The impact of this scene in front of him on Jagu is undoubtedly huge.

Mysterious and solemn divinity, noble and elegant royal power, magnificent female emperor.

This made Jagu, who is accustomed to technology and parliament, feel a little shocked.

At the same time, he knows what that means.

Generally speaking, no dictator wants his authority to be constrained.

In the eyes of most people in power, whether it is a civil lord or a theocracy.

These are just tools used to maintain his legitimate rule.

No one in power wants to give their power to so-called "gods" or anything else.

And now, in this palace.

What did Jagu see?

It turns out that the belief of this god is not only deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, I am afraid that this female emperor is his most devout believer.

For a king would never allow him to look up to other beings where he exercises power.

And now, the statue behind the female emperor undoubtedly says it all.

Thinking of this, Jia Gu's heart tightened slightly, knowing that he must not show half of his disrespect for this god in front of the other party.

"Jagu. Myrdarda. "

"I have seen Your Majesty."

Jia Gu stepped forward slowly and leaned over to salute.

This etiquette in Pi City means friendship and respect.

His movements carry a kind of upper-class gentlemanly charm unique to Picheng, and he looks neither humble nor promiscuous.

While saluting, Jia Gu was also looking at the female emperor.

Whether it is his overly young and beautiful face, or his magnificent temperament and figure, Jia Gu is amazed.

"I don't know what kind of man is worthy of such a woman."

Jia Gu said secretly in his heart.

"No need to be polite, Mr. Midalda."

Sarah looked at the well-dressed and polite man in front of her and said lightly.

The tone of the voice is like a breeze swimming in the clouds of the sky, maintaining a long distance from the world.

Sarah called Jagu's surname, naturally, not because of how close the relationship was.

This title can be understood as the attention and recognition of the other family, which can be regarded as an alienated respect.

Noble, proud, beautiful, majestic........

It was this doomed female emperor who gave Jagu the impression.

"Your Majesty, please forgive my presumptuousness."

"I think you already know what I mean."

"I think the Hextech of Picheng will definitely be able to bring sufficient convenience to your country."

Jagu didn't talk nonsense, and he went straight to the theme.

It's not that Jia Gu doesn't understand people, but Jia Gu has almost absolute confidence in Hex.

The female emperor in front of him is not a fool, so Jia Guben did not plan to come so many twists and turns.

For Jagu's such a direct question, Sarah's eyes flickered slightly, and she naturally had a plan in her heart.

During this time, Sarah underwent drastic reforms within Birgiwater.

The most important of these is the restructuring of the military.

With a large amount of money, most of the original ships were abandoned by Sarah.

All customized into new warships with different classes and different divisions of labor.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, Sarah is completely at all costs in terms of weapons and equipment.

Although on the surface, it seems extremely backward.

Neither technology nor magic is outstanding.

But the level of shipbuilding in Bigang, as well as the level of artillery manufacturing, is absolutely second to none in the entire Runeterra.

Under the large-scale restructuring and rearmament, the Bilgewater Navy can be said to be a shotgun for a gun.

At the moment, there is still a number of problems.

That's the power of battleships.

Traditional sail warships are naturally not desirable.

Then if you want to improve, you can only choose between "magic" or "technology".

Naturally, there is no need to say who to choose.

The scarcity and high cost of magic are not suitable for popularization in ordinary armies.

The result can only be to use Piltoverv's technological route to upgrade the battleship's power system.

In the early years, Sarah's flagship Doom used a continuous boiler from Zuan, which completely crushed the sail warships of ordinary pirates.

And now such a large-scale procurement, naturally can no longer be as simple as when the Doom was made.

This has risen to the level of "state affairs".

It has to be said that Jagu's business sense is indeed keen.

It was like asking about a shark with the smell of blood, and when Sarah was just about to make a large-scale purchase, Jagu hunted for the smell and killed it.

On the surface, Sarah has what she needs, Jagu has something for sale, and everything seems to be happy.

But that's not the case at all.

Sarah's eyes flashed with a twinkle.

Is she still that ignorant silly girl?

"Mr. Myrdada, I have read your letter."

"If, as you say in your letter, the product you provide is really good."

"But you need to know that the decision of anything needs to be carefully decided."

"What's more, it's such a big thing, so you don't have to be irritable first."

The female emperor said unhurriedly, her beautiful face was filled with the majesty of the emperor, making people unable to see her joy or anger at all.

In this regard, Jagu's grip on the cane tightened a little.

He was a little blind, originally he thought that the opponent of this confrontation was just a "local tyrant barbarian chief", but he did not expect that he would greatly underestimate the opponent.

A hint of depth flashed in Jagu's eyes.

It is true that the core of Hex's power is indeed extremely technologically excellent, and it can even be said that no one can beat it.

But does it really have no drawbacks?

Of course there is. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

First, the cost of Hex's power core is not cheap, and second, as an extremely sophisticated technology, it must be regularly maintained.

In fact, selling the Hexpower core is only Jagu's initial plan.

What he cares more about is the follow-up "maintenance" business.

Hextech is extremely sophisticated and complex, and it is not at all something that the Birgywater people can understand.

So it must be maintained by Piltover's high-end scientific and technological talent.

In this way, the subsequent maintenance of Birgewater's battleship has become the business of Picheng "putting a long line to catch big fish".

Even with this beginning, Jia Gu, who has a technological advantage, can completely monopolize all equipment trade in Bigang step by step.

This is also the reason why Jagu is so eager to quickly sell the Hexpower core.

Because there is a more critical reason.

In terms of technology, it is not only Myrdda, or the high-class technology laboratory in Picheng.

Jagu. Myrdarda has this competitor.

That's from the bottom city - Zuan!

At the moment, what Jagu is most afraid of is that Sarah quietly establishes contact with the bottom city.

And now Sarah's attitude made Jagu think a lot at once.

The female emperor of Birgiwater was so fearless, did she already prepare for it?

Whether his guess is correct or not, there is always nothing wrong with the word night long dream.

"Your Majesty, your steadiness is admirable."

"But I don't know... How long do you need to think about it? "

"You know, it's not that I took the liberty to ask, but in Pi City, I still have a mess waiting for me to deal with."

Jagu still seemed very polite, but his words planted a soft nail for Sarah.

His meaning was also clear, it was nothing more than a move to retreat, and Jagu wanted to put pressure on Sarah.

"Mr. Myrdada, you have to be patient in everything, don't you."

"Don't worry, soon I will send someone to give you an accurate answer."

"I guess some things have to be fairer, don't they."

Sarah suddenly showed a smile, and this momentary style inevitably made people feel a little stagnant in their heartbeat.

But Jagu smelled a sense of confidence in everything in Sarah's smile.

Combined with the metaphors in Sarah's words, Jagu's heart sank to the bottom.

What is "fair"?

The word fairness is used only if there are competitors.

What Jagu feared the most happened.

And the one who competes with him will change from Sarah to an "old friend" that he may be extremely familiar with.

And this female emperor will become the winner of the profit.

A hint of depth flashed in Jagu's eyes, and the hand holding the cane became a little harder.

"In this way, I will wait for news from Your Majesty."

Jia Gu still said politely, and his appearance of demeanor was not compromised in the slightest.

"It's so good."

Sarah bowed her head slightly, then said nothing more, waved her hand and gave the eviction order.

Seeing this, Foxy immediately came to Jagu's body and raised his hand to lead the way.

Jia Gu took one last deep look at the peerless female emperor, and then turned and left.

After Jia Gu left, the female emperor sat alone on the throne for a long time.

Again, her gaze never left the affectionate eyes of the statue on the other side.

The statue of the god in front of her was arranged by the woman to carve with one hand.

And this can be regarded as the female emperor's unknown careful thoughts.

Because this is not only the god she believes in, but also her unswerving lover.

And who doesn't want to let their lover's affectionate eyes always look at them?

Even the female emperor is not exempt from vulgarity...


"It's been so long, and I don't know to come back to accompany me..."

The female emperor muttered, with an air of resentment in her words.

Looking at the eyes of this statue, there was also a little more bitterness.

Since Foyego went to the Noxus Empire to open the layout, she has not seen Foyego.

Now that I think about it, it's been almost a year since I parted.

Although by the connection of the power of ruin, and the gift of divinity.

Sarah can occasionally communicate with Foyego in a similar way "online".

But the female emperor is obviously not satisfied with this "long-distance online love".

The thoughts of my lover become more and more obvious every day, and this emotion gradually becomes more and more sour.


Sarah sighed faintly, ready to leave.

A dark shadow suddenly converged in the palace.

Then suddenly, her delicate body was taken into a generous embrace.

"My little queen, what is this for?"

A gentle voice with a hint of teasing reached Sarah's ears.

Sarah's delicate body suddenly trembled, and a burst of ecstasy suddenly appeared in her heart.

But the thought of Foyego "abandoning" her for so long, the female emperor's heart was sour again.

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