
At this time, Galen also reacted, and he seemed to understand what the words in Tiana's mouth meant.

He growled in pain.

On this day, Galen lost his glory, lost his monarch, lost his friends, and was about to lose his loved ones...

"Listen to me, kid."

"Your future is still long, and I am already on the verge of decay."

"One day, you will regain everything you lost today."

Tiana's tone was a little kind, and she removed the face of the generalissimo and became a kind elder.

"No, how can I leave you alone.........."

The words "send to death" stuck in his throat, but Galen couldn't spit it out of his mouth anyway.

"Chief Galen Swordsman!"

"I'm not kidding you."

"In my capacity as Generalissimo of Demacia, I order you to lead the whole army to retreat" nine five three! "

"The first, second legion stay with my palace!"

"After the retreat, you led the whole army to abandon the plains and retreat to the Nokmurch Gorge!"

Seeing this, the kindness and kindness on Tiana's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a commanding tone and a serious face.

"Yes . . ."

Galen's voice responded to Tiana's order in pain, tears running down the resolute man's face.

"Carry out the order, Chief Galen Swordsman"

Tiana turned her back, leaving Galen with a resolute back.

Seeing that Tiana was so determined, Galen gritted his teeth and turned around abruptly to carry out Tiana's order.

But what he didn't see was that Tiana, who turned her back, was full of reluctance and pain in her eyes.

Tiana is also human, how can she not feel dazed and painful in this situation?

It's just that there are some things that someone has to take on.

It has to be said that the Demacia army has strict discipline and strong military literacy.

Experienced the initial rout, collapse, escape.

Soon the legions in Demacia's rear began to organize counterattacks and defenses, but the strength of this counterattack was better than nothing, but it also prevented further festering of the front to a certain extent.

With the strong will and large number of people, he actually blocked the attack of the Shadow Battle Group for a while.

Foyego closed his eyes slightly and sensed the number of Demacia's army, and then calculated it in his heart.


Foyego said secretly in his heart.

"Shrink the defenses and stop pursuing."

Foyego suddenly gave an order to the soldiers of the Phantom Battle Regiment, and although the soldiers of the Phantom Regiment were a little dazed, they did not understand why Foyego gave up such a good opportunity to attack.

However, under the influence of the power of defeat, they regarded Foyego as a god, and still carried out Foyego's orders resolutely.

In an instant, the Shadow Battle Group transformed into a defensive circle, giving way to a large space for blocking, which also provided valuable time for the Demacia army.

Demacia's legions also moved quickly.

The soldiers of the two legions, led by Tiana, formed a scattered formation, withstanding the pressure of the ten regiments from Noxus on the front line.

Of course, such behavior is undoubtedly suicidal.

Now these two legions, with a combined strength of less than four thousand men, are facing more than ten times the enemy.

It won't be long before these two legions are surrounded and annihilated by Noxus.

Most of the Demacia soldiers had detoured backwards from the flanks of the Shadow Battle Regiment, apparently ready to retreat.

Only a small number of Demacia soldiers are still entangled with the Shadow Order.

Because the Yu Shadow Battle Group suddenly contracted its formation and changed to a defensive state, the retreat of the Demacia Legion was not disturbed in any way.

The battlefield is changing rapidly.

After leaving another thousand people to entangle the Shadow Battle Group as a price.

Demacia's side left a total of 5,000 men as the queen, and then began to retreat to the rear in an orderly manner.

After a while, a thousand Demacia soldiers had been completely destroyed by the Shadow Battle Group.

By this time, the battlefield had been divided into four segments.

At the forefront, it is Noxus that is pressed by the whole army.

Followed by Tiana, who led the two legion halls. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After Tiana, there is the Shadow Battle Group that maintains a defensive formation.

Finally, it was the main forces of Demacia who withdrew from the battlefield under the leadership of Galen.

After withdrawing from the battlefield, Demacia's main army apparently had no intention of lingering and quickly retreated.

For a while, only Tiana was left to be caught between the Shadow Battle Group and the main force of Noxus.

And in the face of the retreat of Demacia's main forces, Foyego did not have the slightest intention of pursuing.

Instead, he ordered the Shadow Regiment to raid the two legions behind Demacia from the rear.

Under this situation, the two legions led by Tiana were naturally completely destroyed without the slightest suspense.

A trace of the residual sun of dusk fell on this cruel battlefield.

Blood has already stained this land red, and against the background of this dusk and residual sun, this battlefield looks even more miserable.........

Tiana's hand holding the sword was already trembling a little at the moment.

She couldn't remember how many enemy soldiers she had slashed and killed, or whether the blood on her body belonged to her own or the enemy.

Tiana looked at the light of the setting sun at dusk and had only one thought in her mind.

"Galen must have left with the warriors."

Yes, Tiana did everything she could, just to delay Galen with a little more time to retreat.

It was this belief that kept Tiana fighting until dusk.

Around Tiana, only the last of Demacia's soldiers remained.

Without exception, they were covered in blood.

Tiana looked around, and the dense crowd of Noxus soldiers had surrounded them.

At this moment, I am afraid that even the birds will not want to fly away from here.

Even the Noxus soldiers, who had always been known for their unstinting behavior, could not show the slightest respect for Tiana in front of them at this moment.

This is a respectable enemy and a great commander.

Not all commanders have the ultimate understanding to stay behind at critical moments.


"You will be treated favorably by the Empire."

A leader of the Noxus Regiment slowly spoke.

With the peculiarities of Tiana's identity, surrender will definitely save a death.


But who knew that when she heard this, Tiana suddenly smiled, and she smiled particularly heartily.

"Demacia, although you are dead!" 4.0 She roared up to the sky, like the unyielding roar of a male lion fighting a pack of wolves when he was about to die.

"Demacia, although you are dead!"

The few remaining Demacia soldiers echoed Tiana's cry, raising their swords with their eyes full of unyielding fire.


At that moment, Tiana raised her sword and led several soldiers behind her to launch a final charge.

And in front of them are thousands of enemies in the north.


Not surprisingly, dozens of weapons of all kinds pierced Tiana's body.

An indescribable regret flashed in Tiana's eyes, and then she slowly closed her eyes to welcome the arrival of death.

--Tiana. Crown Guard.

The Grand Marshal of the Kingdom of Demacia, where the legendary life came to an end.

This huge battle between the two military powers finally came to an official end.

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