"Hold on to your last moment, Leon."

The dark monarch standing in mid-air looked down at everything, with only a transcendent indifference in his eyes.

From the perspective of the gods, mortal sorrows and joys have nothing to do with him.


Hearing this, Leon's soul nodded lightly and turned to look at Sarah.

"It's nice to see you again."

"It's a pity..."

A trace of regret flashed on Li Ang's face, and what he was sorry for, everyone present understood.

"No, Leon..."

Sarah's words were filled with heartbreak.

But even this cannot change the fate of Li Ang's eventual disappearance.

Sarah tried to reach out and touch Leon, but passed through the middle of Leon's transparent soul.

The huge gap between life and death makes Sarah's actions futile after all.

"Pike, this last time, I want to be alone with Sarah, okay?"

Leon whispered to Pike on the side, his tone as gentle as he had been when he was alive.


Pike nodded silently and walked to the side, leaving the last time for this lovers who were about to separate.

"Leon, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Sarah shook her head in pain, teardrops in her eyes slipping down.

She bit her lip tightly until the blood of the bite was dripping from the bite.

The girl in front of her is in great pain at this moment.

"It's okay, silly girl."

"Don't mind me, my current posture is just another form of rebirth."

Even if he died, Leon still comforted Sarah as usual.

But this also made Sarah even more heartbroken.

In this world, what price can be heavier than life?

In order to save her, Li Ang in front of him has already paid with his life.

"I'll tell you everything while this time is in my time."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not have a chance in the future."

Li Ang's tone was still very gentle and indifferent.

Hearing Li Ang's words, Sarah could only endure the heartache and stood in place listening to Li Ang's story.

"Sarah, the root of all incompetence and resentment in this world comes from her own powerlessness."

"When I was young, I was like you."

"Carrying a deep hatred of blood and sea, and at the same time feeling powerless."

A trace of remembrance appeared on Li Ang's face, as if he was recalling the past.

"So, I chose to believe in the Dark Lord."

"I paid for the ghost hand at the cost of dedicating my faith during my life and returning my soul to the Dark Monarch after death."

"The ghost hand has brought me strength."

"I finished my revenge and left my hometown for Birgivot."

"And then... I met you. "

Leon looked at Sarah affectionately and couldn't help but reach out to touch Sarah's cheek.

It's a pity....

Like Sarah before him, his actions were also futile.

Leon's transparent arm passed through Sarah's body, passing through Sarah's face like a fresh breeze.

Li Ang withdrew his hand with some regret, and then continued.

"At the first sight of you, I saw my shadow in you."

"At first I just wanted to help you, and then..."

"I grew to like you until... Fell in love with you. "

Hearing this, Sarah could no longer hold back, and the original gloomy tears turned into howling tears.

"Don't cry, silly girl."

Sarah's sudden pain made Leon a little flustered, and it took some effort to calm Sarah's emotions.

"Really... Isn't there the slightest chance? "

"I want to redeem it all, Leon

Sarah asked Li Ang with teary eyes, still not giving up the last glimmer of hope under her eyes.

Hearing this, Li Ang did not directly answer Sarah's question, but asked instead.

"Sarah, do you understand God?"

Leon's question made Sarah stunned, not understanding what the connection was.

"The gods are life beyond the level of man, in another dimension."

"Therefore, a god cannot be considered by everything that mortals know."

Li Ang said a meaningful word, which made Sarah a little stunned in place.

"The Dark Monarch is a just god, and I will get the result like today."

"Actually, I expected what I would get, and I had to pay for what I got."

"I got the power to protect my beloved, but I also had to pay for my soul."

Li Ang said softly again, with a bit of emotion in his words.

This wave? This wave is me blowing myself!

"Human beings in the hands of the gods are like a toy that can be manipulated at will."

"Like the god here Naga Kapolos."

"Also treat the people of Birgiwater as a plaything in the palm of your palm."

"In comparison, what is wrong with my soul being returned to the just Dark Sovereign?"

A trace of depth flashed in Li Ang's eyes, and the words that came out of his mouth made Sarah completely dazed.

"Sarah, the gods need faith."

"Some gods use equivalent exchanges, such as the Dark Lord."

"Some gods use intimidation and coercion, such as... Naga Kaporos. "

Sarah was not a stupid person, and under Li Ang's order, she instantly thought of something.

"The tragedy in my body seems to be only due to these vile and evil pirates."


"And what kind of soil gave birth to these pirates?"

"Even so, we are powerless to change that."

"The only one who can change all this may be the gods..."

Leon sighed and woke up Sarah, who had been in the fog.


"If I change my posture to be by your side, will you still love me?"

Leon looked directly into Sarah's eyes, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"It will..."

"Li Ang, I will live for you for the rest of my life."

Sarah finally came to her senses and made a secret decision in her heart.

A decision that will change the trajectory of the rest of her life!

After Li Ang said the last sentence, his soul turned into a stream of light and flew into the hands of the Dark Sovereign.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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