Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that Elder Suma has lost.......

And it was a failure.

The scene in front of him was "frightening" for Elder Suma.

Elder Suma's heart was mixed at this time, and he stared at Foyego's face, hoping that the other party would give him an answer.

At this point, there is no point in discussing victory or defeat.

Now Elder Suma just wanted to uncover the doubts in his heart.

Facing Elder Suma's question, Foyego just threw the short sword in his hand very indifferently.

Then the short sword fell straight into the sheath around Foxy's waist as if it had eyes.

This sword was originally borrowed.

Seeing this, Elder Suma's expression became more and more complicated.

A sword in hand is the most important thing for a swordsman.

When changing swords in battle, the length of the sword will have a great impact on the swordsman.

Even so, the other party easily defeated Elder Suma's stunt, and used the same skill.

This can only mean one thing, that is, the opponent's sword art completely crushes Elder Suma.

And the most cruel of them was that the other party also used the same sword technique as Elder Suma.

"Your swordsmanship."

"Fair." Seven Seven Zero""

"This Swift Wind Sword Dao is also not bad."

Foyego did not directly answer Elder Suma's question, but first made a comment.

If it had been placed before, several people would definitely feel that Foyego was making a big fuss here.

But now, everyone only felt that this white-haired young man was becoming more and more unfathomable.

"As for . . . Where did I learn the Swift Wind Sword Technique..."

"You should be here and now."

Then, Foyego said indifferently again.

And Elder Suma did not expect that this question that he was most concerned about would get such an answer.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it, why bother me..."

Elder Suma was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly again.

Nothing is more distressing than being defeated in what one is best at.

Foyego's words were not only not believed by Elder Suma, but no one present except for Foxi wanted to believe them.

After all, this is too fanciful.

Just after watching it once, you can completely reproduce this sword technique.

Naturally, no one dares to believe that time has such things.

Seeing that Elder Suma did not believe it, Foyego did not explain much.

After all, it really doesn't make sense.

He couldn't tell Suma that he had a demigod-level sword technique.

In the current Rune Land, Foyego swordsmanship is called second, I'm afraid no one dares to call it first.

Suma and the others would never understand how terrifying the swordsmanship that reached the level of "god" was.

The sword technique that had long been upgraded to "God" allowed Foyego to see the kendo sword skills of all the rune lands at a glance, and the sword of the wind practiced by Suma was naturally seen through by Foyego at a glance, and at the same time.

It's as easy as a Ph.D. in physics solving elementary school math problems.

Compared with Foyego's own demigod swordsmanship, the Swift Wind Kendo can only be regarded as a small path.

If Fang Cai Foyego wanted to, he would probably send Su Ma directly to see Qian Jue with a whirlwind slash.

Suma's use of swordsmanship against Foyego is like burning Aoun with flames and freezing Avignia with frost........

And the result of this is nothing more than Orn using this flame as a hot spring bubble, and Avignia using this frost as air to breathe.........

And at the moment, Foyego, who does not intend to expose his identity, naturally will not explain more.

Everything, just let Suma guess........

And Foyego's style of work seems even more inscrutable.

Even the bitter master and Elder Emma on the side began to secretly guess.

Soon, Foyego's "identity" was filled by everyone's brains.

There is no doubt that Wind Kendo originated from an ancient kendo master in Ionia.

Wind Kendo has always been in the vein of Ionia.

Almost anyone of insight in Ionia knows this.

Therefore, Master Ku Shuo and Elder Emma began to make the most "reasonable" speculation in their minds.

In a certain generation, a descendant of the Swift Wind Kendo wandered out of the island and sowed the seeds of the Swift Wind Kendo to a certain corner of the Rune Land.

A few years later, this descendant of the Swift Wind Kendo joined a mysterious order.

By chance, this descendant came to visit Ionia with the missions of other countries.

What if all this is a coincidence?

It certainly won't be a coincidence.

It must be this "Wind Rush Inheritor" who wants to return to Ionia to see the land where the Wind Sword Dao originated.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he set foot on the land of Ionia, he encountered a real wind spreader.

In the dark, two familiar qi engines began to collide.

The high-level Elder Suma could endure, but the young Yasuo could not bear the fighting intent brought by the "same kind".

Unexpectedly gaffe stepped forward to provoke.

And this also explains that Yaso will be so unwise.

This is probably from the arrangement of "fate".

(Fate, Lao Tzu does not carry this pot?) )

Or is this the guidance of the Spirit of Ionia?

(Spirit of Ionia: Don't talk nonsense!) I don't carry this pot either. )

Because of all this, the two sides competed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the end, it was still the wandering Wind Inheritor who was superior in skill and defeated Suma's master and apprentice.

Thinking of this, Master Ku Shuo and Elder Emma looked at each other one after another, and saw the complexity and surprise in each other's eyes.

The two of them actually thought of going to the same place!

A philosopher said.

Run everything that is "unreasonable", and the rest is the "most reasonable".

Therefore, this is the "most reasonable explanation".

Even Foyego himself did not expect it, he just found it interesting and casually showed his hand.

But let this group of human brains make up so many things.

In fact, it wasn't just Master Ku Say and Elder Emma who made up their brains like this.

Even Elder Suma himself thought about the same thing.

After the basic things, Elder Suma was similar to those two.

But in terms of "details", Suma has his own understanding.

Naturally, no one knew better about the matter of the Swift Wind Sword Dao than Elder Suma.

Back then, the ancestor who pioneered this kendo had clearly determined the rule that this kendo could only be passed down by one person per generation!

Compared to ordinary sword skills, although the Swift Wind Kendo is powerful, it is extremely obscure.

Those who are not gifted cannot cultivate! And without cultivation methods and cultivation secrets, it is even more impossible to want to practice.

So there is only one possibility that this young man in front of him can use this sword technique...........

There is always only one truth!

That is - the Swift Wind Kendo has leaked!

And Elder Suma knew that the possibility of one master and two apprentices was almost zero.

Because before cultivating the Swift Wind Sword Dao, all the descendants of the Swift Wind Dao had already sworn that they would never pass on the Swift Wind Sword in this life.

That ancestor who taught the sword path back then had no reason to break his oath and accept two apprentices.

There is only one explanation over there, what is the reason that makes a person break his oath and pass on the precious inheritance?

The answer is, blood!

In other words, this white-haired young man in front of him may be a descendant of a certain generation of Swift Wind Sword Dao, an illegitimate son who has been left behind!

This Swift Wind Inheritor could not bear to see his bloodline disappeared, so he could only obey his selfish heart, break his oath, and pass on the Swift Wind Sword Art to his heirs.

And as for why not simply pass it on to your own heirs.

There is only one explanation for this.

That is—the Swift Wind Sword Dao inheritors of that generation may have already accepted an apprentice!

In this way, it all makes sense.

Thinking of this, a complicated look flashed in Elder Suma's eyes.

In addition to the words of Fangcai Foyego, "to cover up".

"You should be here and now."

What is "when it is"?

This obviously has another meaning!

The more Suma guessed, the more outrageous it became, and Foyego's original unintentional words turned out to be the last "stone hammer" that overwhelmed Suma's heart.

Gradually, Elder Suma gradually confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

As a result, Elder Suma's emotions became more and more complicated.

This trace of emotion was not only because his "main vein" inheritance was not as profound as the "branch vein" heir.

It was also because he saw that the other party was young and cultivated the Swift Wind Sword Art to this realm.

This talent is enough to be called a "genius".

The Swift Wind Sword Art may be able to develop in the other party.

From the position of Elder Suma's main standpoint, it can be seen that he is definitely not a person who follows the rules.

In fact, these Suma elders have never paid attention to them.

Therefore, Elder 2.4 Ma did not mean to pursue it.

He just looked at Foyego with complicated eyes.

There is no hint of disbelief or indignation in his eyes.

Some are just a hint of shame, a hint of relief, and a look that others can't understand.

Now that he has defeated his "main vein", how does this young man feel in his heart?

Proud? Extrication? Disdain?

Elder Suma, who had already gone deep into the play, was only thinking about this at the moment.

Then, he couldn't help but look into Foyego's eyes, wanting to see the young man's mood from it.

But in the end........

But I only saw indifference and calm, like a quiet sea.

So deep and vast.........

Seeing this, Elder Suma's body trembled.

"I lost..."

Elder Suma suddenly said with a smile, with a sense of relief in his tone.

Yes, with such an excellent heir to the Swift Wind Sword Dao, what could he not see?

For Suma, who is now more than half a hundred years old, seeing the development of the Swift Wind Kendo is what he wants to see the most.

At this moment, Elder Suma's eyes looking at Foyego already faintly carried a trace of love.

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