I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 76 - KNOW YOUR PLACE

"Master can I ask you a question, where are we ???.... why can't I feel the connection to the *Holy Grail* ???.... also how do you have such monstrous energy reserve.???" asked the curious Eresgkigal as she stared at her master with a serious expression.

'The amount of danger I am sensing from his is so immerse that even greater than 'Negal'.' thought Eresgkigal as she knew that the entity standing in front of her ,smiling is nothing but kind. Her ability *Protection of the underworld* also allows her to sense the thread of death one possess. That was the reason her was on guard against him even though he was Ishtar and her's master.

(A/N:-Negal, who was also called Nergal, was the God of Death and is depicted as a chaotic deity whose seat of power resided in Cuthah.He was also the only enemy of Eresgkigal.....off course Ishtar not included.)

Ichizu was visibly confused and bewildered upon seeing the reaction of his new servant.

'~Tony~ buy me information on Eresgkigal and integrate it in my memories.' mentally commanded Ichizu.

[~Tonh~:-*host* the total cost of information and integration is 20p and is deducted from your total points...Integrating information.]

Suddenly a tormant of information flooded inside Ichizu ,it caused a stinging pain but he still kept his smiling expression with no pain whatsoever.

'I see....what a useful ability but....' thought Ichizu as he mentally commanded the system to activate one of his perks.

Suddenly the black aura which had been oozing out of his body retracted inside his body without leaving a trace of it's existence in the first place ,like it was never their.

Seeing this Eresgkigal widened her eyes wide as her thread radar went haywire she quickly summoned her *Meslamtaea*, took a stance ready to attack.

"Sis w..what are you doing??? why are you pointing your weapon towards Master.???" said Ishtar in panic when she was her own Sister pointing weapon towards her beloved Master.

"Easy there I am not going to hurt you guys after all you both are many own servants..." said Ichizu as the smile stayed on his face.

"You are very dangerous individual...too dangerous." said Eresgkigal with her eyes narrowed.

"We are no longer bou..." suddenly her speech stopped mid-way as her body suddenly froze ,her Weapon disappeared so did her divinity and power.

"I think that you wanted to say 'We are no longer bounded by the Grail and have recovered our power ,we should leave.'..... well sorry to disappoint you. Both of you are my servant and I am your Master...both of you are bound to me for life." explained Ichizu with a playful smile on his face.

Ishtar quickly arrived in front of her sister and pleaded to Ichizu "Master please forgive my Sister she is just trying to protect me.....I apologize in her stead.....so please forgive her Master."

"Hmmm..." said Ichizu as he freed Eresgkigal from his bind.

"Sister master has been very nice to me and has always taken care of me, even saved my life.....I... I won't allow anyone to hurt master." said Ishtar with crazed determination in her eyes.

"Ishtar you....*sigh* very well I will not take action against him." hearing this Ishtar smiled.

"But...." suddenly the atmosphere froze as incredible amount of murderous intent erupted from Eresgkigal.

"If you ever tried anything against my Sister or me I will kill you....."

Hearing this Ishtar smile froze ,color drained from her face ,her body started shaking as fear enveloped her completely.

'Sister what have you just done...master hates being threatened.....shit.' thought Ishtar as she sneaked a peak of her masters face and saw something that she really feared.

The playful smile disappeared from Ichizu's face as a crazed smile crept over his face.

"You see...I don't like to be threatened ,atleast not by my own servants...."

"Ma...master pl.. please forgive Sister and forget what she just said."

"Hehehe heh...looks like I need to make somethings clear between us..."

Ichizu closed his eyes as his aura was fully unleased....the chakra which was equal to 9-tails but much more terrifying as unlike Naruto who accessed the chakra through link, Ichizu himself was the chakra. He is like a tailed beast the only difference is he is not a beast (Not including Bed-time activities) or has tails above his hip.

Ichizu had previously bought *Aura of hatred*, *Clear mind aura* from the shop and also bought all the hatred of all the Uchiha clans *Curse of hatred*.

This first aura allowed him to intimidate ,paralyze ,scare and kill his opponents through *Intent* only ,the second one was a self-active aura as it calmed the mind ,cleared unnecessary thoughts ,cleared hesitation ,cleared all emotions and helped in thinking while the last one generated killing intent for hatred.

He thought 'I think I need to show them why I am their master.'

He released his 3-aura at the same time resulting in scaring Ishtar completely while fear appeared inside Eresgkigal as her instincts screamed 'Run away!!!!'.

His aura and chakra displayed completely and his true power was released as world law only suppressed his power when he interfered with the destiny law....but that wasn't the case here.

"Remember something, even his a treasure my servants extremely, even if my love for them is immerse ,even if they are like a family to me....as your master I won't accept disobedience or resistance." said Ichizu as he finally opened his eyes.

It was like the world around them stopped ,the time stopped, the chakra freezed ,the aura paused then came an voice "Remember your place and be good."

His eyes where azure-blue colored, had rings inside it with more than 8 black tomoe-s revolving inside it.

Gazing at his eyes it felt like death would arrive any second now even the surrounding quited down so did the other elements.

"Sorry I was yanking your chair....HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA..." his eyes reverted back to normal ,the chakra and aura with the orbs disappeared like they were never there in the first place.

Ishtar dropped on the ground and started crying while cursing "Bad master....he always bullies me....*sob* *sob* *sob* *sob* *sob*"

Ichizu flashed by her side and embraced her which apologizing "Sorry but I just wanted to see your reactions eheheheh...*Ouch* *Ouch* *Ouch* "

Ishtar started hammering Ichizu's c_h_e_s_t with her soft little hands.

"Who allowed you to attack your master.....do you want me to punish you." stated Ichizu as he grabbed her perfect b_u_t_t and squeezed.

"Yelp...." Ishtar's face reddened as she stopped moving and stayed still in Ichizu's embrace with her head lowered ,not daring to look at her master.

Ichizu's smile widened as he applied more pressure while squeezing which earned a low m_o_a_n from her as she snuggled inside his embrace.

Eresgkigal was still standing paralyzed due to the earlier display so power as she thought so deeply that she even ignored the fact that this bastard was currently moles.....*Ahem* teasing her sister.

'He wasn't joking about what he said ,this was a warning to not to mess with him and follow his commands as his status as a master.' though Eresgkigal.

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