Looking up to the sky and laughing out the door, my generation is a basil person.

Anyway, Leon. Gures's distinct personality and stance have made him famous at the top of the empire or at the grassroots level of the empire.

After Foyego's departure, Darkwell's face remained gloomy like the rainy season.

He didn't say another word, just sat gloomy in place.

It was Mars who read out the battle arrangements that Darkwell had made before.

Finally, there is also a most critical issue.

That is - who should be the commander of this expedition.

When it came to this issue, everyone was silent.

Judging from the current deployment of troops, there are already fourteen battle regiments, plus the entire strength of the Imperial Navy.

Together, these forces have totalled more than 50,000 men.

Leading such a large army to fight across the sea requires extremely strong military literacy.

Plus, everyone knows it, it's definitely a chore.

In the lack of logistics, cross-sea operations, naval weakness ....... With the cumulative blessing of a series of problems and so on, it is really too difficult to win.

Theoretically, this dispatch should be led by Darkwell himself.

Only now, the great general did not say a word, and obviously had no intention of driving his own conquest.

So, who is the right place to go?

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Svein. Jericho's body.

That's right, that's how ironic it is.

A group of main war factions, and finally need an anti-war faction to lead the battle.

This result may seem absurd, but it is inevitable for the empire.

In terms of military literacy and command ability, everyone present was no match for Svein.

In terms of personal strength, Svein is a real legendary powerhouse.

In terms of identity background, Svein was born into a high-ranking nobleman and a general who stood out from the ranks of the grassroots soldiers.

Svein. Jericho is the perfect candidate.

And others?

The generals of the aristocratic faction lacked popularity at the grassroots level and lacked corresponding military literacy.

The generals of the commoner faction could not trust the generals of the upper echelons of the empire and the aristocratic faction, and they were afraid that people would be stabbed in the back.

Only Svein can do this.


Everyone was silent, waiting for Darkwell to speak.

At this time, it seems that only Darkwell used his identity as a general to order Svein, which is the only solution that can be said in the past.

Without waiting for Darkwell to speak.


"In this battle, I will be the commander."

Svein spoke slowly, and the expression on his face was neither sad nor joyful.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and they looked at Svein with some disbelief.

It can be said that from the time Svein sat at this table today, he was the object of all their calculations.

But now, Svein took the initiative to jump into their trap.

Why is that?

"Everyone, I probably already understand what you think."

"I will go out this time not for power, not for fame, let alone to realize your ambitions."

"I'm just for - this battered empire."

Svein slowly got up and said word by word.

Yes, Svein can refuse this mission to unite the army, if he is excluded, he does not know about the return to the field.

With the strength of his legendary powerhouse, where can the world go?

But Svein wouldn't do that.

Noxus will never choose to escape.

The current situation is already so difficult, if Svein does not go, who can send this seemingly huge empire?

Haas? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A general who has no roots in the upper echelons of the empire will not only be restrained once he becomes the commander-in-chief, but he is afraid that he will be emptied in three or two strokes.

At that time, the nobles then made a fortune in war, and after defeat they pushed Haas out as a scapegoat.

Some general from the noble faction?

Waste without military literacy, once the war begins, will inevitably be a river of blood.

And this blood - I'm afraid it's all Noxians.

The army of 50,000 went out to fight, and I don't know if it will be enough for a third of them to return by then.

So Svein . Who exactly is Jericho for?

He is for the glory of the empire for thousands of years, for every soldier who is about to go to war, for the wives and children waiting in the homes of these soldiers.........

He - just for Noxus.

Svein walked slowly and firmly towards the door of the conference room, leaving only a resolute back.

Looking at Svein's back, even several members of the Black Rose had a hint of complexity in their eyes.

Darkwell broke the last spine of Noxus.

And they, pumped the last humerus of the empire.

Suddenly, they thought of the arrogant and lonely back of the young man, and at this moment, the backs of the two seemed to overlap.

"If the empire still has a future, then it must be in these two people."

Everyone secretly sighed in their hearts.

At this moment, no one paid attention to the mediocre man sitting in the first place, the dying old man.

Empire, after all, is the empire of the imperial people.

And not - the empire of Darkwell.

Although Foyego left, he kept observing the situation in the conference room with his senses.

Seeing that Svein had agreed to go to Ionia, he knew that the tide was set.

Svein is once again back on the wheel of fate.

The Empire would be defeated in the war against Ionia.

Coach Svein was also crippled by Blade Will Irelia cutting off an arm.

Then, when Svein returns to the Empire, he will receive a forbidden force in the depths of the Immortal Fortress.

Reborn from the ashes, he overthrew Darkwell and became the Grand Commander of Noxus.

Form the Trilifa Council of Three and bring the empire to a new life.

If in Birji Water, Sarah is the "daughter of destiny".

Then in the empire, Svein is undoubtedly the "child of destiny".

It's just that compared to the clarity of the situation in Birjiwater, the situation in the empire is much more complicated.

Now that the dust has settled, Foyego has tasted something.

The people who do this game are very clever.

At the moment, Svein is clearly calculated by the person behind the game (Li De's).

A glint flashed in Foyego's eyes.

Then let him see who can be superior in this chessboard.

This is a magical latitude, no matter how many times you come here, the moment you enter here, you feel as if you have left the original time and space.

The three Fang Cai were still in good spirits, pointing out Jiang Shan at the imperial commander's meeting, and scolding Fang Xuan's generals, their faces were full of respect and humility at this moment.

As the three of them got deeper and deeper, the scene inside also changed dramatically.

It was a purple space, and pale mirrors could be seen everywhere.

The edges of the mirror are made of black rosettes.

The three saw their reflections in the mirror.

It's just that the reflection in these mirrors looks like it makes people shudder.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a purple shadow flashing in the mirror, which made people feel shocked.

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