

The screen changed.

The plot continues.

At this moment, all the eyes of the people are looking at the sky!

Unlike before, his eyes were occupied by the hopeless breath of gray defeat.

Now, everyone's eyes are full of anticipation and longing!!

The sound of cheering for Ultraman resounded throughout the planet.

Everyone is expecting them to be the same as before.

Shatter this hopeless darkness once again!!

But the next second!!

The mutation happened again!!

Although the body of the first monster has collapsed.

But then a second monster appeared!!

At this time, the details pointed out one after another in the barrage made the audience even more terrified!

"Look carefully! This monster has a scythe in its hand! The monster is also evolving!!"

"Can you still predict the action and interrupt the skill through the previous battle?!"

"Even the attack method can evolve??"

As more and more details are uncovered.

The number of monsters is also increasing rapidly!!

There seems to be no end to the number of monsters!!

However, my dream and Teng Gong's physical strength is limited.

The endless battle dragged them down to exhaustion.

The timer on the chest also started flashing red.

In a dark world.

That flashing red light.

Altman fell to the ground and was unable to stand up.

Became the last step to devour people's inner hope...

Are human beings really going to be trapped to death by this hopeless darkness?

This desperate question began to emerge in everyone's mind.

next second!!!

Suddenly, a holy light descended from the sky covered by demonic insects!

But instantly!!

The three monsters completely disappeared!!

A dazzling light is shining!!

Give everyone a strong shock!!

"Four Nine Seven" followed!!

The sacred BGM sounds like a symphony!!

The flawless and bright brilliance is like a sharp sword piercing the darkness of endless despair!!

A sacred and noble figure descended slowly.

Flying lightly like an elf, but with a dignified nobility that surpasses an elf.

The wings of light behind him slowly spread out, carrying a dazzling beauty!

At this moment, everyone who is paying attention to the front line of the battlefield is attracted by this beauty.

They muttered to themselves with dull expressions: "Angels"

Arrival of the angel.

Holy radiance.

Calm the tense and weary souls of all.

Even the audience is attracted by this divine beauty.

The anxiety and despair that had always been in my heart were also filled.

Especially when seeing the angel replenish the energy of the two Ultraman.

The audience is even more sure that this angel is the hope that the earth will come!!

But the next second!!

The picture freezes on the angel's smile!!

This moment!

Everyone suddenly felt an unspeakable weirdness from it!!


The ending song plays.

In the sideshow, the scene of my dream joining XIG began to flash back.

Looking at the immature students at that time, I dreamed.

And my dream and the XIG team members learned and accepted, and eventually grew into close comrades-in-arms.

Watching Teng Gong go from being paranoid to knowing the truth, from giving up the fight to regaining the light and honor of Aguru.

Everyone in front of the screen seemed to be watching a revolving lantern, and began to look back on this long and short beauty.


The ending song ends.

But everyone is still immersed in the hardships and beauty along the way, reluctant to part.

It wasn't until now that the audience suddenly discovered it.

It turned out that they had witnessed the stories of so many people before they knew it.

Although some people may not have a separate unit set, the portrayal of the characters is undiminished!

Every character is perfectly rendered!

It also made everyone amazed by Director Su Chen's ability to portray characters!!

And in the comments section of this episode.

In addition to admiring Su Chen's ability to portray characters.

The most discussed by the audience is the identity of the angel who descended on the earth.

Just when everyone was talking about it.

A girl is constantly replaying the scene of the angel descending.

No matter how many times you watch it!

This picture is a kind of shock from the soul!!

But at this time, the girl closed her eyes and listened carefully to the BGM.

After a long time, she suddenly opened her eyes!!

Her eyes are full of shock!!

The girl is proficient in composing, and soon heard the hidden charm behind this BGM!!

She immediately left a message in the comment area:

"The BGM of the scene where the angel descends has a sacred aura upon first hearing."

"However, the sanctity of the angel is not like the holy low voice of Aguru when he appeared on the stage. Instead, there is a kind of noise with too many notes!"

"The arrival of angels, while bringing people hope, also hides oppression and crisis!"

"The story has been exaggerated from the very beginning, the shattered demon insects enveloped the sky, and the oppressive darkness is like the end of the world.

"Gaia and Aguru fought with the consciousness of mortal death, but were easily stopped by the swarm, and even fell into a bitter fight!"

"At this moment, an angel descends!! But is the angel the salvation of mankind, or deeper despair??"

"All answers are still unknown!"

for a while.

The audience who were scrolling through the comment area were all stunned!!


Is it the salvation of mankind, or the enemy?

This question troubled the hearts of all viewers.

At this time, in the Binhai TV conference room.

Director Xu Qing and a group of producers also began to think about this issue.

But after thinking for a long time, the result is that there is no result...

The holiness and nobility of angels attract them to choose to believe.

But the analysis in the comment area and the angel's weird smile are saying that all this is not simple.

What is the answer???


Time slips away in speculation and curiosity.

until the next day.

Director Xu Qing is still discussing the true identity of the angel with the people around him.

In fact, Xu Qing can ask Su Chen for the real answer.

But if the excitement of the story is spoiled, it will lose its original flavor!

So anxiously waiting.

It's eight o'clock on Sunday night.

The children turned on the TV early and waited for Gaia to broadcast.

On the Chi Chi Chi Chi platform, many viewers are frantically refreshing the interface!

The moment the clock hits twelve!!

The familiar opening song "Ultraman Gaia" echoes in thousands of households!!

Ultraman Gaia's fiftieth episode "The Roar of the Earth" is officially aired!!

The beginning of the story.

The sacred picture of the angel descending appeared before my eyes again!

Everyone looked up to the sky, like a pilgrimage!!

at this time!

The angel extended a merciful hand towards the ghostly monster on the ground.

next second!!

The monsters that brought people fear disappeared as if they had been purified.

It's a miracle!!

An angel helps humans, will she be a friend of humans??

Or is it all just an illusion?

All kinds of contradictory psychology are torn back and forth in everyone's heart.

The sanctity and nobility of angels seem to have a natural attraction.

Let people unconsciously want to be convinced, and fall asleep in the radiance of angels

at this time!!

The angel reached out to Aguru again!!

The holy white light shrouded Aguru.

next second!!

Aguru unconsciously steps towards the angel, like a believer walking towards God...

The BGM at this time gradually became tense and hasty!!

And the composition in front of you makes everyone feel weird!!

Under an oppressive sky dark and sullen to purple.

The holy and noble angel seems to call her followers.

As a believer, Aguru stepped forward blankly.

It seemed that his spirit was confused by something and lost his mind.

Behind Aguru, Gaia stretched out her hand and tried her best to keep him.

But in vain..

The picture is silent.

But it's so weird!!

Until now, all the audience in front of the screen finally confirmed!!

This so-called angel is definitely not a friend of humans!!

A strong crisis suddenly rises!!

This moment.

The barrage is full of content that wants to prevent Aguru from moving forward.

But the next second!!

The barrage stopped abruptly!!

Aguru was easily hit by a fluctuating bullet from the angel!!

Fly hundreds of meters away in an instant!!

Immediately after!!

Gaia is also flashing the red light again under the fierce attack of the angel!!

The angel's arrogant grin echoed on the ground.

The screen flashed the anxious and panicked expressions of all the people.



The hearts of the audience are invaded by various negative emotions.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the conference room of Binhai TV Station was dead silent.

Director Xu Qing and several producers were completely immersed in despair at this time, with serious expressions!!

Now they are very clear that everything the angels did before was just to declare their strength!!

Declare the huge disparity between the two Ultramans and their own power!!

Even without a war of attrition.

Even if Ultraman's strength is sufficient.

You are no longer an opponent of Angels!!

Xu Qing stared at the huge angel on the screen, and muttered to himself:

"First, exaggerate the despair of the doomsday, and drive the two Ultramans into a desperate situation!!"

"Easy to deal with the huge number of monsters, replenish the energy of Ultraman, and give human beings a glimmer of hope."

"Then quickly killed the hope and passed it on to the whole world through the lens of the TV station. This is simply murder!"

"Under the circumstances of many factors, this final boss, the Archangel of Destruction, Zog!! can be called despair beyond despair!!"

While Xu Qing was talking about his inner analysis, he felt that his mood plummeted!!

The enemy not only wants to defeat human beings in terms of strength......

Even mentally and physically stepping human beings into the humble mud!!

Faced with all this, human beings can only be helpless...

Will the fate of mankind really stop here?

Same question.

In the hearts of several other producers in the conference room.

In the hearts of all viewers watching Gaia at this moment.

Slow fermentation.

Gradually occupy people's hearts...

The screen changed.

The plot continues.

The camera returns to the front line of the battlefield again.

Aguru's figure resolutely blocked the weak Gaia.

Even use your own body to charge forward against Zog's beam!

Even if the enemy is too strong to be defeated!!

Aguru's counterattack never stopped!!


Watching Aguru continue to wail, but his body still maintains the posture of punching and attacking!!

Everyone is clear.

Aguru wanted to bet his own life to gain a weak chance for Gaia to counterattack

As Teng Gong said before, no matter which one is lost, there will be another...

But no matter what, Teng Gong must not back down!!

Behind him, there is someone he loves so much!!

There is someone he wants to protect!!

for them!!

Can't go back!!

Only fight!!

The tragic atmosphere at the moment.

Let everyone's heart tremble...

But at this moment!!

Aguru's forward body suddenly stopped!!

Immediately after!!

ding dong

A voice of deep despair!!

Everyone's heartbeat paused for a second!!

Keep an eye on the screen!!

Everyone is looking forward to Aguru's victory.

But the reality always backfires...

next second!

The timer on Aguru's chest gradually turned gray.

The body suspended in the air was also shot hundreds of meters away by Zog's wave bomb!!

Even Gaia, who wanted to catch Aguru, couldn't stop the trend of retreating!!

Aguru screamed in pain...

Angel Zog's creepy grin....

The timer on Gaia's chest also turned gray....

Step by step, the hope in everyone's heart is deprived...

The enemy is stronger than expected!!

Even Ultraman, who is called a giant, is not worth mentioning in front of a huge angel...


The two Ultramans fell into a coma completely.

And the light of the land and sea they had was taken away by Zog!

The two Ultramans who lost their light began to shrink gradually.

this moment!

Reiko from the TV station instantly realized something was wrong!

However, it was too late to stop.

Tight 4.4 next!!

In a barren ruins.

Womeng and Teng Gong, who were seriously injured and unconscious, appeared in the broadcast screen of the TV station!!

The tragic appearance made the audience feel heartbroken after seeing it.

at the same time.

The picture flashed across all the people who were watching the live broadcast of the TV station.

The fact that Ultraman is actually human.

Shocked everyone!!

And my dream friends and parents are watching the picture on the TV.


their partner.

their child.

I have been fighting hard to protect human beings without telling them!!

But for ordinary people.

This fact was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back!!

Completely push them into the abyss of despair!!

"It turns out that Ultraman is just a human being."

"So he's not a god..."

"Just a mortal, how can he save the earth..."

All kinds of voices gradually amplified in the crowd.

The cloud of despair is gradually covering everyone!

At this time, in the conference room of Binhai TV Station.

Director Xu Qing looked at the panicked crowd on the screen, his expression gradually became serious.

Several producers in the conference room frowned, and analyzed each word:

"In fact, the cameraman Wen did not expect the situation to develop like this.

"On the contrary, the root cause of death has predicted everything!"

"So even if there is no Ah Wen, there will be other people presenting this truth to the public."

"The integrity and kindness of human beings, the cowardice and unbearableness of human beings are just a part of the enemy's plan!"

Listen to everyone's analysis.

Xu Qing sighed inwardly, while silently guessing.

In the face of such a cunning enemy, can human beings really overcome??

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