Foyego slowly withdrew his hand, still staring at Sindra on the other side.

It's just that the eyes are full of compassion.

And deep under his eyes, there is still a trace of empathetic pity.

Seeing that Sindra avoided, Foyego didn't say more, just pointed a finger at Sindra.

The next moment, countless scenes suddenly came to Sindra's mind.

This is a story made up of countless fragments, and the hero of the story is the man on her side.

Fragments of the story began to play in Sindra's mind.

At first, the man with white hair was the king of a country.

Then, the country suffers a drastic change, and in order to save his lost kingdom, the man lands on a paradise island in an attempt to find a way to save his country.

Unexpectedly, the man inadvertently touched the taboo on the island, causing a terrible disaster.

What was once a peaceful island has become a place of decay.

And men, by chance, have become carriers of ruin.

The powerful force that caught the man off guard made the man fall into rage, and the man who fell into the rage eventually provoked a terrifying existence.

As a result, it was sealed in the ruined island.

One year, two years, three years.......... Five hundred years, one thousand years........

In this way, men have been sealed on the island, suffering from loneliness and loneliness.

Finally, a 29-dashing undead unseals the island and releases the man.

But men with "evil powers" are still considered "heretics" by others.

So, the scene of the man fighting the deep-sea behemoth appeared in the girl's mind, but in the end, the man defeated the behemoth and liberated the port city called Birjiwater.

In honor of the man's exploits, the man became the god of the Birgewater people!

At this point, the story comes to an abrupt end.

The inspirational story of "my life depends on me" by the man in front of him made Sindra's eyes gradually full of complexity.

At this moment, when she looked at the man again, she had completely read the emotion in the man's eyes.

It's a kind of compassion and pity from the heart.........

How similar is this man's story to her?

Not only is it so similar, but her hardship is nothing compared to the suffering of this man.

People always have an inexplicable sense of closeness to the same kind of people who have the same experience.

At this moment, Cindra understood why she was here and the man's motivation for doing all this.


It was he who saved her.

It is clear that the girl has been immersed in Foyego's mixed story.

"Sit down, kid."

At this moment, Sindra listened to Foyego's voice again, and her intuition was full of kindness and an inexplicable affinity.

After hesitating, Cindra returned to her seat.

"Do you have anything else to ask this time?"

Foyego asked again gently, compared to before, the girl at this time obviously let down a lot of guard.

Some questions that I don't know how to ask are gradually having ideas at this moment.


"Why save me ........"

Cindra hesitated, and Fangcai's fragment had already informed him of the man's name.

The ancient king Foyego, or the King of Ruins, the Dark Monarch...

But when the words came to her lips, the girl didn't know how to call this great being, and finally could only choose a more rude "you" as the title.

It's just clear that Foyego didn't care about it either.

"I save you, I don't need a reason."

"If you want to save, you can save, it's that simple."

Foyego did not explain anything, but said it lightly.

His seemingly perfunctory words made Sindra's body tremble.

She looked into the man's eyes again, only to find that there was only a trace of concern and unchanging compassion.

A strange emotion arose from the bottom of Sindra's heart, making her nose tingle sour.

Cindra didn't know what was wrong with her.

How could he show such an expression in front of a stranger who had just met a few times.

If you have to calculate it carefully, the girl is now over half a hundred years old.

It's just that in fact, her real mental age is not even more than twenty years old.

In her previous life, she never seemed to experience such care.

- Kindness from a stranger who had a similar experience.

Since childhood, he was ostracized and abandoned by his family, then betrayed by his beloved master, beaten into a cage of despair, and then quietly devoured and corrupted by evil.......

Compared with these feelings, this feeling at the moment is really too good.......

It is precisely this beauty that makes Cindra feel a little sour.


"My power..."

Cindra took a deep breath, adjusted her mood slightly, and then asked.

Through all this, Sindra knows that relying on anyone is not as good as relying on herself.

Therefore, even if all the tragedies she has had were brought about by strength, she still cannot lose this power at this time.

For Foyego in front of him at this time, Sindra is only grateful and affectionate because of the same experience.

At best, at most, it is just an attraction to the appearance of the handsome opposite sex.

No one will be inexplicably dependent just the second time they meet, let alone a girl with trauma like Sindra.

"I'm just separating it from you temporarily."

"You should know that this huge power you can't control for the time being, it will only eat away at your sanity." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Let you become a beast."

Foyego said slowly, explaining to Sindra.

In fact, Foyego's "death of all things" yesterday did not kill Sindra with a single sword, and it is also for this reason.

Because the object Foyego chose to kill was not the person Sindra herself, but her connection with the dark evil force in herself.

That is, Sindra's connection with the dark evil force was temporarily "killed" by Foyego.

The reason why Foyego was able to do this was also thanks to the blessing of the demigod sword art, which allowed him to reach the peak of the "skill" level.

This can only remove the "concept" in Sindra without hurting Sindra herself.

You know, it's much harder to do this than to kill a tsunami with a sword in Birgiwater.

After all, compared with smashing the wall with a sledgehammer, it is obviously more difficult to cut Wensi tofu with a knife.

After this sword, Foyego also became more aware of the source of the power in Sindra.

This dark and evil force seems to pervade every corner of Ionia.

And Sindra herself is the carrier chosen by this force.

This power is extremely vast, and compared to the black fog of Shadow Island, it seems to be less than the slightest.

Like the black fog of Shadow Island, this force is impossible to kill.

Even if Foyego has the ability to temporarily destroy this force, this dark evil force will breed in some unknown source.

Until it reaches a peak, it will come to Sindra again.

Knowing this, Foyego chose to kill the interconnection between the two.

This ended the influence of the evil forces of darkness on Sindra.

But this is only temporary, unless Foyego stays by Sindra's side and constantly uses the power of death to cut out the connection between the two.

Otherwise, it won't be long before this power returns to Sindra.

Hearing Foyego's explanation, Sindra's eyes were full of complexity.

"As long as you want, I can restore this power to your body at any time."

"It's just that you should also understand that once I do 593, you will also lose your mind again."

"When the time comes........"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Speaking of this, Foyego's eyes were full of seriousness.

Sindra obviously knows this.

She doesn't blame Foyego for the power that sealed her.

Success is also Xiao He, defeat is also Xiao He.

This force can bring both freedom and destruction to Sindra.

Compared to losing your mind and being sealed or killed again, it is obviously better to be in this situation.

Although he lost his power, his consciousness was clear.

At this moment, Sindra's eyes were full of dazed looks.

Apparently she was already a little confused about what to do.

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

Just then, Foyego spoke up again, and his words filled Sindra's eyes with complexity.

If you have nothing to offer, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Even with the same "empathy" experience, Cindra felt that no one would be inexplicably so enthusiastic about her.

Could this man have any other intentions for her?

Foyego was clearly well aware of Sindra's idea.

"Sindra, worship me as a teacher."

"Maybe you can rely on me as much as you want."

Foyego said again a little abruptly, his eyes full of pity.


A hint of guard suddenly rose in Sindra's eyes, and her expression began to become struggling.

The experience of being secretly calculated in the past came to mind again, and the girl obviously had a certain overreaction to the words "master".

But that's normal.

"It's okay, I think you need a certain amount of time to think about it."

"Child, go see the outside world."

"You have a long time to think about it."

Foyego waved his hand, signaling that Cindra didn't have to rush to make a decision.

Obviously, he did not intend to open the girl's heart knot at this point.

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