I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 65 - RETURNING HOME (Part-2)

"Let me check on his condition." said Ichizu as he moved closer to the unconscious Gaara and placed his palm on his c_h_e_s_t ,using sage energy to check on his condition. After sometime Ichizu removed his palm and wore a solemn look on his face.

"What happened Sensei???.....he's gonna be ok isn't he." asked Sakura with concern as after the Chunin exam. Naruto had became quite good friends with Gaara and she didn't wanted Naruto so suffer as he did when Sasuke left the village.

"GAARA!!!!!...WAKE UP...COME ON WAKE UP DAMN IT.!!!!!!" shouted Naruto as he started shaking Gaara's dead body.

'Hmmm....looks like due to a large amount of chakra being drained out of his body, his life force has weakened considerable. Though it shouldn't have weakened to this degree. ~Tony~ scan Gaara's body and find the cause of his condition.' Ichizu mentally commanded to scan and found the reason for why something like this happened.

[~Tony~:- *host* the reason for Gaara's life force being so weakened is due to the 'Destiny Law' of this world being subjugated at Grandma Chiyo. Since she was supposed to die at this stage of the plot but Gaara was saved by you and didn't get his Tailed-beast extracted out of him which would have killed him so that later he could be revived by Grandma Chiyo who would use her own life force to bring him back to life. Due to your interference the world's 'Destiny Law' has weakened Gaara's life force so that Chiyo would have to sacrifice her life and bring him back.]

'So their is no avoiding it huh`....' thought Ichizu with a sigh. Even though he could bring him back to life ,he would have to piss the world's 'Destiny Law' which he isn't ready to piss off...yet and also he couldn't care less about others except his loved once. After being in born in this world and experiencing a great war and many...many deaths, he has since long came to an conclusion.

*Sacrifices are required for the greater good.* he would do anything for this goal of his unlike some other character who just keep bull*shitting about righteousness and other useless things. Being good is okay but being a hero ....also in this world where people will do anything to achieve their goal though a majority are not like them but still you aren't Naruto who has the plot Armour so don't think about useless ideals.

"Even though i can heal him.....there will still be 50% chance of him dying which i personally think will , sorry for my straight forwardness ." stated Ichizu as he apologized to Chiyo.

"WHAT!!!!! NO!!!! GAARA CAN'T DIE!!!!!! PLEASE SAVE HIM SENSEI, ANYHOW!!!!." shouted Naruto while Guy and his team wore serious expressions on their faces.

"Grandma Chiyo waked towards the unconscious body of Gaara ,slowly sat down and said "Though i wanted to use this *Technique* on Sasori in hopes to bring him back to life but he is already dead while his body is not here.....well as the Elder of Sunagakure i will fulfill by duty one more time before i pass away."

"Everything I've ever done was a mistake." she stated.

"But now, at the end, it looks like I'll finally be able to do the right thing… The Sand Village and Konoha… Their future will be much different than the way things were back in my day." she continued as everyone listened attentively to what she had to say.

She looked towards Naruto as she slowly spoke "That strange power of yours that Kakashi mentioned… that power will have a strong influence on the future."

"Become a Hokage like none before you.

After saying so she turned towards Sakura who had tears streaming down her face "Next time, save the people who are dear to you, not some old hag. You and I are very similar. There aren't many girls as chivalrous as you around. You'll surpass your teacher as a female ninja."

"There aren't many girls as chivalrous as you?"

She turned to Naruto ones again and stated "This is a request from an old woman. You are the only one who can understand Gaara's pain. And Gaara understands your pain. Please, save Gaara."

Then she turned towards Ichizu and others as she said "Please escort Gaara back to the Village safely."

I nodded in response and said "I, Ichizu Uchiha....The Great-Elder of Konohagakure promise you that as long as i am alive Sunagakure will be our close allies under any circ_u_mstances also Gaara while surely make a fine Kazekage."

After nodding towards me she placed her hands over Gaara's c_h_e_s_t and i bright green light emitted from her palm. After sometime she slowly closed her eyes as the crying Sakura hugged her unmoving body and others consoled her.

Gaara slowly opens his eyes as Naruto softly speaks "Thank God you are alright." crying and feeling sad for the price they had to pay for bring his friend back to life.

(A/N:-I have used Chiyo original last words in this chapter.)

After all this ,the whole Group returned to Sunagakure with Gaara in tow. After reaching the place we informed everyone about Grandma Chiyo's death as the whole Nation was devastated by the new of the death of the Honorable Elder.

After staying their for a few days ,we packed our stuff as I strengthened the bond between the two Allied Nations by quite a large margin while Naruto used this entire time with Gaara and his siblings showing the team around the country and getting them to try all the special dishes for their Nation.

After renewing the pact of alliance ,Ichizu and team started their journey back to Konoha as Ichizu thought about the upcoming mission ,that Tsunade would give to the Team-7 and Sia's entry in the team as Sasuke's substitute.

After all this Ichizu has also planned to send 3rd and his father to the 'Village Hidden In The Stars' to cure their body off Radiation and add them into the 5-nations Allied forces that would be formed to fight Madara.

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