I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 14 - TAKING CARE OF GATO AND REVIVING PEOPLE (Special chapter)

"Sate sate....now that Zabazu has died it will be easier for everyone hehehe..." said Gato.

Naruto shouted "What do you been by that??? and who are you???."

He replied "I am Gato, Gato of the Gato company you see I hired Zabazu to kill that man so that the construction of the bridge wouldn't be completed ,and when Zabuza would have killed him I would have silenced him so that this chapter would have been closed forever. He killed you and I would have killed him so that no witnesses would have been left but you already killed him so now I just have to kill you all and place all the blame on Zabuza hahahahaha....."

Naruto balled a fist as he shouted "How can you do something like that ,he was your comrade ,how can you betray and kill him. You sc_u_m...."

He replied "No we were not comrades he was only a mercenary I hired to kill the man and what do you know after taking the money he was even planning to kill me so I just killed him first and now it's time for you guys to die."

Naruto shouted "Like hell you will..."

Sakura says "Naruto.... Sasuke...."

Sasuke looked towards me and asks "What do we won't sensei???." I and kakashi looked at each other and stated at the same time "Let's kick their sorry butts." Sasuke noded while Naruto shouted "Hell yeah!!!!!".

Sakura says "Don't get overexcited and get yourself stabbed!!....."

Naruto sulked as he grumbles. Kakashi and I ran forward ,I said "Let's take care of him once and for all so that he won't be able to trouble others."

He noded, I swung my sword as I muttered " *Sword arts* - *Aincrad style*"

knowing that they couldn't win like this everyone around me attacked at the same time ,seeing this I smiled and took out some *Paper bombs* and dropped them on the ground. Seeing this they tried to stop and get away from there but couldn't stop the momentum. I smiled and said "Sayonara!!!!..."

{Woosh} I teleported away from there on the kunai I threw in the beginning.


"Aahhhhh... ahhhh...." everyone around me was caught up in the blast.

Naruto/Sakura "Wowwww...." I appeared beside them as they said "You are awesome sensei!!!" I replied "Kakashi-san is no less ,you may not know but he is known to know over a thousand jutsu , Kakashi the copy ninja."

Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura says "Wowwww....we have two super strong sensei ." I smiled as Kakashi took care of Gato with *Lightning style:-Chidori* I looked at the Chidori with my sharingan as my passive ability kicked in *Instant mastery*.

When kakashi came back I gave him two pills and said "These are very special pills ,I only had one-one each left with me and I don't need them so I am giving them to you now eat them and thank you...."

Kakashi took the pills ,turned around ate them and asked confusingly "Thank you for what???.." I showed him the chidori as I said "For this.." he looked at me as if I was a monster while thinking "he just looked at my technique once and learned it and it is even better than mine ,what a terrifying aptitude ....

....What the fu..." his eyes widened as the pills started to take effect.

Cost :-23.000p(For kakashi his chakra pool with increase to that of an average Uzumaki.)

2.Upgrade pills :- Can strengthen a kekkai gekkai by 5 times and eliminate the biggest drawback of it.(In case of M.sharingan, the blindness from overuse.)]

Kakashi stared at me for a while and said very seriously "I will remember this favour if you ever require my assistance please tell me ok." I noded and said " You guys rest for a while as I make sure that there are no more of these idiots lurking here ,I will be back in about half en hour." saying so I shot towards the forest.

After making sure no one is around I used kamui to enter my dimension. I saw Zabuza and haku's bodies as I thought "It's about time I use one of my original E.M.S abilities."


(Ikikaeru means revive,come in english)( This is one of our Mc's original abilities of his right eye to revive the dead but has many drawbacks.)

Seals began to surface on their bodies as their wounds started to heal and their cold body started regain warmth after 5 min I feel of my knees as blood flowed out of my right eye and what followed was unspeakable pain.

Zabuza and haku opened their eyes and slowly and sat straight ,looked towards Ichizu and said "Brother Ichizu are you okay."

One of the drawback of this technique is that the revived person will have no memories of before and Ichizu himself has to transplant some new ones in them. As in this case he gave them memories of how they were orphan's whom Ichizu's parent saved from starving to death and taught them jutsu, how they pleaged that they would forever be loyal to Ichizu.

So upon seeing Ichizu's condition they were worried. While they were worrying about me I was thinking" They both were recently killed and their souls had also not dispersed ,even then it took this much out of me ,I can't you this skill more than 3 times a day also the greater the time for which a person is dead more the chakra I would have to spend ,if a person is dead for some years than after reviveing them I won't be able you use my sharingan or move for months and pain I will suffer would be very horrible. Damn this skill is more like a forbidden art."

I said " I am okay no not to worry ,here eat these pill we need to change your appearance both of you." I gave them *Body restructuring pills* to change their appearance.

After consuming the pills they looked totally different from how they use to be. I told them "I need you guys to infiltrate Root and gather evidence against Danzo ,you will be working with Nikasu. Take caution while going so."

They noded and said "Leave it to us brother ichizu ." with their abilities they would be able to acquire some evidence and also wouldn't get caught while doing so."

After dealing with them I contacted Nikasu and told him about my plan he replied "Well you still remember poor old me???."

I said "I will compensate you after I return with a bowl of ramen."After saying so I placed a *Flying raijin seal* on their bodies and teleported them to Nikasu.

After they were gone and I recovered from using the technique I decided future plans.

Now let's get down to The main bussiness.

"~Tony~ I want you to create the body of a_d_u_l_t Rin."

[~Tony~:- *host* if you want to revive Rin then you will have to use your E.M.S ability and she has been dead for some years now , you will experience tremendous pain and will be unconscious for months but if you want, you can substitute all the suffering with points but it will cost you many points.]

I asked in amazement "I can do that..????"

[~Tony~:- As long as *host* has points anything is possible.]

I thought for a while " Can you also give her the memories of what happened after she was dead .???"

[~Tony~:- yes I can do that but construction of the body will take some years ,it will be done on the day Obito declares war on everyone also she will only be revived with half-3 tails as in the original timeline the whole beast was caught by Akatsuki after orochimaru summoned the 3-tails back in the world.]

I said "Do it!!!!"

[ Deducting 200.000p........]

[ Total points :- 200.000p]

Damm that was half of my points well be ready for a surprise Obito and Kakashi hehehe hehe......

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