After closing his eyes and perceiving it for a moment, Foyego opened his eyes to reveal a hint of joy, and then he reached out and took the half-cut remains of Maokai's body into his hands.

Then Foyego found his position, suddenly broke the surface of the trunk, and reached out and inserted his hand into the depths of the trunk.

Although Maukai's body was extremely hard, it was as brittle as a piece of tissue paper in Foyego's hands.

Foyego withdrew his hand, and what appeared in his hand was a tree species shining with golden light.

Through the hole that had just been pulled out between the trunks, Foyego saw that the trunk was filled with golden liquid!

It turned out that when the Curse of Destruction broke out that day, Mao Kai actually retained a lot of life holy water at the last moment!

And he has been storing it in the depths of his body, hoping that one day in the future, he can use these holy waters of life to save everything on Fuguang Island.

But now, with the death of Mao Kai, these life holy waters can only cheapen Foyego.

In fact, these holy waters of life were of no use to Foyego at the moment, but they were still extremely deadly poisons!

Ordinary grievances are not even qualified to be touched, and if they are slightly contaminated, they will immediately disappear.

But for the outside world, it is a life-saving fetish that is difficult to buy!

There is no harm in Foyego's stay in his hands, and it is okay to keep it for trading in the future.

Killing Maokai this time is also worth the trip for Foyego.

Foyego directly waved his hand, and the golden life holy water was placed by him in a secret space along with Mao Kai's body.

Finally, Foyego turned to look at Yorick's headless body on the ground, and after a little thought, decided to use it.

After all, Yorick's ability to communicate with the dead does have some use.

This is also "waste use".

In an instant, a black mist rolled in, enveloping Yorick's body on the ground.

After a while, a stout grievance spirit with a shovel appeared in front of Foyego.

"See My King!"

The first thing the grievances did after their revival was to fall to the ground towards Foyegobai.

Foyego slightly perceived, this Yorick is worthy of the existence of a female ghost who can hook up with Shadow Island before his death.

After death, he was transformed into an undead, and he did not lack much spiritual intelligence, and he had a very high degree of wisdom.

It just seems to have become somewhat reticent.

But compared to the desire to kill, Hekarim does not know how much better.

"From now on, you will be the chief administrator of my royal court."

Foyego thought for a while, and finally said slowly.

After all, if the stall is spread out in the future, there will be no one in charge.

Just now, in the process of the transformation of the black mist Yorick, Foyego had erased the memories of Yorick's soul.

And under the influence of the black fog, Yorick could not have disobeyed Foyego.

So Foyego was not at all worried about Yorick's betrayal of him.

"Yes, obey the orders of my king."

Yorick's voice continued the steadiness of his lifetime, and it sounded very reliable.

After being transformed into an undead, Yorick's strength has also improved.

Affected by the increase of the black mist, Yorick, who turned into an undead, also has the strength of the golden stage, which is much more than before birth.

Coupled with Yorick's ability to hook up with female ghosts, he may also be a general in the future.

After dealing with Maukai and Yorick, Foyego looked north.

He could clearly feel that fierce fighting was breaking out there.

"Sure enough..."

Foyego shook his head helplessly, if Hekarim was reliable, the pigs could go up the tree.

So he no longer tangled, took Yorick on his side, turned into a black fog and rushed towards the north.


Meanwhile, in a prison cell deep in Shadow Island.

This was once the place where the Fukung Island Order was responsible for holding prisoners, and Hammerstone was one of the guards during his lifetime.

After being transformed into an evil spirit by the black mist, Hammerstone returned here.

Covered in green hammerstone, his distorted eyes flashed with an evil sheen.


"My pure king, you actually killed that twisted tree spirit."

"Let me guess, what makes you care about things other than Isurd?"

A trace of solemnity flashed in Hammerstone's eyes.

The chaos on Shadow Island was not a day or two, and Foyego had never intervened before.

Now he suddenly killed the powerful Mao Kai.

Was this accidental or some other reason?

Foyego began to care about the unexpected things that happened to Issoul, which was not good news for Hammerstone.

If he really waited for Foyego to turn Shadow Island into an iron barrel, then I am afraid that he would not have a chance at that time.

Fortunately, he has enough weight in his hands to win.

Hammerstone cast his evil eyes on the lantern in his hand.

In it, a woman, a broken soul, is imprisoned.

It seems that the plan must be implemented quickly.


Hammerstone looked at the gloomy dark sky of Shadow Island and let out a gloomy laugh.


The northern part of Shadow Island, which was once a beach, is now a battlefield for fighting.

Hekarim had completely killed his eyes at this time, and he could no longer tell whether his side was a hostile undead.

Or the Shadow Knight of the Iron Order who followed him.

This slaying evil spirit, which was covered in steel, was just tirelessly waving the halberd in his hand at the moment.

Within tens of meters around Hekarim, it has become a forbidden area for this battle.

Anyone who dared to step in was torn apart by the halberd shining with blue flames.

In the distance, a ghost shrouded in a wide black robe was calmly watching all this.


"Murderous souls!"

"What makes you fight a senseless battle here~"

The ghost waved the pitch-black staff in his hand and spoke in a strange tone that seemed to be singing.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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