Foyego still has a lot to do before the Night of Soul Eaters completely erupts.

Foyego turned into a wisp of black mist, and in an instant, he floated to the headquarters of the Silver Snake Gang.


In the middle of the city in Birgiwater, this is a luxurious residence that does not fit in with this dirty city.

From a distance, this house vaguely has a bit of aristocratic style.

Basically every Birjiwater knows that this is the residence of Baron Harker, the helmsman of the Silver Serpent Gang.

It's just that in recent days, strange changes have taken place within the Silver Snake Gang.

Inside the Silver Serpent Gang, most people found that after experiencing the loss of his son, Baron Harker's personality changed to a certain extent.

It becomes more mysterious and even more... Inscrutable.

But now, the gang members of the Silver Serpent Gang don't care about Baron Harker's change, they only care about another thing.

That is - eternal life!


When Foyego arrived at the mansion, Baron Huck was sitting in his place reading a book.

When I saw Foyego's arrival.

"Baron Harker," or rather Karsas leaning over Hack, immediately got up to greet him.

"Karthus, see Your Majesty."

Karsas bowed down respectfully to Foyego.

"No problem."

Foyego waved his hand and motioned for Karsas to get up.

Then, Foyego raised his hand and took the book that Karsas had read before into his hand, and casually opened it to read two pages.

This book is nothing else, it is none other than the Doctrine of the Dawn Sect compiled by Kalthus


After reading it, Foyego praised it from the bottom of his heart.

This doctrine is indeed written at a very high level, and I am afraid that even if he writes it, it may not be better to write it.

The Doctrine of the Dawn sect perfectly illustrates the boundaries between life and death, and the relationship between death and eternity.

Most importantly, a rather important concept is mentioned in it.

That is to believe in the dawn, after physical death, the soul can receive eternity.

That is - eternal life!!

Anything, no matter what it is, if you want to make people obedient, blind coercion and lure will not last long.

You need to make people see tangible benefits.

And what Karsas gives is also what people have been striving for - eternal life!

Who doesn't want to live forever?

After the decay of the body, if the soul reaches eternity, is this not immortality in another sense?

With "eternal life" as a reward, these people do not believe in the dawn god religion.

It's just that for now, Foyego has not yet transformed people into the power of the perfect undead.

It is difficult to guarantee that under the erosion of the black mist, the soul will not be short of anything and become delirious .

So for the time being, this can only be a means of drawing pies.


After praising the quality of Kalsas, Foyego got down to business.

"Karthus, I want you to use the Silver Serpent Gang's manpower."

"Let the deeds of the Dark Monarch come last night out of the wind and increase the influence of the Dark Monarch."

Foyego told Karsas about last night.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Karsas nodded, signaling that he already knew.

"In addition, tomorrow a woman will come to you, no matter what she asks, you can fully support her."

"I have appointed her as the archbishop of the Dawn Sect, and you need to gradually put the rights of the Dawn Sect into her hands."

Foyego settled a little more about Sarah, and then spoke again.

"It will soon be the time of the Soul Devouring Night to break out."

"Karthus, I need you to command the undead of Shadow Island."

"You need to take a break from the things in Bilgewater."

"When all the dust settles and the position of the archbishop of the Divine Sect is dawn, I will hand it over to you again."

Foyego soothed at Karthus.

The way of His Majesty lies in being reasonable.

Relying on arrogance and authoritarianism is not the way to last.

Foyego naturally saw that Karsas was very attentive to everything about the Dawn Sect.

And compared to commanding the dead, Karsas is indeed more suitable for dealing with religious affairs.

People worked hard here for a long time, and when he changed hands and picked peaches for a replacement, it was indeed a little inappropriate.

Hearing this, Karthus's eyes flickered a few times, and then he lowered his head respectfully.

"Yes, in accordance with His Majesty's will."

For Foyego, Karsas at this moment was already convinced.

After Foyego's reassurance, the discomfort in his heart also disappeared.

He could have a hunch that the Way of Death would spread throughout the Rune Land in Foyego's hands.

And that is also Karthus's long-cherished wish.

"May the way of dawn be eternal and immortal."

A sudden burst of passion surged in Karthus's heart, and he lowered his head and whispered to Foyego.

Hearing the sound, Foyego's eyes were first stunned, and then a little emotion appeared.

"May the way of dawn be eternal and immortal!"

Foyego also responded to Karthus.

After that, Foyego turned into a black mist and disappeared into this room again.

The time was approaching the outbreak of the Soul Eater Night, and Foyego still had this to do.


In the future, it was this sentence that spread throughout the Rune Continent along with the Dawn God Sect.

(Brothers, today is not in a good state, maybe only five more.) )

(Tomorrow I will try to make up for it, in this brazen to ask for another wave of flowers, monthly passes, evaluations, thank you brothers for your support!) )

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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