I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 16 - CHUNIN-EXAMS (Part-2)

While they survived the *Forest of death* they made a friend named Kabuto as he was a very capable fella little ,naruto and kabuto quickly became friends. I sighed after seeing them as I knew who he really was and why he was here.

After coming out of the forest they were giving a week to rest before they moved to the third stage *preliminary round*.

Nikasu took naruto to chill off, sakura returned to her home and I brought Sasuke back home.

A delicious aroma spread through the uchiha compound as we stepped in. The aroma intensified as we neared our house ,we entered and saw mom cooking Delicious omlets for the family. Father was sitting at the table reading newspaper after the massacre father started to pay attention to the family ,if often taught sasuke different techniques and some time took him with the police force so show him how to handle all kinds of people.

I loved seeing them like this as father spent time with sasuke ,I helped mom at house and accompanied her to buy groceries and etc.

The days went by peacefully as we enjoyed the company of our parents ,I even helped sasuke to improve his taijutsu a bit after a week passed sasuke and others had to fight each other to qualify for the tournament that will be taking place at a later date.

The first match was between Shino and Zaku from sound village the match was pretty intresting to watch. At first Shino was having trouble keeping up as Zaku could use sonic waves to disrupt his focus but Shino was able to attack him from many directions resulting in him being worn out. Shino finished the match with a punch on Zaku's face.

Next match was of Naruto and Kiba.

"Give up naruto you won't be able be able to defeat me and Akamaru, you don't stand a change." said Kiba with his hands in his pocket as Akamaru laid on his head.

"YOU are the one who will lose today." rebuked Naruto.

Kiba launchs himself towards naruto with Akamaru as he made Akamaru transform in Kiba, naruto used a smoke ball as soon as Kiba entered his range. After the smoke disappeared three Kiba came into view.

Kakashi exclaimed in surprise "Using the smoke as a cover and using transformation jutsu to confuse his opponent is a very good strategy."

Sakura shouted "Don't lose naruto!!!!!".

Kiba punched towards one of them randomly yo figure out who is the real naruto but punched the wrong person....Oops I meant puppy .

Naruto uses this opportunity and surrounding Kiba with 6-clones before defeating Kiba with Uzumaki barrage. According to the Original series naruto was not this strong but Ichizu had trained the 3 of them by creating a perfect training program for them with Kakashi. And all that hard work finally paid of as everyone even sakura was stronger than in original version.

Everyone was astounded by the power Naruto displayed as before he used to be nothing worth mentioning if not including his shadow clone jutsu.

"Looks likes he has been training all this time under our noses ,this Chunin exams are already enough but now this too ,such a drag...." said Shikamaru.

Next up were Sasuke vs genko (I am using named which I created ,not in original series.), he defeated genko easily with the help of taijutsu ,by finishing him with Lion's barrage.

"Way to go sasuke.." shouted ino and sakura at the same time ,turned towards each other while glaring.

The next match was Hinata vs neji ,I came and stood next to Kakashi who looked at me and said "So you're gonna watch this one."

I nodded and said "Nikasu asked me to make sure she doesn't get hurt badly and also she is a very good friend of naruto so I will make sure to stop the match if something to dramatic happened."

Kakashi said "We are not allowed to interfere in the match's until and unless things get a bit out of control."

I replied "I will only interfere if necessary ,if not then I will only watch as everything progresses."

The battle begin as both of them infused and compressed chakra in their palms and struck each other while sending shockwaves in every direction. This continued for sometime before neji gained the upper hand and struck hinata's pressure points ,sealing the flow of chakra in her body.

I little blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth but she didn't stopped fighting. Neji continued to strike mercilessly and was about to deal her a massive blow but I acted at that time ,using my E.M.S to stop both of them from moving by putting them under a genjutsu. I spoke "This is the end of this match as Neji wills this round."

After saying so I released my genjutsu on them, Naruto rushed towards Hinata and spoke worriedly "Are use okay hinata....." he shifted his gaze towards Neji as he said "How can use beat her so cruelly..??"

"This is what happens when you too weak and even then try to fight." said neji, while glancing at me he thought "This person is extremely terrifying I couldn't even resist his genjutsu a tiny bit."

Naruto says "If we were to fight I will beat the living day out of you."

Neji smirked "I would like to see you try you trash."????????????

Naruto gritted his teeth ????????????????????????

I appeared beside hinata and knelt on one knee ,placed a hand on her little head as her whole body was covered in a mixture of three lights ,all her wounds healed in a moment. This was my Tri-patterned nature energy as it efficiently healed hinata.

Everyone stared at me astoundingly as naruto said "Thanks sensei you are awesome."

I lightly patted his head as I said "All the best in your upcoming battles be cautious and take counter-measures against your opponents got it???."

Naruto nodded and said "Leave it to me sensei.."

I smiled at him as Sasuke shouted "I too will give my all Kakashi-sensei ,Nii-san."

Sakura first glanced at kakashi then at me and clenched her fist as if stating that she too will win.

"This is the youth.....HAHAHAHAAA....." said Guy while glancing at Lee.

Kakashi said "So you are finally here Guy."

I smiled at him and said "Greetings Guy"

he replied with a shout "All these young ones have such a fighting spirit THIS IS YOUTH.....".

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