Hearing Hekarim's complaint, Kalista just glared at Hekarim, and her eyes were as if they were three or nine bitter cold, with the ultimate coldness.

Seeing this, Hekarim couldn't help but take two steps back, and a trace of panic subconsciously flashed in his eyes.

The grudge between the two has long been without explanation.

Even if they are in the same camp at the moment, the hatred between the two is still difficult to reconcile.


Calista finally said nothing, and then turned into a gray mist and disappeared in place.

This cold and unobtrusive gesture, not only Hekarim, but even the soul fire in Karthus's eyes flickered slightly.

But in the end, Kalsas still didn't say a word, just quietly retreated, and also disappeared in place.

Hekarim and he are not the same people, but this "popped" Calista is also different from him.

In other words, for Carlsas, there is now one more competitor in the competition.

Karsas had thought that with the brainless Hekarim, he could not win him and shake his position on Shadow Island.

As a result, there is now a Calista, and Karsas has to keep a low profile again.

Foyego is certainly the worthy king of Shadow Island!

But under the king, there are also prime ministers, marshals, generals.......

And what exactly will become depends on 570 whether you have the king's heart.

After Karsas and Kalista disappeared, Hekarim was no longer bored, and his eyes once again showed a trace of murderous excitement.

Because at this moment on the battlefield on the other side, countless lives are being lost every minute.

That's where Hekarim likes the most!!

He was going there and enjoying the thrill of killing!!

At the moment, Hekarim ran all the way towards the coast.

At this point, Planck had gone through the last glimmer of hope for a turnaround.

All he could do was for Hekarim to shatter his dream of the "Pirate King".

In the sky, Foyego looked at the overall situation below and raised his head to look at Naga Kapolos on the side.

The meaning in the eyes is already self-evident, and it is time to keep the promise.

"Snake mother, are you still stubborn?"

Foyego indifferently asked, although he had won the gamble, he did not mean to relax in the slightest.


"Losing is losing, I have nothing to say."

Naga Kapolos suddenly sneered, and his face was also not angry after losing the gamble.

Instead, it carries a strange coldness and cruelty.

"I will keep my promise."

"Starting today, my Order will withdraw from Bilgewater."

"I will also hand over the power of faith in my hands."


"You don't really think you won."

"Buddha! Yes! Spear! "

Naga Kapolos' tone was quite normal at first, but as her voice went on, the breath on her body became more and more violent, until finally Naga Kapolos had completely changed her appearance.

The originally beautiful face became hideous and distorted, and the momentum on his body was constantly rising.

At the same time, because she admitted her defeat, all the statues of Naga Kapolos in the entire Birgewater collapsed in an instant.

A large number of forces of faith began to pour into Foyego, causing Foyego's death divinity to grow rapidly.

But at the moment, although Naga Kapolos happily handed over the bet, her appearance did not seem to accept defeat gladly.


"It seems that the snake mother still wants to play? Then I will accompany! "

Foyego also put away his previous idle attitude, and his eyes suddenly became cold. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If Naga Kapolos' next hole card is this pale and powerless threat, then Foyego, who has already obtained everything, does not need to continue playing with her.

Another powerful momentum also rose up, colliding with Naga Kapolos in the sky.

At this moment, Naga Kapolos smiled a little proudly.

"Foyego, you don't think that your enemy (cied) is only me, do you?"

As soon as the words fell, Naga Kapolos' body began to expand continuously, and she did not resume the posture of a huge sea beast hundreds of meters high.

Instead, it turned into a shrunken sea beast posture of less than ten meters.

Although her body shape has not recovered, this does not mean that her strength will be much weaker.

On the contrary, this body shape is the best posture to deal with Foyego.

Conjuring up this gesture also means that Naga Kapolos doesn't want to pretend, and she has a showdown.

She was going to do something to Foyego!!

And Naga Kapolos chose to do it, naturally with her confidence.

To the north of Birgiwater is an uninhabited swamp.

And at this moment, on the swamp, a huge aura of death suddenly emerged!

In this breath of death, there is an obvious hunting divinity!

This breath comes from a demigod.

Foyego was no stranger to this demigod.

Forever Hunt Twins - Qian Jue!!

Foyego's other nemesis!!

Now since Foyego gained the divinity of death, it has added fuel to the fire.

He became an eternal and unending enemy!!

It turns out that this is the strength of Naga Kapolos!!

Almost instantly, Foyego understood Naga Kapolos' plan!

When Foyego's eyes were fixed on the "chess game", Naga Kapolos had already cast his eyes outside the game.

For her, as long as Foyego exists for a day, it is a scourge that cannot be ignored.

So from beginning to end, the reason why Naga Kapolos promised Foyego was not for the half of the power of faith in Foyego's hands.

It was to keep Foyego in Birgiwater forever!!

It is also because of this that Naga Kapolos will remain indifferent despite the loss of a strong man like Oloi.

She chose not to end the game because the time she had been waiting for had not yet arrived.

Now, the time she had been waiting for had come!

As long as she drags Foyego and waits until Qian Jue rushes over, then Foyego will probably be fierce! ! !

A fierce light flashed in Naga Kapolos' eyes.

She knew that with her and Qianjue, I am afraid that she would not be able to leave Foyego here completely.

Although Foyego is difficult to fight with both fists and four feet, if he wants to run, Naga Kapolos and Qian Jue will not be able to do anything.

However, Naga Kapolos never thought that two people would be able to leave Foyego behind.

Of course, she knew that as the enemy of all living beings, Foyego had new and old hatred with many strong people.

His enemies had long been spread throughout the Rune Lands.

As long as she and Qian Jue join forces to fight Foyego and suppress it, then there will be other demigod-level combat forces to join the ranks of Fuyego.

When many enemies gather, it will be difficult for Foyego not to die.

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