The cloud of fear condensed in Dugor's heart, and at this moment, he didn't even know how he had provoked such a terrifying existence.

Duguer remembered Loveland's words again.

But is all this really just an accident?

How could a conspirator like Dugur believe such a comical excuse as the so-called "coincidence".

All accidents are inevitable.

The presence of this terrifying existence here is definitely not a "coincidence" that can be explained.

Duguer seemed to be wet by heavy rain for a while, and cold sweat couldn't stop dripping from the corners of his forehead.

The wind and clouds between heaven and earth suddenly changed color, and the black fog in mid-air seemed to come to life, stirring wildly.

In the face of this force, everything seems so small.

Noxians, Ionians, Black Roses..........

These small human beings can tremble in the face of this great power.

A gust of wind blew through.

The arrows solidified in the air were directly eroded and disappeared in a flash, turning into flying ash.

Then, the billowing black fog condensed the figure of a man in midair.

As Dugure's plan approached its final step, Foyego finally entered.

No one can see the appearance of the man clearly, because the man's divine power is too strong, just looking up at this great being, he has already made the mortals below do their best.

Here and now, none of the mortals below is qualified to admire the face of the gods.

In the gloomy sky, the endless black fog was like a tumbling black dragon, roaring and raging behind him.

The rolling black fog is like a rushing manic wave above the sea, and the man standing on top of the black mist is like a demon god who has destroyed the world.

The pale crown, the pitch-black costume, and the purple magic sword constitute a mighty image like the sea.

"Wait for mortals, why not welcome you?"

A thunderous sound exploded in this space wrapped in black mist.

With the isolation of the black fog, it is the true God himself who comes, unless the isolation of the black fog is broken by violent means.

Otherwise, you don't want to see the scene in the black fog.

In other words, it is now in an absolutely confined space dominated by Foyego.

This familiar voice surprised many of the rescued Ionian people.

For they all recognized this voice, just as it was whispered in that ear, "Praise my name."

They extolled the name of this great being and truly found salvation!

Under the great joy of the rest of his life after the disaster, an old man immediately bowed his head and bowed down.

This old man is undoubtedly a completely intelligent man.

Although the image of the "god" in front of him does not look so "sunny" and "bright and beautiful".

But it is an indisputable fact that this god saved them.

In any case, it is absolutely right to be reverently grateful to this god now.

"Long live the Dark Sovereign!"

After the old man fell to the ground, he quickly shouted.

His actions were like the first dominoes to fall, and the surrounding people followed suit.

"Long live the Dark Lord..........."

"Long live the Dark Lord..........."

People went one after another, kowtowing and praying.

In contrast, the soldiers of Noxus were not so decisive.

Even though they also knew that this was a great existence, it was still a little difficult to kneel down the mountain directly like this.


A low snort resounded in the space again.

At that moment, hundreds of miles away, the Noxus naval soldiers and magicians who were unwilling to kneel were directly swallowed by the surging black fog on the side.


With a scream full of horror, the remaining countless people shuddered.

Seeing this, Duguer's eyes were torn, how could he not know that the other party was "killing chickens and monkeys".

The rain of arrows that had just disappeared directly into ashes, as well as the hundreds of people who had been devoured by the black mist, were all warned by this god.

Looking at the billowing black fog around him, Dugar knew that this god might not use his power to reach one percent.

If they don't move after this, I'm afraid it's them "monkeys" who will die next.

"Meet the Dark Lord!"

Dugar was the first to kneel on the ground and shout, and he also knew in his heart that it was not a shame to bow down in front of such a great existence, and there was nothing that could not erase face.

Dugar's knowledge of the time also directly affected the soldiers of Noxus, and seeing that the highest-ranking generals here had already fallen to their knees, they no longer insisted, and they all knelt down in a similar way.

After learning Dugor's shout, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at this terrifying existence.

Seeing Duguer so knowledgeable, Foyego's eyes flashed with a hint of depth.

I have to say that this Duguer is also a talent, if he devotes himself to him at the beginning, I am afraid that he will also reuse Duguer.


Now everything is too dark, this kid's heart is too dark.

Foyego is not going to pull this "rat" into his own team.

Seeing that everyone had succumbed, Foyego knew it was time to give it all the aftermath.

For Ionia's chess game, Foyego had a plan.

At this moment, although certain changes have occurred, they have generally remained unchanged.

The ultimate goal is still those two.

Be the first to pick up and stay in the empire and control the situation in the empire.

Second, take the opportunity to harvest the power of Ionia's faith, and it would be even better if you could support a force in Ionia. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Some of Dugor's strategy, and even the higher level of Foyego, seemed as obvious as lice on the top of a bald man's head.

Because of this, Foyego did not intervene too much before, but just let Duguer do it.

When everything was as good as Foyego wanted to see, he was going out to harvest.

What could be more favorable to Foyego than the current situation?

The army is unsettled, and the Noxus soldiers and black roses have already given birth to disagreements.

Hundreds of thousands of terrified, waiting for the Lamb of redemption.

One is the right to speak within the empire, and the other is the belief of Ionia.

This was all sent directly to Foyego's mouth by Duguer.

What's more, the soul power harvested by these magicians is also a good thing.

Foyego has also been hungry for a long time.

Foyego was well aware of the Ionian people's devotion to the "Spirit of Ionia".

Even now, even if he, the god who "suddenly killed", saved the lives of this dry person, I am afraid that it would be difficult to compare with the spirit of Ionia...........

You know, under such devout faith.

Even if the Garin people believed in Foyego, Foyego probably did not have much power of faith.

At most, it will not exceed half.

And such behavior is tantamount to jumping out directly and confronting this "Ionian Spirit" who does not know the depths.

So initially, in Foyego's plan, he actually wanted to wait for all these people to turn into soul power before reappearing.

However, due to certain variables, the value of these hundreds of thousands of refugees suddenly increased exponentially.

So at this moment, Foyego changed his previous steady strategy of tenderness.

As for why, this point is not pressed first.

Now it's important to deal with these Noxians first.

Foyego's eyes flashed with a hint of essence, and a good show was about to be staged.

"I am the Lord of Darkness, the God of Death in the Runeterra!"

"It is also a symbol of judgment and justice."

"Ru and others rashly invaded and killed in vain! It's for injustice! "

"Today, I will lower my judgment and give divine punishment as punishment for the sins of Er!!"

In mid-air, the god who exuded majesty and terror said word by word, and the words spoken in his mouth made an Ionian face change from surprise to ecstasy to excitement.

For these Garin people who have a deep hatred in their hearts, living is only the basic demand of human beings, but their deepest desire is, of course, revenge!

Not a single Garinian at this time did not want to eat the meat of the Noxians and drink the blood of the Noxians!

For these Galiners, maybe yesterday or last month, their sons, husbands, brothers... Just died at the hands of these Noxians.

Unfortunately, these old and weak women and children of Garin do not have the ability to take revenge.

Even a few minutes ago, even they were almost slaughtered.

At this time, suddenly 1.5 a god appeared!

He not only saved their lives, but also helped them avenge them!

At this moment, the gratitude of these Garinians to the Dark Lord reached a peak.

In mid-air, Foyego only felt a little more power of faith in an instant.

For the people of Noxus, Foyego's words are not so wonderful.

Because the words of this god are undoubtedly saying that they will be "punished"!

And the fate of those people is still vivid for them at this moment.

If you are punished by this god, is there still life?

"Not !!!"

For a while, several Noxus generals who were kneeling on the ground got up angrily and looked at Foyego in the air with angry eyes.

It's just that they just opened their mouths and made a voice to protest.

In the next instant, these Noxus generals turned into flying ash and disappeared.

By the way, these people are all wearing navy uniforms, and at a glance, they can tell that they are children from aristocratic families.

The tragic situation of these people undoubtedly made Duguer even more afraid.

"Tick ........"

The sweat from Duguer's forehead fell to the ground.

He is constantly thinking about countermeasures in his head!

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