A large pale attribute of terrifying power escaped from Gavin IV's body.

Suddenly promoted to legend, this skyrocketing power made him a little difficult to adapt to for a while.

An incomparably powerful feeling arose from the bottom of Gavin IV's heart.

Yes, now he is very powerful!

Enemies who were so strong that Fang Cai could easily take his life could no longer be an obstacle to him.

A legendary powerhouse insists on running, and I am afraid that few people can stop it.

The power mobilized by Haas is indeed theoretically enough to go head-to-head with a legendary powerhouse.

But the premise is that the other party and you are in the front of the hard steel.

If the legendary powerhouse wants to run, Haas has no means to effectively block the other party.

Fang Cai, which was still a magical enchantment for Jiawen IV, has now become a fragile barrier that can be broken through at any time.

Gavin IV clenched the pure white crystal in his hand.

Anger did not wash away the mind of Gavin IV, he was not stupid, and there was a stalemate here.

Not only will he not be able to take revenge, but he will soon fall into the quagmire of being surrounded.

While the opponent is still a little caught off guard now, it is only right to flee quickly.


Subsequently, Gavin IV used all his strength and poured it into his fist.

Then aim at the ground and smash your fist down.

"Bump !!"

Gavin IV's fist collided with the earth, making a dull sound.

"Boom !!!" 797 Pale Power burst out from the surface, and in an instant, the ground around it began to shake.

Under the tremor of the earth, the team of imperial cabinet mages who were casting spells were disturbed one after another.

At the same time, the pale power that erupted from the surface directly bombarded the purple light curtain.


The sound of glass shattering appeared above the purple light curtain.

In the next second, the purple light turned into debris and floated in the air.

Seeing that the magic enchantment had been removed, Gavin IV no longer hesitated, and looked in one direction to escape.

This succession of changes made Haas blinded.

Could it be that the prince of Demacia really has a natural noble breed?

Or is Jiawen IV the legendary "web pig's foot", every desperate situation can encounter the "mysterious grandfather" off-site rescue.

The seemingly stupid behavior of Jiawen IV actually attracted the presence of a god!

In the perspective of Haas and others, everything that happened seems to take a long time, but it is only a short moment.

From the time Foyego debuted to the time he exited, it was only three minutes at most.

Except for a few loud laughs from Foyego, the rest of the conversation, Haas and the others did not know.

Because Foyego naturally will not make everything public just now.

Haas could only tell from the actions of Fangcai Gavin IV that he was praying for something to the god who suddenly appeared, and then the god left.

Gavin IV turned into a legend?

The worst thing is that before the blink of an eye, the situation took a sharp turn.

The girl who was used to restrain Gavin IV also suddenly drew her sword and committed suicide.

Now, Gavin IV, who has legendary strength, is like a lion that escaped from a zoo.

Haas couldn't believe it, let alone understand it.

However, all this in front of us is a true fact.

Haas was furious, he could not bear such an end!!

He pulled out the tomahawk he was carrying behind him, and suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of Gavin IV.

No matter what, he will also stop Gavin IV from fleeing!

And what about legends?

This inexplicable legend must be fake!

It's all a trick!

The sudden stimulation has made Haas lose his cool.

Haas's originally stereotypical face was now full of hideousness and madness.

Jiawen IV looked at Haas, who suddenly jumped in front of him to stop him, and a trace of cold killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He did not go to Haas to take revenge, but the other party was the first to send it to the door.

Anna's death can be said to have been single-handedly contributed to Haas.

Now that Haas is sent to the door to find death, Gavin IV does not mind directly taking revenge first. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Haas picked up the eight-foot-long giant axe in his hand and slashed through the air for a full moon.

The blood-red luster flashed on the blade of the giant axe, and a trace of fierceness flashed in Haas's eyes.

This battle-hardened civilian (CJCI) general is the result of his well-honed combat skills today.

In the past, on the battlefield, Haas's blood-colored giant axe cut off many heads of Demacians.

Today, this blood-colored axe blade was finally aimed at the prince of the Demacians.

Only this time, it is not destined to be as easy as usual.

Jiawen IV pulled out the long sword on the ground, and the pale power burst out from the blade, and the strong force even pierced the ground directly along the blade.

Although it looks extremely terrifying, this is actually a manifestation of Gavin IV's inability to control this legendary force.

Gavin IV swung his sword against Haas's giant axe and slashed it with one sword.

The pale sword collided with the scarlet axe.


A dull crash came from the collision of the long sword and the giant axe.


Haas's eyes were blood-red, he no longer had any luck, he now just wanted to behead Gavin IV in front of him.

It's just that the giant axe swing that was invincible in the past is difficult to advance this time.

The eyes of the two looked at each other, one crazy and the other cold.

Gavin IV's continuous power comes from the legendary level of ruin, and the blood-colored giant axe that overwhelms Haas little by little.

"Nope! That's impossible! "

A flash of incredible madness flashed in Haas's eyes.

"Click, click..."

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from Haas's giant axe.

The madness in Haas's eyes gradually turned into fear.

A pale force spread from the longsword in Gavin IV's hand to Haas's blood-colored giant axe.

The pale crack spread like this on the giant axe in Haas's hand.

"Not !!!"

Haas roared, but in the current struggle, Haas was powerless to retreat.

Because this is destined to be a desperate fight, Haas can only continue to pour his strength in the hope of slashing through the neck of Gavin IV with the blade of the axe before it collapses.

For Haas's best efforts, Gavin IV's eyes were only cold.

"Do you only have this little power?"

The cold words reached Haas's ears, and Haas looked at the enemy prince in front of him, his eyes stunned.

Because the other party's face turned out to be so calm.

"In that case, let's die!"

"This sword is for Anna!!"

Jiawen IV suddenly roared, and the pale light on the long sword turned a little blazing!


Haas exclaimed.

The next moment, the blood-colored giant axe completely burst apart.

The long sword slashed through Haas's neck.

A huge human head flew directly into the air.

A look of pleasure flashed in Gavin IV's eyes.

"Anna, I avenged you..."

Gavin IV put away his sword, and then casually swung a sword, and the pale force forced back the imperial soldiers who stepped forward.

He then fled towards an encircled gap.

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