I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


I spend most of my time at inn ,trying drinks , sitting in the hot spring and follow Tsunade to see what will Orochimaru do to convince her to poison Jiraiya.

In an closed room Tsunade was currently sitting in front of a figure who was wearing a white cloak while a person was standing beside him.

Orochimaru said "What do you say Tsunade if you do what I say I can bring those two back to life." after listening to what he said Tsunade feelings were in a turmoil.As if she was making a tough choice but what both of them didn't know that a person was spying on them while making his existence unknown.

Ichizu thought "This bastard...no matter what he won't change always trying to manipulate others by disturbing means humph he doesn't know that he is just playing into her hands hehehe he...."

Tsunade said "I will feed Jiraiya the medicine to disrupt his chakra flow and heal your hands but nothing more, remember to do your part." she glared at him as he said that.

Orochimaru smiled as he thought "You are so naïve Tsunade hehehe hehehe....." a smirk appeared on his face.

Seeing that I too smirked while thinking "Idiot..."

After agreeing Tsunade left the place and headed towards the bar where they first found her as today was the day when naruto was supposed to show her the rank A-jutsu that he had mastered in a week but couldn't care less she just assumed that he failed.

{Inside the bar}

Jiraiya and Tsunade were sitting at a table facing each other while drinking soup.Naruto and shizune were currently somewhere else. Jiraiya drank the soup that Tsunade passed him with hesitation as he didn't know that it was specially made to disrupt chakra glow of a shinobi.

I was watching the whole seen from shadows as I wouldn't be interfering until Tsunade gets over her fear of blood. After chatting with Jiraiya for a bit her left the place to find Orochimaru and give him a big surprise, Jiraiya also left to find naruto whom he left near the lake to train.

{At the Alley}

Tsunade's hair fl_u_s_tered as it was welcoming the winds ,a person wearing white clothes with his hands wrapped in bandages stood at some distance from her ,her back facing him as he entered the alley.

he said "I am glad you agreed if you are to heal my hands I will not only revive them but also give up on my dream of destroying Konoha."

She doesn't reply and concentrates her chakra at her hands while creating a chakra orb. For those who doesn't know medical ninjutsu they will think the mass of chakra will assist them if healing their wounds but those who know will immediately retreat as the mass of chakra is created as the user is about to attack. I too am profound at using Medical ninjutsu and that to on an different level as I utilize and use of yin-yang release *creation* and also the 3 patterns sage chakra as the *source*.


Shizune says "We need to hurry and find Lady Tsunade ,she said she was going to confront Orochimaru alone."????????????????????

Jiraiya says "That soup contained medicine to disrupt chakra flow within the body though the effect should soon fade away so shizune find tsunade."

Naruto was also on alert as he knew Orochimaru was dangerous, even though he had mastered the *Rasengan* he still was light years away from defeating him even when he couldn't use ninjutsu.

They were able to get a lock on Tsunade's scent with the help of the pig and started to run towards the direction of the alley.


Tsunade was currently fighting with Kabuto who had managed to hurt her with his chakra scalpel and was away to render her useless because of her fear of blood, after consuming a Food pill and plasma pill

(food pill:- for recovering chakra.

plasma pill:- fir recovering lost blood.)

Seeing them especially the figure with white, spiky hair he ordered kabuto to retreat as he mouthes "Jiraiya....."

Jiraiya says "Time to settle old debts Orochimaru..."

Naruto seeing kabuto says "Kabuto what are you doing here.....???". Kabuto tells him about his true identity and motive and also berates him for his naïve nature.

Orochimaru orders kabuto to use summoning jutsu and summons Manda.

Jiraiya says "Shizune take care of that kid kabuto while naruto stay with Tsunade."

Things escalated easily jiraiya was fighting orochimaru while shizune was defeated by kabuto who was currently fighting naruto.

Unlike in the original ,this time around naruto was stronger as a trained him to be with kakashi's help so he was able to fight kabuto for some time before getting punched in the face and falling on the ground.

Tsunade shouts "Naruto...!!!!!!!"

Naruto barely gets up and stands in front of tsunade to stop kabuto from hurting her. She shouts again "No stop naruto move out of the way don't protect me run...Run now...!!!!!!".

Just as he was about to attack naruto with his kunai he found himself paralyzed. Naruto took this change by creating a rasengan and launching in onto kabuto's stomach. he was send crashing into the boulders.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya stares at the boy while saying "This boy..." & "Well done naruto....".

Suddenly a void opens and a figure walks out of it seeing him naruto smiles while saying "What took you so long sensei...." I replied "Sorry I feel asleep." he snorted and collapsed after walking towards tsunade and grabbing her neckless while saying " I won the bet and also I won't die before becoming the hokage." saying so he fell unconscious right beside her.

Tsunade panicked but I moved towards her ,placed my left hand on her right palm and placed my right palm at naruto's back while a Green energy covered their bodies.

Suddenly Tsunade started to transform into her younger self of about 27 years and all her wounds and naruto's wounds healed.

Everyone witnessing this scene had their mouth wide open as they couldnt believe what they saw. Now let's understand what happened here, Ichizu's healing jutsu comprises of 3 patterns sage energy and yin-yang release, Tsunade had a lot of chakra stored in her forehead and her jutsu basically forces the cell to multiple rapidly so to boost regeneration of the body but after some time when the cell tire down a lot of vitality is being lost ,reducing her life by some years so when Ichizu used his healing jutsu it not only recharged her cells with the purest form of energy ,the 3 patterns sage energy it also destroyed damaged cells while creating more cells to add more vitality but instead of increasing her life by years it transformed her back into her younger self ,it may have had something to do with her jutsu.

As she watched ,shocked at seeing what has happened to her body and the smug smile on Ichizu's face she understood that he is doing so on purpose but she didn't oppose him as somehow he reminded her of Dan (Not somehow the great author-sama had been threatened by readers to do something about your age or there will be war so enjoy hahaha) and also which girl wouldn't want herself to be young and beautiful.

She snapped out of her thoughts as her cheeks turned red after listening to what ichizu said "So beautiful I am going to truly enjoy our date hehehe hehe....".

She thought "Shameless.....but he sure is cute...No tsunade what are you thinking.." (Sorry can't help it as an author I must help my Mc of make you fall for him also for readers too.)

As she was lost in her thoughts Orochimaru was staring at Ichizu as if he couldn't wait to swallow him (Well literally.) he shouted "Manda crush that bastard..."

Jiraiya and gamabuta were ready to intercept the attack but it never came. Everyone stared at Manda thinking what's wrong.

I said "Manda-san I got to know that the cookies that I left for you guys are finished so I transported another 1000 for you guys please do enjoy them."

Manda's eyes literally reddend as he said "Such a good brat orochimaru I am going back don't create trouble for him if I were to know you did anything to him not only I but every snake in Ryuuchi cave including Great white-snake sage will beat the living day and night out of you.....humph."


The giant snake disappeared. Orochimaru fell on the ground looking at ichizu with an dumbfounded expression but he was not alone in it everyone except the unconscious naruto and fantasizing tsunade were wearing identical expressions.

Orochimaru snapped out of him daze and retreated with kabuto I didn't give them chase and created 3 clones.

One for carrying Naruto while the other two for Jiraiya and shizune.

I the original neared tsunade who snapped out of her daze and tried to move but fell forward. I held her gently by waist while saying "The changes in your body has tired you so you wouldn't be able to move."

I teleported jiraiya, naruto and shizune to our inn and grinned widely at tsunade who felt uneasy after seeing my smile I pulled her towards me as she resided in the arms while standing with the support of my c_h_e_s_t and said "I won the bet and also you are too beautiful." I used my other hand to carry her in the princess style her face was as red as tomato as steam could be seen coming out of her head ,looks like due to the changes in her body her temperament has also changed. We teleported to our inn.

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