"This warrior, don't you know what ideal place you want to go?"

Barry had a bit of concern in his eyes, as if he really seemed to be a warm-hearted good person.

"It's not a secret, in fact, I..."

"And it didn't . . ."

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the young man's face again.

The young man's performance made Bai Rui more and more sure of his guess, and the evil thoughts in his heart were almost overwhelmed.

But even so, Barry forcibly suppressed the evil fire in his heart and pretended to have a lot of emotion.


"Warrior, the best way for Noxus to get ahead is to join the army..."


Barry said something casually, but suddenly stopped at a critical moment.


The young man asked anxiously, as if he wanted to learn from Bai Rui how to get ahead.

"Alas, I also don't want to see a warrior with a broad future suffer."

"That's what I whispered to you..."

Bai Rui suddenly quietly approached the young man's side and said to the young man in a low voice. 28

"As you can see, I am a nobleman of Noxus."

Barry first pointed to his gorgeous clothes that were very different from others.

And then he continued.

"I have inside information..."

"The recruits of the empire, the formation rate has reached a terrifying seventy percent!!"

Bai Rui's voice suddenly became much lower, making people sound faintly chilled.


The young man gasped at the moment, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.


"Now you understand."

Bai Rui shook his head helplessly, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.


"What should I do........"

The eyes of the young man showed confusion about the future and uneasiness about the present.


Seeing this expression of the young man, Barry was suddenly ecstatic, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously set off an arc full of pleasure.

"Warrior, I see you as talented."

"If you don't mind, I think I can offer you a job."

"As you can see, I'm a nobleman..."

Barry's words are full of mysterious allure, and when the youth is most confused at this moment, Bairui's words seem to provide the youth with a ladder to a better future.


"Thank you so much, you are such a good person!"

There was a trace of ecstasy in the young man's eyes, and he even sent a good man card to Barry in excitement.

This simple performance made Barry more and more satisfied.

"Then come with me, warrior."

After making a "please" gesture, Barry led the way ahead.

The young man was one position behind, following Barry.

"I am the heir of the Warrenth family, Barry. Valence. "

"By the way, Warrior, what's your name."

Barry asked the white-haired young man beside him, with a bit of approachability in his tone.



"My name is Leon."

The young man happily reported his name.

Li Ang, a very common name, Barry did not think about it much.

Instead, he led the young man to the Valence mansion.

Along the way, countless Noxians on both sides of the street saw the white-haired young man following Bai Rui, and a trace of sympathy flashed in their eyes.

Because they know.

Another moth, fell into the spider's web.

Yes, there was a moth that fell into the spider's web .........

The House of Warrens, an old aristocrat with hundreds of years of records in the history of Noxus.

During this period, the Valence family went through the rule of one great ruler, great general, tyrant and overlord after another.

This is not to say how skilled the Valence family is, but behind this old aristocracy, there is a mysterious force behind it.

With the support of that one, no matter what storms it has gone through, the Valence family can stand tall. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And as a price, the Valence family also needs to be driven by that one's existence.

"It's arrived!"

Barry took Leon to a very grand-looking manor.

In the magnificent immortal fortress, although this manor is not first-class, it also surpasses the vast majority of people.

In front of the gate of the manor, two guards dressed in steel plate armor saw Bai Rui taking the stranger home, both looking strange.

"Young Master!"

The two guards immediately saluted Bai Rui.

Bai Rui just nodded slightly, and then led Li Ang to continue walking towards the manor.

While walking, Barry was secretly proud in his heart.

"This hillbilly next to me must have never seen such a world."

Barry led Leon through the garden, through the castle, and finally came to the door of a somewhat gloomy-looking room.

"Go inside, Leon."

"Let's talk about your follow-up work inside."

A trace of color flashed across Bai Rui's face, and the greed and evil thoughts in his eyes almost overflowed from his eye sockets.

"Okay, no problem."

Who knew that Li Ang didn't seem to notice this at all, but naturally followed Bai Rui into this gloomy room.

As the two stepped into the door.

"Bang !!"

The door of the room suddenly closed vigorously, and the violent sound of the door hitting the door frame made people suddenly feel a little chill in their hearts.

The gloomy room is full of torture instruments and human organs soaked in unknown liquids.


Barry finally couldn't hold back any longer and began to laugh hysterically.


"You're really stupid!!!

"Would you really believe that there would be a free lunch in Noxus!!"

Barry obviously doesn't want to act anymore, and he thinks that after tricking Li Angyu here, he is already foolproof.

A silver rank swordsman, he can take him down with a lift of his hand!!


"I thought you could continue to play 270 and bring me some surprises."

"I didn't expect it to end here?"

The young man who was known as Li Ang only shook his head with some disappointment, and there was neither fear nor panic on his cheeks.

Instead, there was a hint of indifferent calm.


Barry's laughter stopped abruptly, and seeing Li Ang's face, Bai Rui's face quickly became gloomy.

Originally, he was expecting to see the fear and panic on Li Ang's face, but now Li Ang's indifference made him very unhappy!



"Soon you won't be proud, Leon!"

"Crush every bone of yours!! Then drain every drop of your blood!! "

"I want to hear your pleasant wail!!"

Barry's eyes were gradually flooded with blood red, and fluctuations from magic began to surge on Bai Rui's body.

Seeing this, Li Ang shook his head and said softly.

"It seems that I looked away, I actually thought you were a smart person."

A hint of boredom flashed in Li Ang's eyes, and then he gently raised his hand, and endless black mist gushed out from it, flooding the entire room.

Facing the terrifying black fog, a trace of fear flashed in Barry's eyes.

He could feel that compared to the power surging on this black mist, his existence was like a fragile ant!!

"Not !!!"

Barry screamed, terror filling his heart.

But now, everything is too late.

The black fog mercilessly drowned Barry.............

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