I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 54 - RESCUING GAARA (Part-3)

"NO...WE CAN'T ALLOW THEM TO HURT GAARA LETS GO ...WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM..!!!!!" shouted Naruto as his red-eyes became more defined.

"Came down naruto.....we will save Gaara and bring him back. Don't worry...." said Sakura trying to calm down the angered Naruto.

"We should leave at once and ask the Sunagakure shinobi want actually happened and the identities of the kidnappers." suggested Neji.

"Yes....we will surely save and bring him back to his village." said Rock lee.

Tenten, Kakashi and Guy just said silent complementing about the reason for the kidnapping.

"So why was Gaara actually captured, there should be a pretty good reason behind this. After all who would risk their lives and kidnap the Kazekage of the Sunagakure. I mean wouldn't they be hunted by the whole village.????" asked Tenten trying to figure out the real reason behind the attack and kidnapping.

"The reason behind the attack is still unknown as for the information about the people who kidnapped Gaara."

"Here take these scrolls and burn them after reading the information inside." said Tsunade as she passed the scrolls to everyone.

It took them some time to read all the information about the attackers. Even Naruto calmed down and read the information related to the kidnappers ,if he was the Original Naruto he could have probably thrown the scroll aside and shout about rushing to their village and rescue Gaara.

But Naruto was no longer the super rash idiot who rushed in without knowing a single thing about his enemies.Training with Nikasu and Ichizu ,he has actually m_a_t_u_r_ed a bit.

"So they are telling us that only 2-individuals were responsible for breaking into Sunagakure, render defense uneffective and kidnap the Kazekage.???" asked Tenten while wearing an astonished expression on her face.

She was probably thinking 'Seriously.!!! I mean there were only 2-motherf_u_c_k_i_n_g people and still Sunagakure couldn't do no shit to them.!!!!'

(A/N:- I agree with you there Tenten ,this was one of the things in the whole Naruto series that I couldn't wrap my head around.)

"*Sigh* Yes only two individuals but both of them were two-extremely dangerous individuals.

●2.Another S rank missing nin from Sunagakure's Puppet Brigade.Also Known as the 'Sasori of the Red Sand' ,due to the destruction caused by his puppets in the 3-Shinobi war.

Both of them are rogue and extremely strong ones on top of that."

The atmosphere suddenly grew tense as everyone understood the severity of the situation.

"I don't care who they are ,why did they kidnapped Gaara, what is their past and finally how strong they are.....I only know that I will rescue and bring Gaara back safely from their clutches even if I have to fight with my every life on the line.!!!!!!" declared Naruto with overflowing determination.

All of their eyes widened in shock after sensing the sheer determination oozing out of Naruto's body.

Tsunade rubbed her fore-head thinking about the paper work that she would have to do now.

Kakashi and Guy ,for a second thought that they just saw the reflection of the 'deceased' lord forth.

Sakura was proud for being Naruto's best-friend (Sasuke not included.) and teammate. She thought 'I hope we will be able to pull Sasuke out of the darkness.I am glad to be your friend Naruto.'

Tenten, Neji and Lee looked at Naruto respect and admiration. Lee shout while punching the air "Yes... Naruto we will definitely save Gaara after all I still have to thank me for helping me out the last time."

Ichizu who had been silent all this while looked at Naruto with a smile on his face as he summons his sword and places it around his waist.

"Well....well...let's go and save your friend then shall we.????" asked Ichizu while a grin on his face.

"WHAT SENSEI YOU TOO ARE COMING WITH US.!!!!!!" asked Naruto while excitedly shouting on top of his lungs.

"Well aren't I a part of Team 7.???" asked Ichizu with a smile on his face which didn't really resembled a smile, Nope not one bit.

"Off... off course you are Sensei..ehehehhehe....." nervously stated Naruto seemingly afraid of offending his sensei.

"Hahahahah.....No need to be so tense I was joking with you." laughed Ichizu.

"Humph.!!!!!" naruto turns his head away angrily while snorting at his Sensei's antics.

"Let's teleport there, it will save our time and we will be able to quickly proceed to saving Gaara and bringing him back safely."

"Okay then everyone hold hands in a circle." said Ichizu.

(A/N:- Though he could have teleported them without doing all this but this is more fun isn't it.???")

Kakashi held Naruto's hand, he held Sakura's hand ,who held Tenten's hand ,who held Lee's hand ,who held Neji's hand ,who held Guy's had ,who held Kakashi's hand and the circle was complete.

While they were busy with themselves Ichizu quickly smacks Tsunade's b_u_t_t lightly with a evil smirk on his face and quickly placed his hand on Kakashi's back and teleported to Sunagakure.

Tsunade wore an angry expression on her face which quickly turned into that of a scared cat after she received the chakra message Ichizu send her.

"It's been some time (6 days ,3hrs ,32min and 20sec and counting.) since we last had some 'fun' together. Well aren't this opportunity just prefect ,I will come and find you after returning so don't even try to run away ,since you can't my sweet..sweet Tsunade hehehe hehe..."

(A/N:-Well looks like our Mc a man of culture *cough* *cough* *nods*.)

Tsunade quickly poures her chakra into the *Ring* which Ichizu gave her, as it allowed Tsunade to contact Mei freely.

"Hello Little sister Mei~...????".

"Ohh...hello Elder sister Tsunade how are you , judging from your voice I can tell you are panicking about something. Tell me elder sister what is it that is worrying you. I will immediately help you."

After taking a deep breath and calming down her self ,Tsunade seriously says "Little sister Mei ,I need your help...."

(A/N:-I don't want you guys saying that Ichizu is a s_e_x beast or whatever the f_u_c_k cause he loves Tsuande and Mei more than anything ,and can even give his life for them. Though I will accept him being a molester but I would not accept him being called a person how only thinks with his d_i_c_k. Wait no...molester forget about than part. And please comment more and give good reviews for the novels rating.)

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