I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


"Okay....Naruto and Sakura quickly come here i am going to introduce you guys to our new team members ,Sai as a replacement of Sasuke and Yamato as Ichizu's." said Kakashi while asking Naruto and Sakura to pay attention and get to know their new comrades.


Well Sakura didn't spoke any words ,anyone could tell from her expression that she was not happy that someone was replacing Sasuke's place in the team since he technically didn't leave the team 7 and as for Ichizu-Sensei ,she knew that her Sensei was busy handling the paperwork with Lady Tsunade so she wasn't mad about that.

"Naruto!!!!!.....that's no way to talk to your fellow teammate and assisting captain. APOLOGIZE!!!!.....NOW!!" said Kakashi with slight disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e in his tone as he and Yamato were good friends and worked for Anbu on many missions together, including the time they encountered Orochimaru while escaping.

"*Humph* Sorry...." said Naruto while making grumbling sounds from his mouth. Seeing Naruto's behavior he just shakes his head and sighs in defeat while flashing an apologetic smile towards Yamato who just smiled wryly in return whereas the quiet type-Sai just continued to observe his teammates and thought " Even if they are clumsy sometimes but the power both of these youths ,one boy will the other a girl possessed are of the charts..."

"Nice to meet you guys ,my name is Sai ,your new team partner and also future find.....it's a p_l_e_a_s_u_r_e to meet both of you." Greeted Sai quietly and calmly while hiding his true feelings whereas Yamato took a step forward while saying " My Name is Yamato but it is more like assistance-instructor for you guys. My mission is to make sure that you guys come back in one-piece when we finishes our mission and capture Sasuke.!!!!!!"

"*Snorts* Humph no matter what i wouldn't accept you as a memeber of our team 7....." said Naruto will displaying hostility towards Sai who just smiled in return.

"Doesn't matter as I don't need your recognition, I was asked by the Great-Elder to join your team and I only agreed because I respect him....I don't have any interest in you or that Sasuke." said Sai in a slightly irritated tone as even before they knew anything about him they already started to show hostility towards him ,so no need to be polite.

"YOU...!!!!!!!" growled Naruto in an annoyed tone will Sakura looked a little angry.

"Listen Naruto it isn't nice to judge someone even before knowing anything about them just because Lord Ichizu asked was to substitute Him and Sasuke on the team, is not our fault if you really have so much problem with us then go and talk to Lord Ichizu about this and ask him to take back his direct order. If you can't then stop complaining and act like a proper Shinobi...." snapped Yamato at Naruto in angry.

"He is right Naruto, if you don't behave like a proper shinobi then there is no need for you to go on this mission as you will only mess up our mission and this Mission's success is very important as Sasuke is not only your teammate but also the little brother of The Great-Elder of Konoha." scolded Kakashi with a serious face as he knew just how much this mission meant for Ichizu....if he wasn't busy due to the village affairs and future plans for the village ,he himself wouldn't gone to bring back Sasuke.

Kakashi knew how does it feel to lose someone you dearly love ,his father was the person he loved the most who committed Suicide ,his friend Obito gave his own life to save his life ,Rin who he himself killed, Minato who died saving the village, all this because of a single reason...Not enough strength.

He had promised himself he would never allow another loved one to die due to his incapabilities of protecting them. No matter how ,he would gain enough strength to protect what he has left.

And after getting the immerse power boost from Ichizu, his resolve hardened even more like the Unbreakable Vibranium.

(A/N:-Well Vibranium is better than nothing lol.)

"You are right Sensei.....due to Sai being Sasuke's substitute in the team ,I thought that the village think that Sasuke is no longer our villages Shinobi but a rogue.....that's why I automatically formed a bad opinion about Sai.....I understand now ,Sorry!!! for my previous behaviour. Please forgive me..." said Naruto after complementing on what Kakashi-Sensei said to help and he realized that he had subconsciously formed a biased opinion about Sai.

Sakura also apologized "Yeah....sorry me too as I was thinking the same thing as Naruto. But I forgot that Sasuke is still the brother of the Great-Elder.....Sorry once again."

"Hmmm.....it's okay I understand that, you guys are just extremely loyal towards Lord Ichizu's little brother but even after him being the brother of Lord Ichizu ,we aren't allowed to go easy on Sasuke...if he resists then just knock him out..." said Yamato in a serious tone.

"Yes, even though both of you guys have been trained by the 2-Legendary Sanin for the past 2 years ,he did the same .....so don't underestimate him and go full force against fighting him and then there is also Orochimaru too."

"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei I will bring Sasuke back to the village even if I have to break all of his bones....I will not hold back."

"Though I don't want to fight Sasuke and bring him back to the village by talking to him....but if a fight does breaks out I will immediately take action to immobilize Sasuke." said Sakura with some determination and hesitation mixed.

"Let's hope that it doesn't come to this....or we would have no choice but to fight." Said Kakashi as he thought 'I will bring you back Sasuke no matter the cost ,with Obito's powers I wouldn't be stopped....even by Orochimaru.'

'We are coming Sasuke so just hold on for a little longer ,we will soon meet again and this time I wouldn't lose.' thought Naruto as he tightly clenched his fists.

'Sasuke-kun....' thought Sakura with a worried expression on her face.

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