I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 42 - WHAT THE @#$%.....!!!!!!!!

The green colored aura around Tsunade finally faded away and the viens around her body started to reside inside the ground slowly-slowly.

As the viens unwrapped the figure they were covering a beautiful light-coloured tsunade could be seen ,her left side of hair has turned Jewl-green and a slight inking of green-w_h_i_n_e color could be seen while looking at her iris and lastly a warm and peaceful aura was being released from her body.

"How does it feel ,after awakening your bloodline ???." asked Ichizu with a slight smile on his face.

"Never felt better ,I feel much stronger than before it's....it's like I am filled with vitality and vigor." replied Tsunade enthusiastically.

"Now try to feel the nature energy around you ,as the *Uchiha falls* contain large amount for nature energy as it resides within the 'Grant-seal formation' so the formation not only helps in producing more nature energy ,it also stops it from dissipating." said Ichizu.

He has planned to teach Tsunade 'Slug-sage mode' providing her a boost and also teaching her wood-style.

"Okay I will try...." after saying so she sat down cross legged and started to feel the nature energy ,even though she had not been able to learn Sage-mode in the past ,she still know about the method.

After 5 min green-particles could be seen to gather around Tsunade ,creating the large nebulae above her head though any normal person wouldn't be able to see it but only feel energy gathering around her but Ichizu possessed the rennigan and he himself was a master of 'Tri-patterned sage energy'.

(A/N:- Normal person in naruto refers to shinobi.)

"~Tony~ why is the nature energy gathering around her in the form of nebulae ???." asked Ichizu visibly bewildered.

[~Tony~:-*host* due to the presence of high-purity Uzumaki bloodline laying dorment in her body and due to purifying her bloodline in a highly densed area containing nature energy the Senju-bloodline has evolved. Since the previous Senju-bloodline could be regarded as degraded version of Ōtsutsuki bloodline ,this evolved version is now on par with Ōtsutsuki bloodline.]

The reason for why Tsunade was such a legendary medical-ninjutsu user was because of her bloodline ,it allowed her to subconsciously draw some meager amount of nature energy into her healing which boosted her proeffeciency by some levels.

And now after gaining such benefits her capabilities have soared to new heights.

Greenish-yellow coloured mark appeared under her eyes.

Her chakra-level boomed as her aura expanded and covered the whole area.

"Looks like you can easily draw the nature-energy thanks to your bloodline though you don't have as much compatibility as Jiraiya but you have bloodline advantage." said Ichizu while beaming a smile at her.

Seeing his smile ,Tsunade was lost in daze for some time before she was forced to snap out of it by a pinch on her face.

"Now~ now...don't make such a face I know I am handsome but you don't need to stare dumbly at me." teased Ichizu as he pinched her right cheek softly.

"Don't pinch my cheeks ,it hurts." said Tsunade with an angry 'humph'.

Ichizu pulled her into him arms and stared into her eyes while placing his hands on her waist.

She blushed and averted her eyes under Ichizu's stare but also placed her hands around his neck.

Ichizu says "After your bloodline awakening you look even more beautiful than before."

She drops her head down not daring to look him in the eye as her blush deepened, warm feeling spread through out her body and her heart beat quickened.

Ichizu brought his head closer to Tsunade's who still had her head dropped low and kissed her neck lightly. She felt as if she just suffered from an electric shock.

He continued for sometime before stopping and laying on the grass while cuddling with Tsunade. Even she was surprised by his sudden actions and panicked.

"What..what..happened Ichizu is..is something wrong ???." asked Tsunade while thinking he was angry or something.

Ichizu smiled and kissed her once again while saying "No ...it nothing I just what to lay here with you for sometime ,I hope you don't mind me doing so."

Tsunade replied "It's okay....as long as you are with me." the last part ,she uttered in a barely audiable voice but Ichizu heard it.


"humf....humf....I ...I will stop you <God's Gigga impact>"

[email protected]!!!!!!!#

I loud noise of an explosion rang out inside the empty void.

"Humf..... humf... humf.....looks like I won....Arghhhh....." an extremely large skeleton sword pierced the large body of the titan-figure as golden blood flowed out.

"Hehehehe...you were quite strong for a god-father weren't you but still it wasn't enough to kill me though I too have taken large damage." said an irregular figure while twisting the skeleton sword and chucking darkly.

"Grahggg...*Spits golden blood* argh.....yo..u .....w..ill ....never....will...you...outer-go..ds...." said the Titan-like figure as more and more golden blood flowed out of his body.

"I don't have much time ,I am dying.....I can't let them interfere with Ichizu and Nikasu they must be on our ,gods side can't allow them two be influenced by outer-gods.....I have 4-wishes left everysince master left me the SYSTEM and SUPPORT-SYSTEM.....though I have already passed on master's legacy I still need them to be on the side of light." thought GOD (Yeah I one who reincarnated Ichizu and Nikasu.)

" I will use 2-wishes as after that it would take some time for me to use the other 2 ,but I don't have much time well.....I hope they will be with us when they rise.

MASTER:-OMNI-GOD CHAOS" thought GOD before he fully dispersed.

"Looks like the only disciple of Omni-god Chaos is dead but I must find the two young masters, the inhereters of the 'King-of-all-existence' and have them on our side." said the irregular figure.

"Let's see ,ohh...only two of the wishes are left well not much ...of a problem it is....now let's see ....huh..I can't locate them ....fufufufu....interesting let's see ...so the mission he send them on was to save the world .....well let's add something...fufufufufu....now the mission is upgrade to 'make sure' that the world is set on the path of destruction hehehe he even though I don't know which world are they in still as a outer-god-father I must follow our rules of always doing the opposite of God's." said the figure before fading into nothingness and the void regained it's silence.

(A/N:-So guys who complain about following the main line and do something different this is for you guys things are going to get interesting as now the involvement of God's and outer-Gods have started let's see what root does our Mc takes. And also Outer-god are gods who do the opposite of God's in every case except some. Now please check out auxiliary chapter 2 for a little more info and also Omni-god Chaos was the ruler of all gods and outer-gods ,admired and loved by both of them even if they hated each other and now since he is gone will our two individuals are his inheritors ,so they will try to get them into their ranks ,both will be treated as young masters in both faction and no one will even think of killing them as their love for the late-omni-king was too much. The reason why GOD treated them so casually was because of him being the only apprentice of the late-omni-king and also why the figure killed him was because he was only an apprentice not inheritor.HAHAHA I bet none of you guys would have even dreamt about this kind of twist. And also these fellas would be interfering much in the storyline well not before We complete at least 5 worlds about 600+ chapters.)


Make sure to free kaguya from her prison.

●Reward:- Next world travel ticket.

●Failure:-Cripple for 10 years.]

"WHAT THE /@#$%/.....!!!!!!!!..." screamed Ichizu in his mind.

"How the hell this quest was given.....!!!" thought Ichizu.

"What to do now....????" thought Ichizu.

"We need to talk." said Nikasu through system.

"Here goes my plans into drain ,lets see what can we salvage from it." sighed Ichizu.

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