I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


Izumi shouts "Big-brother.....!!!!!" her shout resounds in the area. A voice came from her left on the ground.

"Stop yelling will ya....." I said as I held [Kronos]in my right hand and Mei in left. Izumi turns left and wipes her tears saying "Big-brother I thought that..that you...."

I interrupted her saying "He can't kill me no one can." arrogance could be left in these words but it was indeed so.

Mei looks at Ichizu with a light blush on her face and says shyly "Thanks for saving me."

_______(Flash back)________

{Mc's viewpoint}

The giangantic 3-tailed turtle basted a 'Hydro-canon' at Mei ,I teleported near her grabbed her tightly as I looked at the incoming attack. I used *Flying thunder god* to avoid the attack with Mei and told Izumi not to yell so loudly.

Her crying face looked so cute ,I just wanted to immediately confront her by telling her that I still am alive but I couldn't just leave such a beauty like Mei here now can I .Izumi will understand maybe I should ask Mei out after this mission as I remember she always gets hyped up in these matters well ....well ...

________(End of flash back)________

{Mei terumi viewpoint}

I thought "This person is not only Extremely handsome but also so strong and what was that jutsu everything blurred for a few seconds and then we were standing far away for the 4th. He is still holding me tightly what...what should I do " as I was busy completing he said some words which left me dumbfounded as I responded with a silly "Ok!!!."

{Nikasu's viewpoint}

"This WASABI-BASTARD !!!!" I shouted in my mind while thinking "Does he even thinks before he acts ,you can ask her when we are finished dealing with this threat .A threat is a threat no matter how small or weak *sigh* ,this Idiot Screw him lets first take care of this overgrown turtle."

{Izumi's viewpoint}

"When that turtle basted a canon towards Big-brother and when I saw the attack reaching him ,I was frightened ,Nii-san was the person I loved the most even more than Itachi and Nikasu nii-san . Big-brother always took care of me ever since childhood and after the death of everyone he and Nikasu nii-san were the ones who helped me overcome my depression ,I know that both Big-brother and Nikasu nii-san are extremely strong but I still can help but worry about them.Every since the 'massacre' I became frightened... frightened to lose anyone else I love."

"Thank goodness Big-brother is alright and he even secured a beauty in the middle of the battle hehehe well Nikasu nii-san will be beating the crap out of Big-brother after the battle ,may God bless you Big-brother and you rest in peace."

◆"Achchhu....agrrr....why do I feel like I am in Deep shit." shivers ichizu.◆

{Chojuro's viewpoint}

"I am baffled from what I saw when the 3-tails attacked Terumi-san I heart nearly stopped after all she is like a big-sister to me and I swore to protect her, I desperately wanted to reach her was protect her but I would not able to reach there on time tears started to form in my eyes as I cured my own weakness and uselessness but before I could sink in despair I heard a voice and my eyes brightened as I looked towards the source of the voice."

{Ao's viewpoint}

"When I saw that mass of pressurized water fired towards Terumi I nearly blanked out though she is annoying,stupid and scary she still is a friend with whom I grew up ,I regretted that I always scolded her and never paid her any attention when she blabbered but now when I though she was about to die all the memories of how we fooled around flooded my mind ,drowning me in regret but before that happened I saw a person appearing beside her in a flash." I thought "If he could appear beside her so quickly he could also escape with her and if I remember he is the Great-elder of konoha so he wouldn't endanger his life to save her if he wasn't sure ....Yes there is still hope." a small flame of hope ignited inside me and then I heard a voice.

{Mc's viewpoint}

I looked at the beautiful blue dressed maidan in the arms and asked softly while smiling "After we finish the bussiness here will you go out with me."

Mei dumbly nodded as my smile grew wider i said "Now...now let's take care of this overgrown turtle shall we."

I released Mei and the air around me stopped as my aura grew dangerous ,cold lights flickered in my eye balls as I eyed my target.

I made handsigns and *Poof* a shadow clone appeared beside me I said "Immobilize it..." my clone made hand- signs and used *Earth-style:-Rock pillar* and the ground on which it (3- tails) was standing transformed into pillars encasing the beast inside then used *Lightning-style:-Punishment* the four pillars suddenly strikes the beast with lightning ,trapping it inside.

3-tails tries to attack the pillars with his canon I smiled as I teleported near the cage and held a S.kunai in both hands .

The beast launches his attack but before it could reach the pillar it stopped mid-air as seals began to appear and covered the attack ,I held the S.kunai in front and.....


A blast resounded at a deserted corner of the battle field.

Nikasu teleports near me and glanced at me as I nodded he moved closer to the turtle. Izumi lands beside me and unsummons her eagle. She asked in a worried tone "What is Nikasu nii-san going to do with it." I smiled at her as I replied "Nikasu is one of the few people whom no Tailed beast would wanna mess with."

She didn't understand and I just smiled and didn't explain no matter what my friend is after all a pure bloodlined Uzumaki.

(Posses both senju's healing capacity and Namikaze space affinity with seals with uzumaki chains.)

Suddenly chains began to appear from Nikasu's body and wrapped itself around the giant turtle ,it struggled but weakened after some time Yeah no shit after all these chain were a nightmare to even 9-tails and that to when Kushina was exhausted.

3-tails slowly reversed back in Yagure I flickered next to him and put him under a genjutsu while searching his memories.

Mei and others arrived as I secured Yagure I handed Yagure to her as I said "Our mission is completed here have him."

She smiles ethereally I smirked at her smile and said "Now ...now...if you smile like that I would have to kidnap you and take away with me.."

She blushes hard as Chojuro looks away and Ao coughs loudly and says "We thank konoha for helping us rebels in dealing with the 4th."

I smiled at his sentence and replied "Oh it was also our job and also Mei-san will compensate me so no problem." chojuro looks at her confusingly ,Ao guessed the meanings behind my words and grins while it took some time for Mei to understand the hidden meaning behind my words and her head and neck grew crimson as some steam came out of top of her head.

Chojuro asks worriedly "Are you okay Terumi-san it looks like you have a fever."

I replied while grinning like a fool "Don't worry I will give her a checkup ,I am also a medical-ninjutsu user." he nods but terumi lowers her head shyly after seeing my grin.

{Mei viewpoint}

"Oh my god my face is burning and my heart beats quickens after seeing him maybe..." before she could continue screams could be heard.


"F_u_c_kkk....what the....akhhh..."

"No...stop..hi..m ... kwak...."

{Mc's viewpoint}

I looked at the source of the noise and my blood boiled with rage and hatred and tremendous murderous aura bursted out from my body freezing everyone around except Nikasu of course after seeing that person ,I gritted my teeth as I shouted "MASKED BASTARD!!!!!! "

[A/N:- Guys I will give both of them servants from fate series with no class limiting and full true body with irregular at magic high school being the second world and also pardon me as I am not very good at scientific reasoning and also our Mc will be calm and quiet type in that world while Nikasu will be cold and indifferent as for the reason I will explain when the time comes.Also I wouldn't be adding anymore fish ,well least not anytime soon 2 are enough for now.]

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