Gures House.

As Foyego's position within the empire became more secure, his cooperation with Vladimir deepened.

The entire Gurez family was also completely included in Foyego's sphere of influence by Vladimir.

This is a little "small gift" for the cooperation between the two.

Foyego did not try to find out how many people in the Gures family mansion were black rose eyeliner.

Because this behavior is meaningless.

Black Rose only needs to think that unless the Gures family no longer needs a maid, it will be easily infiltrated.

The Gurez house is just a residence for Foyego, and there is no need for restrictions.

At night, a wisp of gray mist drifted down the window into a lavishly decorated bedroom.

In the room, a white-haired young man dressed in the costume of an imperial general sat in the room with an indifferent expression, indifferent to the gray mist that appeared a little eerie in front of him.

Soon, the gray mist condensed into a human figure.

"Calista, called."

The female general dressed in armor stood proudly on the side, just faintly greeting Foyego.

The words were neither humble nor arrogant, and they did not show the utmost respect for Foyego like Karthus.

But even then, Foyego didn't care.

After all, this child has this arrogant temper, and it is really incurable.

In terms of loyalty, I am afraid that Calista is still the No.1 under him.

"Calista, I summoned you because I have something for you to do."

Foyego said lightly, with a bit of gentleness in his tone.


Hearing this, Calista only turned her head and expressed neither refusal nor objection.

Foyego shook his head a little in tears, knowing that this meant that Calista had acquiesced.

"Go find Karthus, he'll show you how."

"I still trust your abilities."

"I'm a little uneasy about leaving this to someone else."

Foyego said softly again.

Hearing this, although Kalista was quiet on the surface, the soul fire in her eyes suddenly rose a little.

Obviously, in the face of Foyego's praise and recognition, her heart is still relatively happy.

"Okay, I'll help you"

After leaving a word, Calista turned into a gray mist again and disappeared in place.

Foyego showed an undeniable expression to this.

With the arrival of Calista, a good show is staged inside the Immortal Fortress.

And from the general trend of the empire, this may be the last trace of calm before the storm.

After arranging the task, Foyego also had a rare little leisure.

Thinking of this, Foyego showed an inexplicable smile.

In the dimly lit room, a sweet-looking, lazy and charming beauty lit the lights of the mansion.

She stretched her body lazily, and her delicate body was full of touching charm.

In every sense, this is an impeccable beauty.

Whether in terms of appearance or figure, Cassiopeia is the most dazzling of the imperial courtesan.

Cassiopeia glanced back at the man on the bed who slept like a dead pig, and a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

The commander of the Immortal Fortress Garrison Legion is just that.

Then, after Cassiopeia dressed neatly and rearranged her makeup, she looked at her beautiful face in the mirror, and she smiled with satisfaction.

Then she flew away like a butterfly.

It was clear that she had gotten everything she wanted in this man. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although it was late at night, Cassiopeia still rushed home without stopping.

Because next, there is one more important thing for her to do.

Prevent. The huge mansion of the Kekao family is full of gloomy and indifferent feelings at the moment.

Cassiopeia twisted her enchanting figure and stepped into this cold home.

Among the upper nobles of the empire, there are few noble families with real kinship, which is born out of the forest law of the empire.

But in the midst of this, Du. The Kekao family is definitely one of the most cold and ruthless of them all.

Cassiopeia naturally has no nostalgia for this cold home, but it is precisely because she was born into this illustrious family that she can support the vanity in her heart.

It is also the only bond that maintains between her and this cold family.

The four members of the family don't have time to get together most of the time.

Du at this time. The Kekao home should still be empty.

And as Cassiopea stepped into the living room, a hint of surprise suddenly flashed on her cheeks.

But soon it was a touch of visceral contempt.

Because in Du . In the empty living room of the Kekao family, a thin figure sat in the room, seemingly reminiscing about something.

"My dear sister, a hero on the battlefield on the Eastern Front."

"Du. The glory of the Kekao family. "

"Why did you suddenly come back, and you didn't say hello to your sister, so that your sister could meet the great hero of the family in advance."

Cassiopeya said seemingly affectionately, but the "tea" between the words was almost overflowing.

In fact, the irony in Cassiopeia's words is almost overflowing.

Because Katerina, she has already turned her back on Du. Kekao.

At present, this matter is still in top secret, and few people who are qualified to know know about it.

And Cassiopeia can get such information, naturally it is extremely difficult.

As soon as her words fell, a dagger stopped in front of Cassiopeia's throat, and just an inch further could cut her white neck.

Katerina's face was extremely cold, and she did not show any mercy because of the blood on the woman in front of her.

Or, it was precisely because of this blood relationship that Katerina did not simply cut Cassiopeia's neck directly.

The smile on Cassiope's cheeks was gradually replaced by coldness, and a dagger was set up around her neck, and she naturally couldn't laugh.

The eyes of the two looked at each other in the dark, and they saw the disgust in each other's eyes and discarded it. (Good, good, good)

These two sisters have lived as each other's most hated looks.

In Katerina's opinion, Cassiopeia is almost no different from a street prostitute.

Her private life was rotten, and the men she slept with could almost form a legion.

It will only sell coquettish tea and tea language, which is a complete slut.

Being sisters to such a woman was simply a shame for Katerina.

And in the eyes of Cassiopeia, how is it not so.

Katerina's talent and excellence deeply stung Cassiopeia, and the two had similar faces but vastly different talents.

From childhood to adulthood, Cassiopea was far inferior to Katerina, except for a slight appearance of Katerina.

If she could, Cassiopea would also want to bask in glory and approval.

But the reality can only allow her to sell her body to get the opportunity to advance.

And for some deeper reason, Cassiopea also had to be an enemy of Katerina.

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