I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


Ichizu wrapped Tsunade and Mei with his Crimson-snakes and teleported to the 'Uchiha falls'. After they arrived at the location Ichizu introduced Mei to where they were currently standing after seeing the stunned expression of her face ,she she looked around admiring the beauty of the place.

"Welcome to the 'Uchiha falls' while this place was created by me for the whole clan only i and some more individuals visits this place. Tsunade being one of them, this place is were i usually relax and 'enjoy' with Tsunade if you get what i am saying....hehehehehe..." introduced Ichizu while a large grin appeared on his face as he looked at Mei ,'The sheep about to be slaughtered'.

(A/N:-Here the above line is just a saying.)

Just as Mei wanted to say something ,Ichizu swiftly placed a finger on her lips stopping her from saying anything and slowly whispered in their ears while dragging both of them along with him to the wooden house near the river line "Follow me.....".

The wooden house wasn't particularly large instead it was just big enough to accommodate 3-individuals with a problem. The door of the house had the Uchiha symbol engraved on it while the whole place was only illuminated by candles. The place was extremely beautiful to look at and after adding the natural feeling surrounding it, one couldn't help but drown himself in its beauty.

BUT...Tsuande and Mei weren't focused on the house or their surrounding but the person in front of them. Ichizu's long hair swayed slightly due to the gentle breeze which moved around the place, in the living room which was only brightened by the candles ,Only a side of Ichizu could be seen as the other part was shrouded in darkness. He looked so enchanting and charming that both of the girls literally drooled seeing him. Ignoring the fact that they were starting at him like idiots and were giggle from time to time.

Ichizu smiled at both of them and moved towards them slowly. After he reached the near them ,he opened his arms and enveloped both of them at the same time. Ichizu gently kisses Tsunade on the lips breaking even the thought of resistance away from her mind while his right hand massaged Mei's b_r_e_a_s_ts and she m_o_a_n_e_d loudly.

He guided his tongue inside Tsunade's mouth and explored it's wonders while Tsunade thought of playing with him a little as she tried to counter with her own tongue but she was a *NOOB* when it came to these things and she wanted to play with the person who has since long mastered these techniques so as a result she was mercilessly defeated as she surrendered.

Mei already knew that these kinds of tricks would be useless in front of her Dear~ so she didn't even tried to do something and completely enjoyed the moment as she was finally able to meet Ichizu once again after a whole month of not seeing him.

Ichizu grabbed Tsuande's perky b_u_t_t and fondled with it while kissing Mei's neck as his right hand was still massaging her b_r_e_a_s_ts. A fire lit deep inside Ichizu as a humans primal nature started to take over he kissed both of them from time to time as he sometimes nibbled on Tsunade's ears ,sometimes s_u_c_k_e_d the Heavenly peak of Mei which was erect due to the previous kissing session.

Ichizu places Tsunade on the bed while Mei slowly started to undress his shirt. After she was successfully able to remove him shirt she marveled at the perfect body of her Future husband ,she thought 'Wouldn't grow old of seeing his perfect body....ever'. While Tsunade who was currently pressed down on the bed as Ichizu laid above her and was busy massaging her b_o_o_b_s with his left hand ,his right hand held Mei by her waist as he continued to kiss her deeply.

Ichizu sweeps his snake like right hand across Mei's body as she was totally undressed, her Mizukage dressing ,protective gear ,bra and her p_a_n_t_i_e_s in one sloop. Mei covered her t_i_t_s with her right arm while her left covering her cave while blushing madly but also a little excited.

Ichizu smirks while pulling Mei into his embrace with his right hand ,his left hand still massaging Tsunade's b_r_e_a_s_ts ,pinching her erect t_i_t_s and his member rubbed at the entrance of her cave down there, she was m_o_a_ning as her mind wasn't functioning properly due to the overwhelming p_l_e_a_s_u_r_e that assaulted her body and mind as she left something extremely large at the entrance of her cave.

It wasn't the first time she had seen Ichizu's little 'brother' (Not Sasuke or Itachi.) but she couldn't help but feel a little scarred after seeing the size of his thing.

"Tell me my Dear~ haven't i already seen and feel-ed every single inch of your body???? Or are you shy because Tsunade can see your body. If that's the case then you should get used to it after all you both will be seeing a lot of each other hehehehehehe....Ouch!!!..." g_r_o_a_n_e_d Ichizu as Mei lightly smacked him at the back of his head while blushing madly.

Mei presses her own body against Ichizu's back. Ichizu felt two big-soft mountains with sharp tipped peak pressing against his back ,he turned and gave Mei a quick kiss while saying "Let me satisfy your Elder Sister then you...." she nodded back him while kissing him.

Ichizu leaned upon Tsunade and started kissing her from her lips to stomach. He looses her dress and said in a surprise "You aren't wearing a bra????"

"It is a little uncomfortable for me due to.......obvious reasons." (Her humongous B_R_E_A_S_TS!!!!!... ) replies Tsunade a bit fl_u_s_tered.

Ichizu just smiled and s_u_c_k_e_d on her b_r_e_a_s_ts while removing her p_a_n_t_i_e_s while Mei was busy pleasuring both Ichizu and herself with her mouth. Ichizu gently bits at her t_i_t_s ,leaving a mark and moves down to lick her soaked p_u_s_s_y.

Tsunade m_o_a_n_e_d as he ate her p_u_s_s_y and p_l_e_a_s_u_r_ed her body and mind by working wonders with his tongue while thrusting inside Mei's mouth which could only take about 3/4th of Ichizu's little brother.

After continuing doing so for 1hr, Ichizu said "Today i will make you mine Tsunade as very soon you will resign from the hokage post and we would allow our Engagement to the world." hearing this Tsunade's eyes teared up as Mei just smiled.

After placing his 'brother' at the opening of the entrance he said "Brace yourself my Dear~".

She nodded and clenched her fists tightly preparing for what was about to come.

Ichizu slowly thrust inside her opening and reached a stop after entering some distance.



"AHHHHAHHHHHH......!!!!!!!!" screamed Tsunade as tears gathered in her eyes while she clenched her fists while enduring the pain caused by the breaking of her h_y_m_e_n. Ichizu used his Sage-energy to alleviate her pain while slowly moving inside her , his left hand on Tsunade's b_o_o_b_s , his right hand on Mei's boob while he kissed Mei and thrusted inside of Tsunade.


"AAAAHHHHHHH.......I AM C_U_M_M_I_N_G...."


{After 7 hr}

3 people could be seen lying on the wooden bed with some blood stains and s_e_m_e_n all over the discarded sheet ,while both Mei and Tsunade hugged Ichizu's left and right ,having an expression on pure bliss on their face and a Smile on Ichizu's face.

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