As the party marched to the gates of the Immortal Fortress, Foyego leaped down from the "gentle township" on horseback.

He walked slowly towards Svein and came to the front of the escort team.

The crowd of greeters in front of the city gate looked at it from afar, and they couldn't help but praise a young and promising person.

The white-haired young man in front of him was dressed in black armor, and a plain black long sword was tied to his waist.

Such attire can be seen everywhere in the empire, but for some reason there is an inexplicable power when it appears on him.

At first, Svein's gaze towards Foyego still had a bit of scrutiny, but with the same glance just now.

He already knew that this "young man" was not simple.

At least in terms of strength, this young man is by no means inferior to Svein.

Although Foyego's rise to the throne was mainly due to the confrontation at the top of the empire and Foyego's own intrigue.

Among them, Foyego's own achievements are also obvious to all.

Although during Foyego's rise to power, Svein played only a compromise role.

But this does not mean that Svein does not recognize Foyego's exploits.

Capture the Crown Prince of the Imperial Enemy, defeat the Fearless Vanguard, and kill the enemy Generalissimo!

This battle merit is here, impeccable.

Soon, Foyego walked in front of Svein.

The status of the two is completely equal, at least at this moment, so naturally there is no need to compliment each other over 740.

In Shangwu's Noxus, there are not many mortal festivals.

"Li Ang. Gures. "

Foyego slowly extended his right hand towards Svein, first conveyed his goodwill, and then reported his name.

Although the two have long known each other's identities, this is indeed the first official meeting between the two.

Exchanging names is a necessary courtesy.

"Svein. Jericho. "

Nor did Svein embarrass Foyego as he did in the novel.

Instead, he just solemnly stretched out his hand to shake Foyego, and at the same time reported his life.

Svein did not know that in the treacherous political situation of the empire at this time, this person named Li Ang. What role exactly is the man of Gures playing.

As for the position of this upstart of the empire, Svein still needs to make observations before making judgments.

"General Svein's name is thunderous."

"I've admired it for a long time."

"I think we still need to communicate more about the current situation in the empire."

Foyego seemed to have a deep meaning, and his words also made a strange look flash in Svein's eyes.

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts flashed in Svein's heart.

If you can climb to this position, you can never be uninvolved behind you.

Behind every imperial general, there are forces that are either supported or relied on.

On the surface, Leon's ascension came from Emistan's promotion and the acquiescence of the aristocratic faction.

Although the kick at the door relies on the always transparent general gallon, who knows if there is a deeper deal behind this?

Throughout the empire, Svein was a faction of his own, and did not make peace with the aristocracy of Amistan or the Haas of the plebeian faction.

He was born into a noble family, but eventually became a warrior.

Therefore, Svein can have a good prestige in the high command of the empire.

It stands to reason that Foyego, who is at the top at this time, should be in the same camp as the aristocratic faction to which Amistan belongs.

But for some reason, Foyego's words were releasing kindness to Svein.

Although he couldn't understand Foyego's meaning for a while, he quickly reacted and casually said politely.

"Since General Li Ang has this idea, of course he can."

Hearing this, Foyego no longer entangled, just smiled indifferently, and then shook hands with the other two generals beside Svein in turn.

It seems that everything just now is just acting spontaneously.

After giving each other basic introductions, several people talked about business.

The purpose of this trip to Foyego was to escort Gavin IV to the Immortal Fortress.

Now that it has arrived at the place, this Venerable Crown Prince of Demacia naturally needs to be handed over to the corresponding people.

Svein and others came here to greet him, on the one hand, out of praise for the meritorious ministers, and on the other hand, to accept the escort of Gavin IV from Foyego.

At this time, Foyego's task was completed.

Next, Gavin IV would be guarded by a general named Haas.

This Haas general in the empire has always been known for his rigor and meticulousness. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The importance of Gavin IV is naturally needless to say.

Therefore, in the means of detaining and imprisoning Jiawen IV, the empire naturally will not relax in the slightest.

In addition to assigning the general Haas to guard it, there were also four imperial cabinet magicians, eight warriors of the golden rank, and hundreds of Praetorian Guards guarding Gavin IV step by step.

The restrictive magic on Jiawen IV was not lifted at all times, for fear that once there was a little slack, Jiawen IV would directly commit suicide.

Haas's detention and guarding of Gavin will continue until the end of the trial of Gavin IV by General Darkwell.

Wait until the diplomatic negotiations between the Empire and the Kingdom of Demacia reach a reasonable result, and then decide whether Gavin IV will be killed or released.

"Then General Haas, please next."

Foyego smiled at Haas, and then motioned for the men escorting the cage to get the cage of Jiawen out of the car.

"General Li Ang is serious, he is obligated to do everything for the empire!"

Haas nodded with a serious face, with a hard-line military style.


"General Haas doesn't have to be nervous."

"There is no doubt about the strength of the prison created by the empire, not to mention the power of magic on it."

As if seeing that Haas was too serious, Foyego laughed softly, and at the same time gently reached out and knocked on a pillar on the cage.

This action is very natural, and it seems that it really is just casual.


"It's not that I'm too nervous."

Haas still had an unsmiling expression, and did not slacken in the slightest because of Foyego's words.

Seeing Haas like this, Foyego didn't say more, just watched Haas go away.

The reason why this Haas general was cold was largely inseparable from the influence of Emistan.

Because Foyego was promoted by Emistan, Haas naturally thought that Foyego was a general of the rival faction.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Haas will have some cold attitude.

Foyego didn't care about this, but just showed a meaningful smile.

I hope that after this Haas is punished by him, his expression can still be so indifferent.

Gavin IV's use of Foyego naturally did not know how it was possible to hand it over to the empire so easily.

It's a good show, but it's just beginning.

The second half of Foyego's trip was a bit dusty, and he would have received an audience from the great general Darkwell, but at this time Darkwell did not mean to summon Foyego.

So it became accompanied by several generals of the Empire's Supreme Command, and the few people just socialized with each other for a while, and then dispersed.

Foyego was then free to organize his actions.

As commander of the Eastern Front, Foyego's immediate duty was to guard the defense of the Eastern Front.

In theory, Foyego should have rushed back to the Eastern Front immediately.

But now the great general Darkwell does not pay attention to political affairs, and other generals are on the same level as him, so naturally they are not qualified to dictate.

As long as there are no major problems on the Eastern Front, no one in the Empire will care about Foyego's "desertion".

In fact, Foyego was not alone at this time.

This kind of "desertion" has become the norm in the empire.

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