Everyone's gaze looked to the side, and they saw a handsome young man appear at the end of their gaze.

Compared to the beautiful man with a somewhat feminine aura before, the young man who appears now is a completely different style.

The plain black dress worn on his body showed a bit of indescribable nobility.

The handsome face and straight posture made many noble girls who came to participate in the banquet brighten.

They whispered to their companions on their sides about the origin of the young man at the moment.

But most of the answers were ignorance.

After the heir of Zhuofeith saw the comer, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.


"Leon, my friend!"

"You're finally here, it's really good to keep me waiting."

Zophyss took a step forward and greeted the youth, his attitude was extremely close and enthusiastic.

Seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of a kind of nobleman.

I don't know who that young man really was, and he was so close to the heir of the Zophys family.

The man lovingly held the young man's hand, and the two walked side by side, the equally handsome but each with their own faces caused the noble girls below to be a burst of idiocy.

When the two walked to the main seat, the feminine man slowly spoke.

"I, Vladimir . Zophys hereby hereby solemnly introduces you. "

"This is my best friend."

"Li Ang with great combat merits. General Gures. "

"Everyone must be familiar with it."

Vladimir said with a smile to everyone in front of him.

As Vladimir's voice fell, there was soon a commotion in the audience.

Leon. The daimyo of Gures had long since spread throughout the upper echelons of the empire during this time.

It's just that most people don't have the opportunity to see the "true face of Lushan".

Today, it was the first time the imperial upstart made a public appearance.

It's just that I didn't expect it, but it was because of participating in the inheritance banquet of the Zophys family.

At that moment, countless noble girls set their eyes on Foyego's body, secretly calculating in their hearts how to go up and talk.

The other nobles who did not know secretly guessed in their hearts when these two parties suddenly caught the line.

Leon. Gures now commands the eastern front of the empire, which means that he has plenty of opportunities for promotion.

Many nobles thought of being able to catch Li Ang. Gures this line, as an opportunity for the children of the family to gain fame.

Right now, Li Ang. The sudden appearance of Gures is an excellent opportunity for these people.

Foyego and Vladimir looked at each other and saw a smile in each other's eyes.

The reason why he appeared here was invited by Vladimir to participate in his "comeback evening ~ banquet".

"Oh, my dear nephew, why not come to this rare pastime?"

And the so-called "thousand-year-old nobleman" Zofith is just a plaything in the hands of Vladimir.

Vladimir intends to use the identity of Zofith to re-operate in the upper echelons of the empire.

In Vladimir's exact words, probably.

Anyway, there is nothing important in hand now, and Foyego does not mind taking this opportunity to continue to build a deep relationship with Vladimir.

So he gave Vladimir a face and came directly.

Behind the scenes, let's not mention what kind of dirtiness the two have.

At this time, this move undoubtedly completely exposed the cooperative relationship between the two on the stage of the empire.

This means that in the future, the apparent identities of the two in the empire will be closely linked together.

This can be regarded as another layer of guarantee for the cooperation between the two.

"Vladimir, my dear friend."

"I extend my sincerest wishes to you."

"Under your leadership, the Zophys family will definitely go to a new height." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Foyego said with a smile, but there seemed to be a hint of something different in his eyes.


"Each other."

Vladimir laughed loudly, and then beckoned to the waiter beside him.

Soon, the waiter walked quickly with two quilts containing Yin red wine.

Vladimir took a cup of his own and handed another to Foyego beside him.

"At this moment, let's serve the empire for tomorrow."

"Drink this cup!"

Vladimir raised the wine glass in his hand high and said in a high-pitched voice.

"Honor the empire!"

After repeating the toast in unison, the nobles below drank the wine in their hands.

Vladimir looked down at the crowd below, his eyes looking like he was looking at a group of dolls at the mercy of others.

Only when he looked at Foyego on the side, his eyes brought a hint of deep meaning.

The ceremony soon began to be held officially, under the gaze of the large and small nobles of the empire.

An old gentleman with slightly gray hair handed Vladimir a token symbolizing the position of the head of the Zofis family.

This old gentleman is naturally the previous head of the family of Zhuofis.

Since then, it has also officially represented the surrender of his rights to this "young descendant".

It's just that what everyone didn't notice was that the old gentleman looked at the "young descendant" with a trace of reverence and awe in his eyes.

As the dust fell, amid the applause of the crowd, the cocktail party officially entered the core stage.

The melodious music sounded again, and the nobles took their favorite dance partners and walked into the center of the castle to start dancing.

And tonight, the focus on the dance floor is undoubtedly focused on the young master of Zophys.

In addition, there is the upstart of the empire who has made great achievements.

Countless delicate noble girls surrounded Foyego and Vladimir in the center, competing for a chance to dance together.

In the face of the enthusiasm of the girls, Foyego was obviously surprised by Foyego's reasoning.

It is worthy of being an extremely open Noxus, and these noble girls do not have the concept of "reserved" at all.

Even Foyego was a little overwhelmed for a while. (Li Hao Zhao)

On the other side, Vladimir not only seems to be a little comfortable, but even has a hint of "fun in it".

At first glance, it is LSP.

At that moment, Foyego hurriedly "killed the siege", and then casually found an excuse and left the table.

As time passed, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth.

Foyego was on one of the castle's terraces, looking down at the dancing men and women below.

If you dance to the top, you can see a couple hugging each other and walking away.

Naturally, there is no need to say what their purpose is.

Foyego sighed secretly in his heart, sure enough, such an atmosphere was not suitable for him.

It's better to go back early to accompany your delicate rose.

Just as Foyego was about to "say goodbye without saying goodbye", suddenly he stopped.

Because an extremely charming girl is slowly coming towards this terrace.

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