I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 57 - RESCUING GAARA (Part-6)

Inside the cave transmission of 5 individuals could be seen standing on the fingers of the Gedo` Statue which was at some distance from Ichizu.Their features couldn't be able to see due to them being only a transmission. But the eyes of one individual gave away his identity, *The Rinnegan*.

"Sate sate....i didn't except to be able to see the legendary rinnegan user here, especially as my enemy fufufufufu....looks like this Akatsuki is much more mysterious than i thought it to be..." laughed Ichizu.

"Even in front of so many S-RANK missing nin shinobi you are still laughing ,you interest me ....do you want to be a follower of lord jashin.????" asked one of the transmissions.

"Sorry I don't like boys..." said Ichizu with a smile.

"Pftt.....Hahahahaha looks like my partner here has some strange preferences hehehe..." said another one of the transmissions while laughing.

"Why you.....shut up stupid ,idiot or i will kill you..!!!!! and offer you to lord Jashin as a sacrifice." threathened Hidan will holding his 3-bladed sickle in his right hand.

"Humph....i will like to see you try..." replied Kakuzu.

"Enough..!!!!! both of you... since you interepted our sealing ritual and also know about the rinnegan ,you can't be allowed to live any longer .... Itachi, Kisame and Sasori kill him and Deidara go and capture the one-tails and nine-tails." ordered Pain.

"Hehehe he....you shouldn't have come here alone now you will die and i will add you in my collection with the one-tails jinchuriki.

"Well... take care of him ,i am going after the nine-tails jinchuriki." said Deidara as he hopped on his bird and started to fly out towards the exit.

"Who told you that, you can leave.!!!!" said Ichizu as he placed his hand on his sword and an extremely fast *wind-style:-wind slash* was released towards Deidara.

"Shit...!!!!! " knowing that he could dodge such a fast attack , Deidara jumped off the back of his bird to avoid the attack and landed beside Sasori.

The slash sliced apart the stomach of the bird , seperating it into two parts. The bird started to fall down towards the left of Ichizu, as soon as it got into a certain range, Deidara shouted "Art is an EXPLOSION".


It exploded just above Ichizu's head.

"Hehehe...." laughed Deidara


Suddenly Ichizu appeared in front of Deidara with extreme speed ,it looked like that he just teleported infront of him with a black sword in his right hand and his *Kronos*in another, he wored the Great-elder dress and had guantlets on both on his arms.

(A/N:-16-Orb mode:-guantlets and full black sword.)

Ichizu swings his black sword which was covered in *blue flames*(Kronos's flames) towards Deidara's head while grinning like a mad man.

Kisame quickly used his samehada to intercept the attack , Deidara jumped back while preparing some *Explosive-clay* to attack.

Sasori who was in his original form manipulated his puppet, the 3rd Kazekage to attack Ichizu with his blades while Itachi fired some kunais at him as he couldn't fire strong jutsu due to Kisame being to close to his brother.

Ichizu used his *Kronos* to deflect the incoming attack from Sasori, kicked samehada using the movementum to propel himself backwards while slashing towards the incoming kunai after covering the side of his blade with *Sword-Qi*.

Kisame starts slashing at Ichizu who easily deflected the incoming strikes using *Aincrad-style* of Yin and Yang to use the properties of ruber to absorb the attack, while countering using pressurized water concentration. *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*. They kept on trading blows with each other.

Kisame quickly thrusted forward his sword horizontally ,Sasori lauched a *Missile* towards Ichizu while Itachi used *fire-style:-fire ball* jutsu.

Ichizu crossed his swords infront of him while still in air, after Kisame's attack collided with him he was propelled backwards where the *Missile* and *Fireball* was heading towards.

Ichizu did a back flip and landed on the ground but the attackes reached him before he could do anything.


"Let's see if you survive this..." said Deidara who launched many different clay creatures towards the smoke covered area.


More consecutive explosion sounded as more and more smoke formed from the crater due to the attacks.

As the smoke started to disappear ,Ichizu could be seen holding a shield in his right hand which was covered in Pure black-covering. Ichizu was completely unharmed not even a scratch could be found on his body.

"Just what the f_u_c_k....!!!!!" shouted Deidara in frustration.

"What is that Black-thing covering his shield and extending it to the surrounding to fully protect him.???" asked Sasori as he and Kisame complented about its origin.

Deidara was too busy in cursing so he didn't notice it as for Itachi his eyes where wide open as he thought 'Oni-san was able to fully master the *Susano*, that he could even cover things by overlaying it on the objects surface that means brother has already gotten use to the pain of using the *Susano*.'

(A/N:-MC is strong enough to crush them but won't as first fight like this is more interesting and also because he still need Akatsuki for capturing the tailed beasts. Pic in discord.)

Ichizu transforms his shield and gauntlets back into 16-orb form and make them disappear after that he placed his sword *Kronos* in his right hand and says while laughing maniacally "Hahaha....I really enjoyed our short exchange but it's time for me to end this."

Saying so blue flames covered his sword. 'Fufufufufu....master use me now I belong only to you.' said Kisine e_r_o_t_i_cally to which Ichizu just rolled his eyes.

The 4-individuals started making hand- signs to intercept Ichizu's attack ,Ichizu used *Dispersion* to scatter their chakra.

"What the f_u_c_k.....!!!!"


"What to do now we can't use our jutsu???."

"Hahahaha....it was nice knowing you guys now disappear...*Blast-burn* " shouting so Ichizu thrusts his sword which was covered in blue-flames into the ground inserting it inside.

Suddenly a distortion in the space occurred and Obito quickly used his chains to bind the 4-members together. The transmissions watching the fight disappeared so did the statue.

"Not this time asshole....!!!!!" saying so I teleported beside Sasori and Deidara using *flying Raijin* leaving behind kisine and grabbed both of their necks. They couldn't resist due to being chained.

Ichizu quickly used *Corruption* on both on them as blood leaked out of his body ,his E.M.S was rotating at inhuman speed.

Obito used *Kamui* just before the blast as the whole cave burst open and smoke threatened to pierce the sky ,it slowly took shape a 3-tomoe in a ring.

(A/N:-The blast was blue flames colored instead of red.)


"Lord Hokage.....their is a large smoke cloud coming out of the *Shinore terrain* after seeing the size of the explosion it is estimated that someone extremely strong has been their."

"So that area is under Sunagakure's control why are you reporting this to me.??" asked while signing some doc_u_ments.

"It's because of the shape of the smoke." said the person.

"Oh...what is it's shape.???" asked Tsunade boredom could be felt in her voice.

"Uchiha clan's Sharingan....!!!!!" said the figure.

*Slam* Tsunade quickly gets up while slamming the table and orders.

"Send some anbu members to investigate...now!!!!!" said Tsunade.


'I hope you are okay Ichizu.....' says Tsunade in her mind.


Mei could be seen staring at the large smoke cloud coming from far far...away , Sunagakure's territory.

(A/N:-The distance is pretty large so they are using chakra detection and telescopes to observe the smoke cloud.)

"Lord Mizukage..."

"Send some people to investigate what is happening there." commanded Mei.

"Yes .....mam.."

'It is what I think it is.???? I should call Elder sister Tsunade to confirm it.' thought Mei as she contacted Tsunade through the ring.


"Lord Tsuchikage, should we send some Shinobi to check what is going on."

"Hmmm...." hummed Onoki while thinking 'That explosion was on par with 3 tailed beast bomb exploding together and judging from the smoke cloud shape it looks like someone from Konoha has caused the explosion. Hmm....just what is going on.???'


"Go check the cause of this explosion and also find out everything that conspired there." said Raikage.

"Yes lord Raikage-sama...."

'Interesting....looks like something big is about to happen.' thought the Raikage.


A man walking towards a sword ,which was stabbed in the ground with flames covering the area could be seen. He wore Black-exorcists dress ,black long hair and had red eyes with hypnosis-pattern black lines.

"Now now.....there was no need to blast open the whole cave ..." said another person who just appeared from 'God knows where'.

"I was just letting of some steam..... acc_u_mulated over the years." said Ichizu as he stopped walking towards the sword and turned around to face Nikasu.

He saw another person standing beside Nikasu wearing long sparkling blue dress and had a cold expression on his face.

"Tsk... tsk....looks like other than watching over Sunagakure you also kidnapped a girl huh.....fufufufufu...well congrats...." said Ichizu with a sly-smile on his face.

Alice maintained her cold-expression but her cheeks turned pink meanwhile Nikasu had a tick mark on his forehead.

"She is my Sword-spirit." said Nikasu while displaying the powers of his everstoic face.

"Yes...yes she is yours..I get that.." teased Ichizu.

Alice face turned crimson as she struggled to keep her expression, it isn't her fault both Ichizu and Nikasu are two extremely handsome individuals while Nikasu pulled out a kunai to stab Ichizu.

"Wait...wait *dodges* I was joking....okay joke...nothing else."

"Now Kisine come and greet our friends...how long are you gonna stay there.????" as soon as Ichizu said these words ,Kisine transformed into her human body.

"Fufufufu....I can be ANYTHING you want be to be master...." said Kisine while l_i_c_k_i_n_g her lips. To this Ichizu just rolled his eyes at her.

"Hello nice to meet you guys ,I am Kisine ...Master's sword-spirit."

"Hello, myself Alice .....Master's sword-spirit."

"Let's go Kakashi ,Guy and others will arrive here soon."

"Yeah let's go....."


"What do you think should we go and check on our master...????" asked D`arc.

"Nah....we have our orders....and also master is save so no need to worry ,I am sure others would also not check on Master and continue with their missions." said Semiramis but worry could be seen on her face.


"Deidara and Sasori have died." said Obito.

"Both of you immediately go to hideout no-4 now..."

"Well we shall take our leave then and thanks for saving our a_s_s ,MADARA " said Kisame as he and Itachi left the place after glancing at the bodies of their dead comrades.

"Ohh....there are some paper bombs on your back ,I just noticed them.....so take care."

"Paper bomb.?????...F_U_C_K!!!!!!."


"Huff ..huff...I am getting to old for this shit .Looks like we need to speed up thinks." said Obito taking away Sasori's ring.

"Indeed ...you are right Obito...it is time to speed up things." said a figure wearing an Anbu mask, he had a sharingan in his left eye.

He walks towards Deidara and takes his ring and wearings it.

"Its time we ourselves join the Akatsuki." said the person.

"Hmm...you are right....SHISUI." said Obito.

(A/N:- Like what you read what for the next chapter ,it will finish all your doubts.)

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