"This is an order, Legion Commander..."

The squadron leader seemed to understand Ruiwen's mood at the moment, as if comforting Ruiwen, and whispered a word.

Hearing this, Ruiwen didn't say a word, gritted her teeth and just turned her head.

A moment later, blood once again soaked this rich land..........

The battleship "Imperial Heart", the flagship of General Dugor, is also the main ship of the entire Imperial fleet.

At this moment, in front of the deck of this warship, Ruiwen was stopped outside.

"I want to see the general!!"

Ruiwen whispered, and it could be seen that she was trying her best to suppress the anger in her heart.

"The general ordered, without his order, he does not see anyone!"

The naval soldiers guarding the battleship ignored Ruiwen's anger and coldly blocked Ruiwen from the battleship.

Ruiwen clenched her fists, and the anger in her eyes seemed to be able to burn the soldiers in front of her.

It has been a whole week since landing in Garin Province.

Every day for a week, the soldiers have been carrying out repeated back-and-forth massacres.

This massacre was much deeper than it was in Philol.

At least at the time of Philol, Svein's military order forbade the massacre of prisoners and women and children.

And now, Dugor's order is - one does not stay!

Dugar is not just a simple straw bale, in his hands the Imperial Navy fleet still plays a certain role.

He would send part of his army in advance to ambush Garin's hinterland.

Then Dugor, who had a naval fleet in hand, took advantage of his ships and marched along the coast of the Garin province.

Everywhere the fleet went, all the artillery of the fleet was used to bombard the coast.

When the villages and cities along the coast are almost destroyed, then send out the army to catch up.

Eventually, the people who escaped from the villages and cities were driven to the army that had laid an ambush in advance.

It has to be said that Duguer's tactics of adopting 823 are quite effective.

Under this tactic, the results of the past week can also be regarded as "very brilliant".

Nearly a hundred villages along the Garin coast were all slaughtered, and not a single one remained!

Almost like Philol, the Ionians of Garin had difficulty organizing effective resistance, and the war situation showed a one-sided trend.

For General Duguer's strategy, Ruiwen has endured to the extreme.

This is massacre! This is by no means a conquest!

It's just that now, Ruiwen can't even see Duguer's face, let alone say what is in her heart in person.

"Get out of the way!!"

Ruiwen recalled the civilians who were slaughtered on the battlefield, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes again.

She angrily scolded the guard in front of her, and the strong aura close to the legendary level overwhelmed several soldiers in charge of the guard.

The guarding naval soldiers winked at each other and pulled out their weapons.

Seeing that a bloodshed was about to evolve here, suddenly a voice stopped all this from happening.

"Let her come up."

Hearing this sound, everyone's movements were suffocated, and then the tense atmosphere was eased.

Everyone naturally knows who this voice comes from.

Dugar stood on the deck, dressed in an imperial general's uniform and meticulously combed brown hair.

He looked at the female warrior who was clamoring to meet him with indifferent eyes, and a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

For the name of this female warrior, Duguer has heard something.

First, Ruiwen is now a corps commander, which can be regarded as a senior officer.

Second, Ruiwen's strength is well-known in the army, and it is not surprising that it reached Duguer's ears.

The soldier quickly gave way and let Ruiwen board the boat.

"Come with me, this is not the place to talk about things."

(Cjai) Duguer turned and walked towards the interior of the warship.

Ruiwen didn't make a sound, just bit her lip and followed behind Dugar without saying a word.

Not long after, Duguer took Ruiwen to an office located inside the ship.

Ruiwen looked at the furnishings around her, and couldn't help but frown a little.

Here are warships, and now it is also wartime.

Supposedly everything should be simple, but in the room inside this ship, Ruiwen saw an ultimate luxury.

A variety of precious ornaments decorate the area, and the walls of the room are inlaid with various precious spars.

These gemstones emit a soft and bright glow that makes it look like a king's bedroom.


"Say, what's the matter with me."

Dugar sat down on the chair wrapped in the fur of the rare beast, and raised his legs to ask Ruiwen.

For his style, Ruiwen couldn't help frowning a little, she just stood indifferently in place, without the slightest movement.

In addition to the dead Emistan, among the many generals of the empire, Ruiwen has known and contacted four generals.

The four of them have their own characteristics, but few are like Duguer, which makes Ruiwen have a sense of resistance from the bottom of her heart.

This made Ruiwen inevitably rise a trace of comparative emotions in her heart.

"If it's that lord..."

A shadow suddenly appeared in Ruiwen's heart.

He will strategize and win thousands of miles away, he will draw his sword and charge at the forefront of the front, and only he can create shocking miracles and glory.

He is elegant and funny, but also calm and composed.

His strength is unforgettable, and his wisdom is admirable.

Looking at Duguer in front of him, Ruiwen felt that he didn't even deserve to be in the same place as that adult.

But these were just what Ruiwen thought, and in the end, she forcibly suppressed the disgust in her heart.

"General, I came this time to propose that you treat prisoners favorably."

"I think your strategy is seriously inconsistent with the war strategy that the empire has always had."

Ruiwen first stared slightly, and then slowly opened her mouth and directly put forward her opinion.

Who knew that when he heard this, Du Guer's face directly became cold. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Commander Ruiwen!"

"Please pay attention to your identity."

"It's not something you should think about."

Duguer didn't seem to have the intention of explaining to Ruiwen, and he directly moved out of his identity to try to overwhelm Ruiwen.

And his gesture made the anger in the eyes of the female warrior even worse.

"Could it be that the purpose of the empire in waging war is to set off such senseless massacres?"

Ruiwen didn't give an inch, and suddenly set off a fierce aura that had been tempered by blood and fire.

This sudden appearance of the tragic aura made Duguer suffocated, but soon a trace of irritation flashed in Duguer's eyes.

The strategic policy of "one does not stay", Duguer is impossible to change, and the things involved in this are by no means understandable to Ruiwen.

After all, this is the request of "the lady".


He suddenly slapped the table in front of him and stood up angrily.


"What do you know?"

Duguer's reprimand did not make Ruiwen restrain a little, but she still had no intention of retreating.

Instead, it was Duguer who seemed to realize his gaffe, and slowly sat down, looking at Ruiwen's eyes with a hint of strangeness.

"Right now, the empire is seriously understaffed."

"You only saw the killing in front of you, but you never thought about it."

"If you let go of these Ionian pariahs, do you need to be taken care of?"

"Do these captives need food or drink?"

"How can we have the energy to take care of this!"

After sitting down, Duguer put his hands on the table, and for some reason suddenly explained to Ruiwen.

Du Guer's words made Ruiwen frown.

She was carried away by the bloody massacre on the battlefield, and she did not even think of these many problems for a while.

But Ruiwen seems to have forgotten that the strategy of dividing the army was originally proposed by Dugor.

Duguer, who proposed to divide the troops, now uses the excuse of insufficient troops to deal with Ruiwen, which has to be said to be really ironic.

It has to be said.

Ruiwen is definitely a strong and unyielding warrior.

But by no means a wise man with deep calculations.

For a while, in the face of Duguer's explanation, she was a little speechless.

Seeing Ruiwen's silence, a hint of pride flashed in Duguer's eyes.

"Everything, we still have to focus on the overall situation..."

Dugar seemed to speak seriously, uttering a phrase that bureaucrats used to presumptuous.

But what Ruiwen didn't notice was that the general looked at her with an inexplicable eagerness in his gaze.

No matter from any point of view, Ruiwen is indeed a rare beauty.

Unique white hair, delicate appearance, slender and slender body.

Even if she doesn't apply powder, she can't find half a defect in her appearance.

On the contrary, the self-confidence brought by strong strength and the temperament of correcting the battlefield have given Ruiwen a different kind of charm.

Such a woman has never been met in Dugor's previous hunting career.

Therefore, Duguer suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

Ruiwen struggled in her heart, but finally accepted Duguer's words.

"I was impulsive..."

Ruiwen said weakly, and then turned around and was about to leave, and there were also no apologetic words in her mouth, which made her seem a little rude.

But Ruiwen obviously didn't care about this, and accepted Duguer's explanation, but it didn't mean that she had half a good impression of Duguer.

On the contrary, Ruiwen hates Dugure, or rather - very hatefully!

"Commander Ruiwen, please stay."

Looking at Ruiwen's graceful back, Duguer suddenly spoke up.

Ruiwen stopped and turned to look at Dugor, her eyes full of indifference.

She only thought that because of Fangcai's affairs, Duguer would embarrass her.

"The recent battle, I think you must also feel tired."

"Maybe in the evening, you can come and have a drink with me."

Although it was a word of request, it seemed like an order in Dugor's mouth.

Because in Duguer's opinion, who was born into an aristocracy and has been in charge of the Imperial Navy for many years, it should be her blessing that he can see a savage country woman like Ruiwen.

Presumably he just piggybacked, and this woman would dress up in the evening and send it to the door herself.

Hearing Du Guer's words, Ruiwen's eyes suddenly became as cold as a harsh winter.

"No need."

She said in an icy tone, for Ruiwen, there were even rare times when her tone was so cold.

After speaking, Ruiwen ignored Duguer and turned away directly.

Seeing this, a trace of surprise flashed in Duguer's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a hint of distortion and irritation flashed across his face.

His dignified admiral, deputy marshal of the expeditionary force, not only did not hold this barbaric woman responsible for trespassing on the warship, but also gave full "goodwill".

But he didn't expect that this woman would treat him like this!。

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