When Leon came to Pete's side, he was chanting words and seemed to be praying to whom.

Li Ang's movements were not discovered.

"Captain Pete, what are you doing?"

Leon's voice interrupted Pete's prayer, and Pete, who was originally a little angry, turned into a smiling face when he turned to see that it was Leon.

"Mr. Li Ang doesn't even know tithes?"

Pete looked at Leon with an alien-looking face.

In this regard, Li Ang just shook his head slightly.

The sound here also attracted the attention of others on board.

Not far away, Pike stared at Leon and said slowly in a deep voice.

"Tithe, it's the money that the sea beast hunter must hand over to Madam Beard."

"If you lack tithes, you will incur punishment from Madam Beard."

"She will send a huge steel monster that will tear the entire sailboat with dozens of tons of iron anchors!"

Pike's tone was very serious, without the slightest hint of half-joking.

Hearing Pike's words, the other sailors on the ship also took it seriously, and did not think that Pike was telling any horror story.

Obviously, tithing was a recognized ritual for these sailors.

"Madame Beard" refers to the ancient god Naga Kabros in the deep sea near Birgiwater.

Madame Bearded is just its nickname, similar to "Snake Mother", "Baru" and so on....

As for why it got this nickname, it is not difficult to guess.

After all, the body of this cargo is a large octopus, and the tentacles all over the body look like a full beard.

This number is also considered an image.

And Pike's words also reminded Leon of something.


Deep Sea Titan Nautilus.

Nautilus was a sailor whose profession was to salvage treasures from the bottom of the sea.

Until one time, the ship on which Nautilus was located did not tithe.

And an accident caused Nautilus to sink into the deep sea and turned into a monster.

Now, Nautilus stubbornly believes that it was the greedy captain who did not pay the tithe, which made him the way he is.

So Nautilus began to watch the passing ships, and whenever he saw a ship that did not tithe, Nautilus would ruthlessly destroy it.


Thinking of this, Li Ang suddenly understood everything, and then he suddenly thought of something.

At this moment, a cold voice reached Li Ang's ears.

"Boy, I know you have two strokes."

"But this is the sea, not the land."

"Don't use what you once knew to challenge everything on the sea!"

Pike warned Leon in a serious tone.

As a powerhouse of the silver rank, he could sense that Li Ang in front of him was definitely an existence that was not weaker than him.

For such a person, Pike couldn't say much, just left a cold warning.

In the face of Parker's unceremonious "advice", Li Ang did not respond, and still maintained an indifferent smile on his face.

To tell a joke, Blood Port Ghost Parker is actually a warm-hearted person.

Seeing that Li Ang was indifferent, Pike was no longer nosy, but directly turned and left.

Looking at Pike's departing back, Li Ang suddenly had an idea in his heart.

This kid is a talent, it is better to take it for his own use.

Anyway, Sarah will need help in the future, and he will look good at Pike.

The Blood Harbor Ghost may not have to appear, the Ruined Ghost! The name doesn't sound bad.

Pike apparently didn't know that his performance had entered the eyes of a great being.

Even his future has been "booked".

To be honest, being a grudge on Shadow Island seems to have a better future than being a water ghost in Bilgewater...


The Fright regained its calm, and there was still a distance from reaching the sea where it was hunting.

And Leon stood on the deck of the Fright, looking down and pondering something.

I have to say that an old demigod like Naga Kapolos still has two brushes to stand in the Rune Land.

In Li Ang's view, whether it is tithes, blood harbor ghosts, or deep-sea titans.

They are all nothing more than Naga Kapolos' tools for harvesting faith.

Most of these traditional demigods in Rune Land rely on faith to improve their strength.

The more believers in these demigods, the stronger the power will become.

Naga Kapolos is the best example right now.

The spread of faith does not necessarily require the gods to promise benefits and miracles to believers.

Sometimes spreading fear is the best way to uplift faith.

The existence of tithes and nottithes is proof of this.

Although most sailors felt fear of the presence of Naga Kapolos.

But they still choose to tithe respectfully and pray secretly in their hearts.

In this way, the power of faith is harvested by Naga Kapolos through the golden siren thrown into the sea by sailors.

Immediately afterwards, this big octopus created a deep sea titan and a bloodport ghost shadow full of terrifying existences.

That's right, I'm afraid that after Pike was swallowed into the belly of the fish, he also received the power of Naga Kapolos to transform into the ghost of Blood Port.

The goal was to spread fear in Bilgewater and then make the inhabitants believe in her more religiously.

Whether it's fear or admiration.

As long as these people can be made to pray, Naga Kapolos' purpose is achieved.

And this also means that once Foyego is able to break through Birgewater from the inside.

And if you get rid of the faith of that big octopus here, then the power of Naga Kapolos will surely decline significantly.

That's a good time to kill this big octopus.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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