I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


"How to track black zetsu ,what should I do ???? ....hmmm....~Tony~ any ideas on how to track Black zetsu so I can use *Rinnegan:-Takeover* to control him and edit his conscious ????. " asked Ichizu while he prepared to summon Ishtar ,his teammate for aidding him in his tracking.

[~Tony~:-*host* can summon Gedo` Statue and use it to search for Black zetsu.]

"Huh....how ,explain it to me.!!" said Ichizu.

[~Tony~:-*host* consider Black zetsu as the embodiment of Kaguya's will and Gedo` Statue is the empty-shell of Kaguya so by summoning the statue you can use Tri-patterned nature energy to sense Black zetsu as both him and the statue are linked to Kaguya so you can say that,

Gedo` Statue and Black zetsu are clients which are connected to Kaguya who in this case acts like a server. So you can use her to locate not only Black zetsu but also the white zetsu army as they to are connected to her.]

"Ohhh...so I am using Gedo` Statue as a password required to access the link Kaguya and search for other connected matters. Such a decisive method hehehe....now let's see where can you hide Black zetsu."

"But wait ....wouldn't Kaguya know that I am using her as a link to friend black zetsu when I use her as a server.????" asked Ichizu cautiously.

[~Tony~:-*host* don't need to worry about that as even though they have a link connecting each other it is still a very faint one so neither of them would know that you are using Kaguya's link.]

"Hoooo...now that's a relief can't have that manipulating slug know of my plans...well <Summon:-Ishtar>...." beckoned Ichizu.


A white-black cloaked figure appeared before Ichizu.

"Yes master..." said Ishtar while staring at Ichizu with starts in her eyes.

"We have a misson to do so I summoned you out ....but first let's locate our target..." said Ichizu as he offered his palm.

"Hold onto it ,we are going to teleport to *Uchiha falls*." said Ichizu.

Ishtar moved her right hand and and caught hold of Ichizu's hand.

"Master's hand is so soft and warm..." thought Ishtar as she blushed. Whereas Ichizu was left bewildered by her reaction.

"What's wrong with my hand.....well whatever." thought Ichizu before teleporting away.


Ishtar opens her eyes and was captivated by what she saw , Sparkling-butterflies and flowers blooming everywhere with a waterfall giving birth to a river.

"No matter how many times I see this ,I can't help but be captivated by this beaaautifullllllll(beautiful)... scene." thought Ishtar while sneaking a peak at her master.

"Now now....let's begin....shall we..COME FORTH...GEDO MAZO..!!!!!!!!!" said Ichizu and laughing in a sinister manner.


A large light brown colored statue with black markings appeared in front of them.

Ishtar after seeing the appearance of the statue immediately thought that it was an enemy and covered her master behind her, summoned her bow while preparing to strike at any movement.

"Not need to be so aggressive it would attack us." said Ichizu with a slight smile on his face.

Saying so he walked infront of the statue and jumped on its head ,he got down on one knee and placed his right palm of top of his head while using Tri-patterned sage energy to enter the server connection.

This continued for about 15min as he stayed in the same position trying to locate Black-zetsu.

"Found you...hehehe hehe..." laughed Ichizu dangerously.

Ichizu flashed down from the statue as the statue returned back and grabbed Ishtar's waist while teleporting.


They arrived at the 'dango' shop were they once dined on a mission. The location at which black-zetsu currently was ,the 'Igorner' mountain.

Ishtar quickly went invisible using <Concealment> ,one of the abilities that the grail once provided to the servant. Ichizu bit his teeth and made some hand-signs *Summoning jutsu*.


A small green-coloured frog appeared and opened it's mouth after Ichizu nodded at it.

Ichizu placed one of his foot inside a large mouth of the toad then placed his other leg inside while bending down and was swallowed the the frog.

The small frog quickly 'jumped' as it went through some barriers placed at this location after some time the frog was able to enter a secret path which lead it to the underground place where a large amount of white zetsu were gathered.

(A/N:-These are not the white zetsu which Madara created but are the people whom Kaguya captured and offered to the Divine tree which turned them into white zetsu.)

Black zetsu was currently watching the army of white zetsu from an elevated platform while mumbling to himself.

"Mother~ plan has already near entering phase-2 just some more years and you will be free from the seal Hamura and Hagaromo placed on you hehehe.... the shinobi world will soon welcome the rabbit goddess." mumurred Black zetsu and started walking towards Ichizu.

(A/N:-The seal name is *Rikudo:-Chibaku tensei* .)

The frog quickly jumped and hid behind a large boulder as Ichizu started entering sage mode. Why sage mode ???? you may ask well.....because his sage mode is made up of 3 different sage modes it gave him the ability of absolute stealth ,if our enemy can't see you then he also can't sense you.

As Ichizu entered tri-patterned sage mode ,black zetsu stopped at another platform and was currently gazing at another batch of white zetsu army.

The frog slowly opened it's mouth as Ichizu in his sage mode quietly stepped out without making any sound and approached Black zetsu from behind as he wanted no one to know what was going to happen other than Nikasu and Ishtar.

Ichizu moved his right hand towards the back of black zetsu while his eyes turned into rinnegan.

As soon as the hand touches black zetsu's body , black zetsu tensed up but could move and contact other white zetsu's he didn't even dreamt that anyone would be able to approach him silently and place a hand on his back he couldn't even move after that just as he thought it couldn't get any more bad , a strong force attacked his brain and soul. He was in extreme pain but couldn't shout ,move and anything it was like his body was frozen.

He could feel that a strong 'WILL' was invading his mind ,just then he heard a soft voice more like a wispher.


His vision darkened as his consciousness plunged into oblivion.

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