I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


The sound of waves converging thundered throughout the ocean, the attack that Ichizu unleashed was extremely strong in its offensive damage capacity.

The damage done to ocean itself was ignorable as even though the attack was strong, it front of the great and vast ocean it wasn't nothing but the same couldn't be said for the aquatic life.

Nikasu isolated the ocean in time by teleporting every living being away from the attack target. The magic was a [Convergence-type] with wide area effect.

The underwater fortress, codename [Tortuga] had its outer most protection barrier torn of from many places. The overall damage was close to none to Tortuga itself as the damage was absorbed by the barrier.

But the impact shook the whole fortress, the sudden increase in kinetic energy causes the oxygen and electrical system to momentarily collapse.

Though it itself recovered extremely fast it was enough for sending the fortress into [Emergency upward]. It meant that the fortress itself moved upwards towards the surface of the great ocean so that the pressure on the barrier would decrease. But doing so they exposed their position as the cloaking system was broken by the energy outburst.

"Sir our position have been exposed, though the other countries wouldn't be able to sense the sudden spike in Psion due to the strange condition of [Negative zone], we aren't able to locate the enemy." One of the people responsible for monitoring the surrounding spoke up to the director who had a nasty expression on his face.

"We have receive orders from the higher upps that we must abandon the fortress while escorting Ms. Tsunade and Ms. Mei to escape pods. The whole project will be terminated as we already have all the data we need. The [F-014 satalite] will be in position to use [Bolt of God] to destroy the facility along with the test subjects." Reported another member of the research department.

The director calmed himself done and asked with an indifferent expression "How much time is their till the satalite is in position???..."

"20 minutes....." Answer the monitor with a confused expression.

"Hmmmm....Fire all the ammo in every direction ,target everything in a radius of several kilometers." Said the director with a nasty smile.

"But director we need to abandon the fortress..." Asked the subordinate still confused.

"Yes I am aware of that....." he replied by making an announcement on the broadcasting mic.

"Every personnel, you are ordered to abandon the fortress using escape teleportation in 10 min ,including Ms. Tsunade and Ms. Mei." After saying so he turned towards the other people inside the control room.

"Abandoning a fully loaded fortress will leave a bad taste in my mouth, fire everything!!!!....We will use [Greater teleportation] to escape.....After we kill the bastard who attacked our base." Said the director with a sinister smile.

"Sis Tsuna, I have disabled the cameras and security. We need to move fast the save the kids..." Said Mei as she urged Tsunade to hurry.

Mei was wearing tight black outfit, if Ichizu were to see her right now he would have probably drooled after seeing her fiancé.

"Yes....Yes...Don't worry Mei....." Replied Tsunade as she used [Transformation jutsu] on the dead bodies of the guards whom Mei killed.

Shields was away on a mission so they could do whatever they wanted to do. After transforming the dead bodies into clones of the kids she replaced them with the kids who were apparently given sleeping drug.

"Let's get out of here, after this mission Shields will be sent on the mission to discover the unregistered [Strategic-level magician] in Japan. At that time we can meet Ichizu again." Said Mei as she summoned Merlin and asked him to teleport them to S.T.A.R.S headquarters in U.S.A.


"So they have finally left...Guess I can now let loose....." Ichizu who was floating high in the air mumbled to himself while pointing his 'Sword' at the gigantic fortress who had just launched tons of weapons at him.

"[System-call].....[Generate luminous object]...[Generate Negative element].....[Adding Nullification element].....[Abbys Strike]." A series of strange magic sequence appeared behind Ichizu's back while matter converged at the hollow tip of his [Sword of Clocking Time].

The black particle at the tip of his sword burst out with great energy and crashed into the weapons incoming at them.

Ichizu launched himself towards the fortress as a dark shadow surrounded his figure. His eyes had already changed into [Mangekyou sharingan].

"This is the first time I am using it in this world....[Susanoo]." A black armored with multiple chain binding it's four tail like wings appeared with Ichizu incased inside it.

(A/N:-The new Susanoo had been uploaded in the discord ages ago, if you guys remember.)

Ichizu swung his [S.C.T] towards the fortress who still was protected by its tattered barrier.

Due to the fact that all of the attacks had exhausted the core of the fortress, Ichizu didn't meet with an resistance as he incantation of destruction sliced the fortress into two along with the ocean surface.

The [S.C.T] was the most dreadful weapon with only one equal ,[Ea]. This weapon had the ability to cut time, timeline and the very concept of time itself. It could very well end anything. Only the [Sword of rupture] could match it. It could directly accelerate aging or cut back in time to destroy the original itself.

It was more dangerous than [Ea] but what made it even worse was that, the [S.C.T] could stop the laws of the world itself meaning that even heroic spirit's ,god's ,Divine being's very origin could be cut.

This dreadful sword was the real reason why nobody ever even came close to defeating him in sword play. Nikasu wasn't a sword user himself, he was more inclined to use [Enkidu] or his [Chain blades].

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