It turned out that on that day, Hekarim had indeed died at the hands of Oloi.

But Foyego had long anticipated in advance that Hekarim would lose to Oloi.

In this game of soldier-to-soldier and general, Foyego is the one who knows the strength of both sides the most.

With the conditions of being a prophet of a traverser, he had already predicted the strength of several generals under Naga Kapolos in advance.

Hekarim had already expected the defeat at the hands of Oloi.

So he had already prepared in advance, and at the moment of the fall of Hekarim, the black fog lurking at the bottom of the sea collected all the fragments of Hekarim's body.

Under the power of the black mist, Hekarim was able to be reborn again.

Just because he died once, Hekarim's strength decay was extremely serious, and even with Foyego's adjustment, it was difficult to recover in a short time.

"Four Seven Seven" But even so, Hekarim is still a real legendary powerhouse.

In this crucial match, Foyego had already designed everything in advance, waiting for Naga Kapolos to enter.

No one knows better than Foyego.

On the surface, this is the struggle between two chosen men, Planck and Sarah.

But in fact, this gamble is a competition for the strength of Foyego and Naga Kapolos.

The competition of high-end combat power is actually the most important part of this gamble.

Because a legendary-level combat power is enough to turn the situation around on the field.

Foyego dares to propose such a gamble, naturally with enough confidence.

How could he let it go, such a powerful existence as Oloi, casually carry in the low-end bureau

Otherwise, he would really risk fighting Naga Kapolos? Give away half of your hard-earned faith?

At the moment, the war situation that was originally infinitely inclined to Oloi instantly reversed the situation.

Under the north-south attack of Karsas and Hekarim, the two only need to drag.

Sooner or later, the badly injured Oloy will not be able to hold on.

This wave?

This wave is a success on the road to fight wild gank.

In mid-air, Naga Kapolos, who was closely watching the situation below, was still facing off with Foyego.

Only this time, Gabolos' expression was not at all as proud as before.

At this moment, her pair of dark green vertical pupils were filled with thrilling killing intent, and the beautiful face she transformed into was full of indescribable distortions.

The powerful divine power also escaped from time to time because of the unstable emotions of this deep sea demigod.

If there were no gambling constraints, Naga Kapolos would probably have been unable to bear it for a moment, and he would have to start a hand with Foyego.

Seeing that Oloy below was about to fall into a corner, Naga Kapolos was still indifferent, so Foyego said softly.

"Snake mother, this powerful true person under your command is about to fall."

"Such a strong person and a spokesperson for the mortal world are not so easy to find."

"How about you just throw in the towel? Then I let go of the powerful True One below. "

Foyego's eyes flashed with a deep smile, and there was a wistful smile at the corner of his mouth.

This kingly indifference and demigodly arrogance made Naga Kapolos hate more and more in his chest.

"Don't bother you, King of Shadow Island."

"Who laughed last, it's hard to say."

"I have absolute confidence in Oloi, even so, those two disgusting undead under your command cannot be her opponents!"

Naga Kapolos responded with a sneer, a hint of malice flashing in her eyes.

A look of surprise flashed in Foyego's eyes.

As he said, a true person as powerful as Oloi is not so easy to find.

If it was the heyday of Oloy, it is naturally difficult to say.

Maybe she can turn the tide against the wind, but now Oloi is seriously injured.

Almost everyone can see that Oloy's defeat is already inevitable.

On the other hand, Planck is now completely caught in the headwind, and he himself is about to die.

It can be said that Naga Kapolos has already lost. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So now that the defeat is decided, what is she waiting for?

With one more loss of a strong person at the peak of legend, this transaction cannot be worth it.

This far exceeded Foyego's expectations.

How can an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years go to reason because of momentary gains and losses?

This is something that Foyego's can't figure out.

"Foyego, whose hand the deer died is still unknown!"

"Wait and see!"

Naga Kapolos suddenly spoke, a pair of dark green vertical pupils suddenly looked at the distant sky, I don't know what I was thinking.........

Hearing this, Foyego fell silent again and began to constantly calculate the hole cards that Naga Kapolos might hide in his hand.

Because he knew that to despise the enemy would kill him.

In the face of this ancient god who has lived for 10,000 years, even if he now has the upper hand, Foyego does not dare to take it lightly.

The scene fell silent again, and the two gods were preparing to open their final hole cards.


At this moment, the green tendons on Oloi's forehead burst out, and the divine power on his body continued to vent out like a tidal wave.

For a time, it was really as Naga Kapolos said, even if it was one enemy and two, it still did not fall behind.

On the other side, Karsas and Hekarim were not in a hurry, but adopted a strategy of attrition and harassment on the side.

I have to say that after experiencing a death, Hekarim's brain became much brighter.

Perhaps the memory of the last time he was torn apart by Oloi is still etched in his soul, so that Hekarim is not invaded by the desire to kill.

Instead, he roamed with Karsas on the edge.

Both of them knew in their hearts that although Oloi looked fierce at the moment, he was just a strong outsider.

The severe injury that penetrated her chest was rapidly draining her life force.

This is also why Oloi is desperate and takes the initiative to attack regardless of attrition.

Because if her only chance of life now, 1.0 is to defeat Karsas and Hekarim in a short period of time to win and buy herself time to heal.

Otherwise, once dragged on, then Oloy will face a certain death.

Seeing that Hekarim and Karsas were not in a set, Oloy could only secretly worry in his heart.

Especially with Hekarim in front, Karsas can unleash death spells to interfere with the invasion of Oloy.

In the face of powerful high-level death spells, Oloi can only constantly consume a large amount of divine power to counteract.

Oloi knew she couldn't go on like this.


Oloi shouted loudly, definitely offering the last hole card.

Two relatively slender pale tentacles suddenly appeared from her thick body, winding towards Karsas and Hekarim.

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