Compared to the rain of bullets on Planck's side, Sarah's side seemed much more peaceful.

Under the temptation of "returning to youth", Sarah had little effort to integrate the combat power of the entire Bigivot city-state.

Smuggling merchants, dock gangs, sea beast hunters, ship tycoons.......

At this moment, almost all the people who hold the top power of Bilgewater are gathered together, discussing the strategy against the enemy, and are doing the strategy department~ department.

Now they hardly have to think that the enemy will definitely be a sea thief.

And Foyego, too, had already told Sarah that the enemy-man would be Planck.

In this way, the new hatred and the old hatred are almost entangled, and Sarah's whole body and mind are pounced on dealing with pirates.

She hadn't closed her eyes for two days.

"Okay, that's the situation, let's go down and decorate."

With the defense of Bilgewater's last position arranged, Sarah dispersed everyone and left the room alone.

At this time, a dark ghost appeared at Sarah's side again.

"Is everything arranged?"

Karsas asked softly to Sarah.

"I've done everything I can."

"What will happen next, I'm afraid no one can predict."

Sarah rubbed her brows a little tiredly and whispered to Karsas on her side.

"Does the Dawn Order really have no other hidden power?"

"Like other support or something."

Sarah spoke up again and asked the former archbishop in front of her.

"It's gone."

"I'm the only support."

"After all, the Buddha Xiao Sect has just been established, and it is understandable that its strength is limited."

Karsas explained slowly.

For Foyego's layout, Karsas also failed to see the big picture.

But Carlsas was convinced that it would be them who would win, and he knew all too well about Foyego's unfathomable depth.

Hearing Karthus's words, Sarah's body suddenly trembled, as if she had thought of something, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

"You once said it when you handed over power to me."

"The Order is the only way to spread the faith of the Dark Monarch right now."

"Then since the Order has just been established, how did the Dark Monarch spread the faith before that?"

Sarah stared at Karthus, her eyes full of questioning.

Karsas was silent, although he didn't know the joints, but now he also noticed that he seemed to have made some gaffes just now.

After hesitating, Karsas quickly returned to normal.

After all, paper can't contain the fire, and as the archbishop of the Dawn Order, even if Karsas doesn't say anything at this moment, Sarah has the ability to find out the truth herself.

"As I said, the Order is the only way to spread the faith of the Dark Sovereign."

Karsas said slowly, and after speaking, it turned into a dark shadow again and disappeared without a trace.

He didn't seem to say anything, but Sarah knew that Karsas had said it all.

If the Order of Dawn has only just been established, the Order is the only way to spread the faith of the Dark Monarch.

So how did Leon become a favorant of the Dark Monarch?

And Sarah remembers that Leon once said that the position of the dark monarch in his homeland is like that of the mother of snakes.

Combined with the undead identity of the former Archbishop Carlsas, could it be that Leon's hometown is on Shadow Island?

As her thoughts continued to diverge deeper, Sarah gradually had a bold speculation.

But this conclusion is too absurd, and Sarah herself does not dare to assert it easily.

In this way, in the silent room, only Sarah sat quietly in place at the moment.

No one knew what she was thinking.

A wisp of black mist flowed and condensed into Foyego's figure.

In the silent room, Foyego looked at the girl who had fallen asleep, and a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

She was so tired that she hadn't rested for two days and nights in order to hurry.

Even unknowingly slept directly in this silent room.

People are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Foyego took advantage of Sarah, there is no denying that.

But in the same way, Sarah had already unknowingly entered Foyego's heart.

Foyego slowly came to Sarah's side and reached out to help Sarah tidy up the ends of her somewhat messy hair.

"You're good enough."

"The victory will be yours and you will get everything you want."

"What is gone, will eventually return to you."

Foyego caressed Sarah's pretty face and whispered.

Then, he turned into a wisp of black fog again and left.

After Foyego left, Sarah opened her eyes, and her amber eyes were filled with a complicated look.

After all, things went in the direction she had guessed.

In mid-air, on the surface, Foyego and Naga Kapolos were still facing each other.

But in fact, both of them were already secretly completing countless actions.

The time has come for the third day, and today is also the last day of the appointment.

It is also destined that today is finally the time when everything is about to explode.

Off the coast of Birgiwater, a mighty fleet came from afar.

Looking around, the dense warships are a little unclear.

Although some of these warships looked a little tattered, this did not reduce the momentum of this pirate fleet.

How many pirates exactly does Birgewater have?

I'm afraid no one can say it clearly until then.

And now, Planck can tell you exactly the numbers!

That's two hundred and seventy-one pirate ships! An army of pirates approaching more than 50,000!

This force is enough to sweep the entire Birgewater!

Even if you look at the entire Rune Land, this force can be called the "first in the sea".

It was Planck's Abyss that hit the head.

At this moment, Planck wears a huge captain's hat embroidered with gold wire, which other pirates made for him overnight, symbolizing the identity of the pirate king.

Oloi, on the other hand, still holding his arms without saying a word, stood by Planck's side.


"Birgivot! Lao Tzu is back!! "

Planck looked at the silhouette revealed by Birgiwater in the distance, with a bloodthirsty and excited smile on his face.

Oloi looked at Plank, a trace of emotion flashed in her eyes, and secretly said that her choice was indeed right.

Although Naga Kapolos' shot played a key role in this, even so, subduing tens of thousands of pirates is by no means something that ordinary people can do.

Only Planck could entangle these dirty and greedy pirates together to form this huge force.

On the coast, Pike and the old crow led countless sea beast hunters, as well as gang members looking at the endless pirate fleet on the sea, and a flash of shock flashed in their eyes.

Will they really be able to defeat such an enemy?

A look of vacillation flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Stop getting tangled."

"The port must be held!!"

"We don't have a choice now, do you think they will let us go when these bloodthirsty pirates break through Birgewater?!"

The old crow turned his head and shouted around.

At the critical moment, it was this sea beast hunter who had experienced strong winds and waves who stood up.

With his rich experience, no one knows the characteristics of pirates better than him.

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