I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 110 - FINAL QUEST COMPLETION (Part-3)

Kaguya looked towards Momoshiki and said in a plain tone "It's good that you have come here, now I will be able to gather enough energy to teleport this world in dimensional gap save spot. Then other *Otsutsuki clansmen* wouldn't be able to find this world. I just need to refine you and my task would be completed."

Momoshiki and Kinshiki were stunned speechless upon hearing what Kaguya just said. They thought if she understood her current situation, she was up against 3-geniuses of *Otsutsuki clan*. Sure she was very strong and talented but she couldn't possibilly fight against 3-of them.

Urashiki smiled after hearing her words and thought 'Lets see just how strong has she became after all these years.'

No one except the patriarch knew about Urashiki's true strength ,the reason they thought that he was pretty average was because he limited his true capabilities and only displaced his true strength when needed.

He didn't liked involving himself with the fight, he just loved to fool around doing nothing.

"Have you gone crazy after spending so much time in this world!!!!....due of seriously think that you stand a chance against us???...." said Momoshiki with a dumbfounded expression.

But Kaguya didn't reply to him just activated her *Byakugan* and started gathering all her power that she acquired after all these years.

Seeing her activating the *Byakugan* , Momoshiki got his answer as his eyes went cold. He spoke with a venomous tone "Kill her Kinshiki, we don't need to keep a traitor like her alive."

Kinshiki burst forward with high speed as red colored axe appeared in both of his arms, he chopped towards at Kaguya as the air around him started to sink in.

Kaguya raised her palm and coated it with chakra making two sharp swords take form. She thrusts forwards with barely any effort and her palm collides with the axe.

Things like a loud noise or blood didn't appear, the axes were deflected to the side as her palm made contact with with the weapons.

It seemed like Kaguya was using a technique similar to *Gentle palm* but the former was leagues above the latter.

Ichizu who had been watching the scene from the shadows was a little surprised upon witnessing the technique Kaguya used to effortlessly deflect the incoming attacks.

'~Tony~ tell me about the technique Kaguya is using.....' asked Ichizu as he was quite interested in the technique as other than *Standard-taijutsu* that he mastered he had no fighting style while engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

And after looking at the technique Kaguya was using he thought that maybe he had finally found the technique he sought for after all these years.

His *Fantasy world* wasn't just normal illusion what it could also display some future happening inside it's world though the timeline and dimension would always vary if Ichizu didn't selected a specific one.

[~Tony~:-*host* the technique that Kaguya is using is the downgrade version of *Yin-Yang series* a *Z-rank* technique which stands at the top of it's league.]

'Ohhh....interesting ,well tell me more about it and also display the rank which Kaguya is using.' said Ichizu while he continued to watch the ongoing battle.

[*Yin-Yang alteration* (A-rank) is the version being used by Kaguya. She had reached 7th Level of the technique out of 14 levels.]


•Name:-*Yin-Yang origin*


•Description:- According to the legend at the beginning there was neither good nor bad, neither light nor dark ,only balance existed along the Chaos.

Many say that their are two categories in fighting Attack and Defense but their also exists balance or rather neutrality in the case after all one can't win simply by attacking or defending.

You need to do both equally depending on the situation. So thus there are 3-modes in this series.


1.Attack mode-Grants strongest attack but no defense.

2.Defense mode-Grants strongest defense but no attack.

3.Nuetral mode-Grants high level defense with high level attack.]

'Hmmm...strongest attack means One-hit K.O whereas strongest defense means Zero-damage...while the neutral settings allows high level defense and attack both.....this will suit my style.'

'I will be taking away her freedom so I will compensate her by teaching her this martial arts ,I will be able to enter her heart slowly slowly as mastering the technique will take her many eons.'

'We will have all the time in eternity to bond together and who knows maybe I too will fall for her.....hehehe....' thought Ichizu as he saw Kaguya beating both Kinshiki and Momoshiki black and blue with her technique which Urashiki just stood there watching the battle.

'How much does the technique costs????...' asked Ichizu prepared to see an outrageous price tag.

•Cost:-0 s.p

•(Certain conditions need to be fulfied to buy the technique.)]

Ichizu's eyes widened from shock as he held his breath after seeing te price, he couldn't believe it. Zero (S.P) was the price required to but it.

But he soon calmed down upon seeing the small note beneath the pag tag. He said '~Tony~ why does it displays Zero (S.P) and what does it mean by that note.'

[~Tony~:-*host* the technique itself is worthless as below Peak-Daolord level it is nearly impossible to fulfill the condition required to practice it.]

[It requires one to have enough Body-mind potential to practice it ,the level of requirement is so high that other than entities above Peak-Daolord level no one can practice it.]

[Does *host* want to check whether his body meets the requirement or not???.]

'Yes!!!!...' replied Ichizu almost immediately after hearing what the system just told him.


2.Body potential above Peak-Daolord level.

•Current Body potential:- ∞-level

•Current Mind potential:- ∞-level

•Requirement fulfied]

Seeing this Ichizu smirked as he remembered the time when he asked for the *Adaptable body and mind* passive ability from that god.

After buying the Technique knowledge related to it flooded inside Ichizu brain and after 5 min he received a notification.

[*Yin-Yang origin* technique:-

•Level:- 4/20 (Realm of instant mode switch.)


"Looks like my other passive ability *Instant mastery* kicked in and levelled the technique to the max this world has reached." Ichizu smirked as he felt that now he couldn't be defeated unless he went to wuxia world or if he wasn't under *World's Will* suppression.

He snapped out of his daze and returned his gaze towards Kaguya who had heavily injured Momoshiki and Kinshiki while she too had some injuries but weren't to serious.

Kaguya (Present) who had been watching the fight from the side felt happy seeing that she defeated the two idiots but her happiness was short lived as Urashiki made his move and froze Kaguya in her place using the string of his fishing rod to disable her.

She tried to struggle free, even used her jutsu and teleportation but nothing worked as the string had some sealing effect in it.

Momoshiki got up with great difficulty and walked towards Kaguya who was helplessly trying to free herself. He arrived in front of her and raised his hand as killing intent exploded out of his eyes.

Before the scene could advance ,it broke like a glass as both Kaguya and Ichizu returned to the dimension where they previously were.

"So do you accept???." asked Ichizu with a smile.

(A/N:-The God used the system to fulfill Ichizu wishes not because he was that powerful.)

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