So the question is, is Darkspaw strong?

For the humans in the Rune Land, the Darkspawn is naturally extremely powerful.

The strength shown by Verus just now was enough to stir up the storm in the Rune Land.

If he hadn't met Foyego, he would have been able to bounce around for a while.

And almost every darkspawn has demigod-level combat power.

The strength of the Darkspawn has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But for a true god, the dark descendants of the demigod level seem to be just that.

Demigods are to true gods what legends are to demigods.

To Twilight Star Spirit, Verus is like a legend bouncing in front of Foyego.

In such cases, Foyego naturally raised his hand.

Then for the True God-level Twilight Star Spirit, why not the Dark Demigod-level Dark Race?

But the problem arises.

Why did the Twilight Star Spirit spend time and effort not directly killing the Darkspawn, but instead sealed the Darkspawn in a variety of weapons in one "move".

There is only one answer - because the darkspawns can't kill them at all.

Or maybe the Darkspawn could be killed, but the price was too great, and Twilight Star Spirit himself couldn't do it at all, so he took this method.

In either case, it would be unwise for Foyego to destroy the longbow in his hand.

And at a certain moment just now, Foyego seemed to have insight into the origin of the power of the Darkspawn, and therefore had a corresponding guess about the secret of the immortality of the Darkspawn itself.

The so-called Darkspawn itself is actually the product of the Ascended Beings of Shurima being eroded by the Void Energy.

Ascended - A warrior with demigod combat power.

Although the life span of the ascended person itself is close to infinite, it will not have the ability to come back from the dead like the demigods.

That is, the Ascension itself will die in battle.

Therefore, the fact that the Darkspawn cannot be killed by conventional methods should not come from the power of the Ascension.

That darkspawn cannot be killed, there is only one explanation left - the void!

It is precisely because these former ascenders have been eroded by the power of the void, so that they also have abilities similar to demigods that cannot be destroyed.

In Foyego's understanding, demigods are extremely unique beings.

They often symbolize some phenomenon or element in the Rune Land, which results in the fact that as long as these elements and phenomena still exist in the Rune Land, then the demigods will not die.

In this way, if the Rune Land is considered as a whole.

Then the existence of demigods is like some "cells" in the land of runes.

These "cells" are even part of Runeterra themselves.

And you know, the Darkspawn itself does not have this symbolic characteristic, in other words, the Darkspawn does not obtain the person recognized by the Rune Land.

Then why can they still parasitize the Rune Land and obtain the ability to immortality?

The answer is that if there are benign "cells", then there are malignant "cancer cells".

Darkspawns are cancer cells that parasitize in the Rune Land!

Only this explanation can make sense.

Why would the Twilight Star Spirit adopt this seemingly "redundant" approach to target the group of Darkspawns.

How can you kill cancer cells in a person's body?

The answer is: it simply won't work in the usual way.

Just like when facing a demigod who recognizes a person in a Runeland.

Want to kill Orne, unless you can destroy the entire Runeterra flame; Kill Anivia unless you can make Runeterra no longer produce frost.......

That wants to kill the Darkspawn......... What do you need to do?

Foyego's eyes gradually narrowed, and a trace of shock flashed in his heart.

If you think about it along this line of thought, it is terrifying to think about!

The existence of Darkspawn is not a secret for many.

Many people also know how the Darkspawn came about.

But few people sit down and think, what is behind all this?


The reason for all this is that thousands of years ago, a kingdom called Acacia rebelled because it did not submit to the rule of the Shurima Empire.

In the face of the powerful Shurima Empire, the Acacians were powerless to resist.

So the Acacians opened Pandora's magic box - they communicated a plane called "The Void".

Bringing the power of the Void to the Rune Land!

Immediately afterwards, the entire Acacia was devoured by the void!

The Shurima Empire, which had woken up, immediately sent its most powerful warrior, the Ascension Legion!

Travel to Acacia to fight the Void!

As for the final result, everyone agreed that the Shurima Empire had won a terrible price.

And successfully sealed the passage of the Void invasion.

But everything, is it really so?

Did the Shurema Empire really win?

Looking at the amethyst longbow in his hand, Foyego suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Since there is no possibility for the Ascension to become "cancer cells", there is only one reason why these fallen Ascensions become "cancer cells".

- Void!

If you think about this switch from an angle, you will immediately find the problem!

And the key to all this is - Darkspawn!

After participating in the Void War, the former glorious Ascensions quickly degenerated into twisted and evil Darkspawns. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They wreaked havoc in Runeterra and caused the mighty Shurima Empire to fall apart.

Until the Star Spirit's move was triggered, the Darkspawn was sealed one by one.

The existence of the Darkspawns directly led to a result - the Rune Land was destroyed and became weak.

And the darkspawns have permanently turned into immortal "cancer cells" in the Rune Land, which may be revived at any time and wreaked havoc in the Rune Land.

In this way, the power of Runeterra was weakened as a whole.

Wouldn't that be conducive to the invasion of the void?

If it was back then, after seeing that the invasion of the Rune Land was hopeless, the Void would immediately be defeated and gave up the invasion.

Then turn to using the power of the Void to create a monster called "Darkspawn".

Then put it back into Runeterra and let it weaken Runeland.

After all, you must know that the strongest fortress is always breached from the inside!

Thinking of this, Foyego's complexion gradually became gloomy to the extreme.

In his ears, the words of a young girl suddenly sounded.

"This guy in the void is alive..."

Yes, the alien space called the void is a living creature with consciousness and life!

And as far as Foyego knew, the connection between the void and the Rune Land did not seem to have been cut off.

From time to time, monsters from the Void are sent to Runeterra.

Kazik, Kogas, Vikez...........

These names are declaring to Foyego that this fearsome enemy has not given up his covetousness for Runeterra.

Let's not mention that Foyego himself is the Grim Reaper of Runeland.

His territory, lover, subordinates, etc. all rely on the Rune Land at this moment, and it can even be said that Foyego itself and the Rune Land are both prosperous and detrimental!

If the void really swallowed the Rune Land, there would be no eggs under the nest?

The existence of the void simply made Foyego feel like a glow.

The delicate girl walked slowly on the dark ground, and she stopped in front of Foyego, looking at his back with worried eyes.


The girl called out to Foyego softly, interrupting Foyego's deep thoughts.

"What happened?"

The girl asked softly.

Hearing this, Foyego turned his head to look at his little apprentice.

It seems that he needs to quickly let this girl in front of him, who is still a little ignorant, grow up quickly.

"Apprentice, what you see tonight is just a case of the dark side of this world."

Foyego whispered, staring into Sindra's dark eyes.

Hearing Foyego's words, Sindra's cheeks brought a hint of solemnity.

When Foyego and Verus fought just now, she was in the air and witnessed the entire process of the battle between the two.

Although she was shocked by the terrifying strength of her own master, her opponent was by no means an ordinary person.

Sindra puts herself in Foyego's role, realizing that she may not be Verus's opponent.

In the past, she was too sitting in the well and watching the sky.

"Apprentice, didn't you ask me in the past."

"Since we are separated from the ordinary, where is the way forward?"

"And what should I pursue?"

"I always said that you need to experience these things yourself, but today I will tell you."

Foyego said lightly, stretching out his hand to caress the top of the girl's head.


The sudden touch of the head made Cindra couldn't help but let out a low groan.

The warm touch above her head made the girl can't help but half-squint her eyes, like a cat enjoying the touch of its owner.

"What I ask for."

"It's just a word."

Foyego's words made a trace of doubt flash in Sindra's eyes, and she looked at Foyegoli stunnedly.

In my heart, I was also curious about what Foyego, who was already so powerful, had been seeking.

In Sindra's eyes, Foyego, who has such great power, has long been an omnipotent super god.

What is such a great god longing for?

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