I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


Ichizu activated his M.S and started walking towards Pain(Deva-path) and Konan as the gigantic scythe rested on his shoulder.

Konan makes many origami-birds through her *Paper-release* and launched towards Ichizu from all direction ,this time all the paper-birds didn't follow a proper lane , Konan just gave up on controlling it and ordered to randomly attack him.

Ichizu jumps back avoiding the paper birds which assaulted him ,20-birds suddenly attacked from front. Ichizu summoned his black-orb and willed it to form an irregular shield like that made by Obito and blocks the incoming attacks.

The birds started circling him blocking his vision completely ,it looked like Ichizu was in the Eye of a storm.

Suddenly a small black ball made its way above his head as the birds were suddenly pulled towards Ichizu and burst into flames reveling the paper-bomb inside.

Ichizu smiled after seeing the incoming attack and thinks after covering himself from the orb 'First covering my vision through the paper-birds so that Pain(Deva-path) can create an extremely small orb of *Chibaku tensei* and huddle it inside the paper-storm. Nice move.'


The paper bombs exploded resulting in the formation of lots of dust to fly in all directions.

Konan asks with an anxious expression "Did we get him.????"

"Ho ho ho....nice attack strategy....but not enough." said Ichizu as he came out of the smoke screen with his scythe ready to strike.

(A/N:-Imagine the scene ,Kite coming out of the woods with Gon and killua with his scythe in his right hand.)

Ichizu raises his hand and uses *Sikera usum* the Noble phantasm of Semiramis but unlike her he shapes it in small purple balls containing loads of poison.

10-poison balls could be seen levitating above his hand as he smiled and said happily "These balls are the most poisoned objects in existence, beware..." he flicks his finger at Konan and the balls launches towards her.

Pain(Deva-path) tries to stop the balls using *Shinra-tensei* but Ichizu stops him with his *Dispersion*.

Konan opens her wings and takes off to dodge the incoming attack but the poison balls followed her like tracking missiles.

She pierces the balls in hope of destroying them but them simply reform after being destroyed and resumed their pursuit on her.

Ichizu and Pain(Deva-path) indulged themselves in fight each other while using only *Taijutsu*.


Eresgkigal rushes forward towards the Pain(Preta-path) with her weapon, while riding on Tagorihime's back where as the Pain(Preta-path) was standing on top of the head of the chameleon.

A black rod appeared in his hand as he jumped off the chameleon so did Eresgkigal. Both clashed in mid-air but due to the immerse power stored inside Eresgkigal's weapon ,Pain(Preta-path) was blasted away.

As soon as he had jumped from the chameleon's head it disappeared using camouflage ,waiting to assist him whenever required as he couldn't fight Tagorihime.

Tagorihime slithered forward and catches the falling Eresgkigal who was trying to find her opponent ,who had seemingly disappeared from her vision.

"Tagorihime-san can you find him..????" asked Eresgkigal in a polite and respectful tone as she could see that her master greatly respected the two ladies.

Yes!!!!.....she is indeed right after all ,When Ichizu visited she and the other lady were the once who took care of him as elder sisters and trained him....Ichizu respects them very much.

"Very well....." says Tagorihime as she utilizes her Sage-energy and tries to sense the chameleon.

"There..." she says while narrowing her eyes and slithering forward at insane speed. The invisible Chameleon retreats after sensing danger but Tagorihime was much faster ,she wrapped herself around the chameleon while using *Sage-art :-Enemy roasting flames*.

She opens her mouth the blasts a beam of fire bursting the chameleon into flames and killing it instantly.

Pain(Preta-path) jumps out of the flames and tries to attack Eresgkigal ,knowing that he wouldn't survive. With a black-rod in his hand he thrusted it forwards towards Eresgkigal.

"Fufufufufufuf.....looks like my job is done here.....remember to bring some more cookies this time when you visit."

{Poof} she disappears resulting in Eresgkigal falling on the ground face first.


Ishtar had killed a Rhino ,a bird and was currently fighting a dog who kept on multiplying into more dogs.

"Looks like I need to step up my game....."

"Star-obliteration!!!!!...." shouted Ishtar as a blinding energy beam was released from her bow and like a canon destroyed everything in it's path..... obliterating the Dog and Pain(Animal-path) at sub-atomic level.

"Very we since my job his done here I shall take my leave." says the snake as she disappeared with a {poof} whereas Ishtar lands gracefully on the ground.


Ichizu and Pain(Deva-path) clashes in mid-air.(Remember when Madara clashes which Hashirama in mid-air with his scythe.) Ichizu smiles crazily and swings downwards after the contact between their weapons was no longer there.

Konan is currently flying at her top speed while avoiding the poison balls..."*Huff* *Huff* I can't fly at my top speed for much longer and if the attack hit me ,I will surely die....*Gritted her teeth* if I am fated to die ,so be it but I will not go down alone."

Konan makes a long spear with all of her remaining power and launchs it towards Ichizu as the poison balls hit her but only paralyzes her.

Ichizi smiles after feeling the incoming spear coming from his back is aiming for his head. He slashes the ground resulting in dirt to block Pain(Deva-path).

'I can't allow you to see my rinnegan....' thought Ichizu as he activates his Rinnegan after Pain(Deva-path) view with the dirt and uses *Amenotejikara* to switch places with Pain(Deva-path).After that he once again disables his rinnegan.

Konan stares in horror as her spear pierced Pain(Deva-path) heart and nailed him on the ground.

"YAHIKO....!!!!!!!!!!" shouts Konan as tears fall down her beautiful face.

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