I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 62 - NIKASU'S DATE (Side-story) (Part-1)

A figure could be seen standing alone inside a room in front of a mirror as he combed his jet-black short hair. His hazy blue eyes shinned a bit as the room of illuminated by sun's light ,it seemed like one would keep falling deeper inside the small vortex which could be seen inside his iris from time to time. He wore light red jacket and light brown jeans. His left ear was pierced though as a ring hung from it. He took a good look of himself in the mirror after putting away the brush he used to comb his hair.

Nikasu thought while staring satisfactorily at his reflection in the mirror 'YOOSH...I think i am ready ,let's go'. as he exited his room which was on the 1 floor of his house and made his way downwards where a young lady wearing blue-colored skinny jeans, a silk camisole, blazer and crystal blue heels.

"You sure took your time to dress up Nikasu-chan fufufufufu...i thought that was my job." said Sia.

(A/N-Nickname of the girl Nikasu saved ,using this cause i don't remember her name.)

After Nikasu saved her ,she became his housekeeper and caretaker. At first she was a little cautious of Nikasu even when he brought her at his home, she always acted on high-alert as she thought that Nikasu just wanted her body since after saving her instead of handing her over to the village authority her brought her with him. Though it wasn't her fault for thinking this as she has dealt with many horrible people all her life who just l_u_s_ted upon seeing her body as she is extremely beautiful.

She was able to protect herself due to her father as he was a strong shinobi and also loved her too much cause she was his only family left alive so no one dared to take advantage of her. But one day her father was killed by the mercenaries hired by the corrupt land lord who wanted her body.

After killing her father ,he captured her and was planning to defile her. At night he ordered his men to bring her to his room so that he could taint her body and give her to his subordinates after he was done with her.

When he was about to force her to listen to his commands, someone entered the room and before the Landlord could even make any movement.....SWOOSH, he head rolled down the room after being detached from his neck.

{Sia's point of view}

I felt like my whole being getting dragged inside a vortex when i looked into his hazy blue eyes which reflected coldness and no emotions could be seen on his face and then i saw the head of the Filthy-murderer who was responsible for the death of my father i felt happy and scared both at the same time. Happy that my father's murderer was dead and that now my father's soul with rest in peace. Scared at the thought that what will happen to her right now. I could feel that their was only one feeling behind the gaze which the man in front of me directed towards me. PITY.....Yes pity was it.

Even though i was still scared from him i still begged his to take me away with him so that she can escape this hell hole. He looked at me for a second with his hazy blue eyes and nodded towards me. He put his hand forward while signalling me to grab onto it. After some hesitation i took a hold of his hand. SOFT.....VERY SOFT were the only words that came into my mind after touching his hand. His hand didn't felt like he was a shinobi.....even though the skills he displayed in front her me by silently appearing inside the room without anyone noticing and dispatching his target before he even had a change to react ....showed that he was a shinobi and a very strong one at that too.

Though i still don't understand that why were his hands so soft. We disappeared from the place and arrived at another place ....We were standing in the middle of an empty field ,a large building could be seen at a little distance though the building resembled a Ninja academy ,again as i turned my head towards left direction in hopes to know where i currently was and was stunned by the scene in front of me as my mouth was left hanging wide open after seeing the gigantic faces of 4 people on a large stone wall while another face was under-construction.

I heard his saying in a cool and smoothing voice "Welcome to Konohagakure....!!!!!"

And that's how i met your mother.....*ahem* *cough* *cough*...after getting to know Nikasu better i unknowingly fell in love with him. Though YES....he acted cold and indifferent in most cases but he had this caring side of his too which he didn't show to others. I took care of his house and him too....during this time i also bet his best friend who was apparently the Great-elder of Konohagakure. As much as i could see ,i knew that the most important person for Nikasu was his best friend though i didn't understand why (NO..I AM SAYING THIS ONCE AGAIN THIS IS NOT A 'BL' FANFICTION.).

So i decided to ask him why did he cared so much about his best friend to which he replied ,when he was all alone and abandoned Ichizu was the one who helped him and acted as a big-brother and friend but him which gave him a reason to continue living. I thought he must be taking about the Nine-tails event in which he lost his family.

We continued to enjoy each other's company as the bond between us grew stronger and stronger. Then one day after gathering enough courage i told Nikasu how much i love him....he was silent like always for a knew minutes which felt like years for me. Seeing that he didn't answer i panicked as i thought he didn't love me, tears filled my eyes as i was about to run away...i was suddenly pulled by Nikasu who gently hugged me and said in a soft but warm tone "Me too....". Tearing flowed out of my eyes.....tears of happiness. I hugged him tightly not wanting to release him thinking that he would disappear and she would suddenly wake up from this dream.

Even though he spoke only two words in a low-tone i could feel the warmth and love contained inside those words which made me truly happy....i finally have a family, someone who will love me for who i am and not for my body. This is the best day of my life ,i truly wish that father was here to witness this....he would have been proud and a little jealous as someone was going to take his little-princess away from him.

Thinking about father more tears started coming out of my eyes as Nikasu comforted me after seeing my state.

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