I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 37 - THE 16TH MEMBER

Ichizu was currently laying down on the grass while Nikasu was sitting near the water ,both of them are currently at *Uchiha falls* as they have to discuss very important matters concerning the future moves of *YAMI TO HIKARI*.

Nikasu says to everyone present " We currently have 15 members including us both






6.Emiya shirou




11.Jeanne d'Arc.





But I have a proposal as I want to divide the members in a 2-man team order and for that we need one more member only then can the idea I have in plan will work."

Ichizu nods and says "Carry on brother~ I would like to hear your plan."

Nikasu continues "I suggest that we invite Old-man the 3rd as the 16th member of our organization."

(A/N:- Kaguya will be in our Mc's harem.)

So they understood who the 3rd was but they didn't understood why Nikasu wanted his to join the organization so did Ichizu.

Nikasu smiles a little and says "Do underestimate him ,he was the 3rd hokage also the hokage who occupied the hokage seat for the longest (Even in the future.) ,mastered the 5 basic-elements and also possess extreme amounts of experience and situation handling skills ,oh....and also has a rich information resource and influence."

Realization drawn upon Ichizu and the others they indeed underestimated him ,he may be old on the out side but in reality after consuming the pill his body was overflowing with vitality and he was able to regain his peak power level ,the one he used to have when he was young.

"Very well then we both shall go and invite him to join us." said Ichizu

"Guys be prepared as soon it will be the time you guys are sent on different missions and bulk up okay." said Nikasu .

Everyone nodded at his as saber said "Don't worry Nikasu-sama we won't bring shame to the name of the organization."

Ishtar says while fiddling with her hair "I..... won't let ....Master down."

Ichizu affectionatly patts her head as she was one and a half a head shorter than him but soon his smile was replaced with a bewildered expression as some steam could be seen coming out of her head as her face flushed deep crimson red.

Ichizu says "Let's go "

{Woosh} both of them disappeared and teleported at 3rd's place

Gilgamesh looks towards Ishtar and speaks in a cold tone "Humph ...remember not to pull any stunts like you did with me ,Ichizu-san and Nikasu-san are to extremely horrifying individuals I have met every kind of person in my life and I has never came across anyone as dangerous as both of them."

Ishtar looks towards Gilgamesh and spoke in an equally cold tone "Don't compare your lowly self to my master."

He just snorted in response and indulged in talking with his friend Enkidu. If she wasn't one of Ichizu's servants he would have surely killed her by now.

Semiramis thinks while gazing at the spot where her master disappeared "He is very strong individual but I don't know why whenever he sees any of us there is only kindness in his eyes even when faced with so many beautifully women around his ,his doesn't have l_u_s_t for us but only appreciation fufufu ....master is a good individual."

While Jeanne d'Arc had a frown on her beautiful face as she thought "Why does master seem to be cursed .....and with a curse bound my his bloodline which makes him feel deep love but also extreme hatred...the 'curse of hatred' ,I hope Nikasu-san will be there his the curse ever activated."

(A/N:-This curse can be broken by 'Rule breaker' the noble phantasm of Medea which Emiya shirou can trace with his 'Trace on'. But why the hurry hehehe he....)


We arrived at the room in which 3rd was sitting calmly on a chair with his pipe in his mouth. He looks towards both of them a little surprised as he didn't expected them to visit him while he was sitting in the head room of *Mankai no hoshi* so he asks "What happened....."

(A/N:-'Mankai no hoshi' is the organization 3rd created after extracting kids from Danzo's 'root' ,it means 'bloom stars'.)

After explaining the whole ordeal to the 3rd both of them waited for his decision, after about 1 hr he replies "Very well I accept!!!!"

Both of them smiled and said "Thanks old-gramps for understanding now you have joined us it will be a lot more easier for us to operate."

Hiruzen nods and asks curiously "So what do you want me to do ???"

Nikasu replies "Please keep check on every suspicious movement related to the tailed beasts as after all the information we have gathered about the masked man only one think is clear to us."

3rd asks "Which is ????..."

"Something very big is going to happen which may probably change the very base of all the nations and all this is connected to the tailed beasts in some way and the masked man in the controller behind all this." said Ichizu solemnly.

3rd nodded ,he wasn't a fool he knew that till now what ever the masked individual has done is not making any sense but after knowing that he was manipulating the 4th mizukage and wanted to capture him ,there must be something big happening behind the scenes.

3rd says "Should I ask Jiraiya to investigate this subject ???".

Nikasu shook his head in denial saying "Let prevy old-man concentrate on Orochimaru and Akatsuki."

3rd asks worriedly "What about Naruto his what we assume is correct then he is in danger ???..."

Nikasu felt warm inside after all naruto was his little brother seeing the old man worried for naruto made him feel warm and happy inside.

Ichizu says "Both of us have already placed our 'flying raijin seal' on his body so we can help him whenever he is in danger so dont worry about him."

Ichizu steps forward and says "Now I will give you one pill (Chakra pill:-Equal chakra increase of 1 tail.), a black-white exorcist uniform , a mark signifying that you are one of us."

[A/N:-A little change guys~ I changed my mind for their organization uniform so now Ichizu(Black-Commander) will wear black uniform with crimson-red colored design like in discord pic ,Nikasu(White-commander) will wear white uniform with azura-blue colored design same style for both. As for the members they will wear black-white mix colored uniform.]

(A/N:-The photo of the mark will be uploaded at discord link in auxiliary chapter and the 15 marks photos will soon be uploaded the photo of the organization is already uploaded.)

3rd nods and takes the items ,so did Fugaku and Izumi all of them were informed that the first meeting will be held at the *Uchiha falls* till the base is established.

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