I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 186 - YOU CANNOT BEAT ME SON..!!! (Part-1)

The Elder withered away so did his accomplice, all suddenly aged several decades. Even the bones decayed while the clothing looked unaffected by the magic.

"W-What is going on...!!!!" Miyuki screamed in fright as she watched her clan elders withering away. Tatsuya held her hand and pulled her behind him before scanning the area.

"T-This isn't possible, he is—..." Maya stuttered, trying to form the words that she wanted to speak.

"What is it Aunt...?" asked Tatsuya as he scanned her face.

"[Death By Time], this is Tatsurou's spell...b-but he is sealed....s-so how..?" this spell wasn't something any magician could do. Only Tatsurou with his Superpower could pull off this magic.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that....." Ichizu suddenly spoke out of nowhere while smiling.

"What do you mean—..."

"He means Tatsurou isn't sealed....." Miya suddenly entered the wide-area inside the cave, her eyes scanning the place.

"Mother....~" Miyuki stopped speak as she saw her mother's raised hand, signaling her to stay quiet.

"Tatsurou please....can we talk...." Miya's voice was weak and almost pleading as she waited for a response.

From behind the crystal which contained the sealed Tatsurou came out yet another Tatsurou. Wearing a dark suit and his [Star breaker] in his right hand.

"Sigh....you shouldn't have come here Miya, I will not stop until the clan is gone for good."

The Tatsurou inside the crystal started to fade away, just at the last moment. He had invoked his [Time-Control] to create a clone and escape from the seal.

"B-But you were sealed away...!!" Maya said as she pointed her finger at the empty crystal.

"He used [Time-control] to create a clone and escape, this seal could have sealed for 20 years so he stored 20 years of his lifespan in a clone and substituted the seal," Ichizu spoke in a calm tone as he gazed at them from a boulder top.

"The famous [Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan] is truly as overpowered as stated in the legends.....even something as discreet as the [Time-spells] couldn't escape your sight."

"Haha.....thank you for the compliment Tatsurou-kun but this isn't all....."

"Sigh....troublesome..." Tatsurou grumbled as he started speaking.

"Indeed..., 20 years is a considerable amount of time even for me. After using my magic, I absorbed the elder's time to regain what I lost....." he stated as he laughed.

"What....!!!" Maya was utterly terrified at first when she heard that due to her using that seal on him, 20 years of his lifespan had to be sacrificed. But after hearing that he stole Elder's time as they aged away, she left dread gripping her heart.

Her brother-in-law would really not stopped until the Yotsuba clan seized to exist.

Maya balled her palm into fists and clenched them hard, she couldn't fight her brother-in-law in this cave which was an obvious disadvantage for her.

"Tatsurou...please let go of this hate, you have already destroyed the main branch, it's only a matter of time before the internal structure of the clan would collapse and the branch families would enter a bitter struggle for power."

Miya walked towards Tatsurou and hugged him tightly, she lightly rubbed her palms on his back.

Tatsurou paused for a moment as he seriously considered Miya's words, she was indeed correct. Those who plotted against him had already died along with the council, Yotsuba clan will be going through a civil war and the other [Master clans] would surely use this situation to weaken the Yotsuba clan influence as much as possible.

"Wrong move...." muttered Ichizu as suddenly a bright white light hit Tatsurou on the forehead, blood burst out of his body as his body fell backward.

Miya and Maya were shocked as they turned towards Tatsuya. He held his C.A.D A.k.a [Trident] in his right hand and he was found pointing towards Tatsurou.

"Tatsurou.....!!!!!" both of the sisters shrieked as they rushed towards his body.

Miyuki had a blank look on her face, seemingly lost as she wonders why did her brother do something like this.

Tatsuya lowered his weapon and pointed it towards Ichizu, he face devoid of any expression.

"I want to ask you some questions....." commanded Tatsuya as he placed his finger on the trigger, prepared to use [Material burst] if required.

Tatsuya had thought about what would happen if the elders were destroyed, people who had been wanting to hurt Miyuki would surely act as they seem fit.

The Elders not only controlled the clan but also it was due to their presence that no direct conflict would last long enough.

Now that if there were no council then Miyuki would be attacked in broad daylight and he wasn't willing to take such risks.

He pointed his gun towards Ichizu because he wasn't sure about him, he seemed to know everything and every move also everything that happened around him. Even though he knew this was a risky move, he still did it as he wanted some answers.

Ichizu narrowed his eyes at the threat issued by Tatsuya and said with a cold smile.

"We are leagues apart....." suddenly Tatsuya couldn't feel his right, outstretched arm. A line appeared near his shoulder joint and his entire right arm suddenly fell on the ground.

Blood erupted out from his shoulder and sprayed over Miyuki's face who had been stunned by the situation.

"The clan had destroyed my life, so have they done the same with my son.....no mercy for them...." Tatsurou's body started aging rapidly as another figure appeared beside the body.

"ONI-SAMA......!!!!!!!!" Incredible amounts of frost covered the whole cave as everything around started freezing, even the air itself.

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