I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


Inside a large Castle an individual could be seen walking through the corridor gracefully ,he wore Black-red exorcists cloth with sleeves on his left side only.

But the strange thing noticeable about him was ,he wasn't making any noise while walking through the corridor it was like, the whole around him just ignored his existance.

He arrives in front of a large door decorated with precious gems , crystals and gold. He gently pushes the gigantic door open with his right hand.


The door made some noise while opening and revealed a beautiful wide-open room with a Throne located in the center of the room. It was elevated from the ground by a large platform.

Ichizu slowly walked towards the throne located in the center of the room. He slowly slowly climbed the stairs ,still no sound could be heard as he reached his destination.

He slowly turned and sat down on the throne ,his body was leaning on the left side armrest as he crossed his legs. His face was partially hidden inside the shadows.

He just sat there seemingly lost in his thoughts. After sometime noise of another door being opened rang out and reverbated through out the room.

"Hahaha...yes you are correct about the jinchuriki of the 7 tails, she is just like a fairy with those little wings on her back even though she is currently frozen by Lord Nikasu's *Eternal ice coffin* along with the others." says a women possessing great voluptuous figure, dark-toned skin and pointed ears wearing black dress.

"Sigh....Master said that they were destined to die and even kill their own after being controlled, so they had to stay sealed inside the Ice-coffin of a certain period of time." replied another woman also possessing voluptuous figure wearing a light armor.

"Hehehe heh.....from that tone of your ,looks like you really miss Master a lot....don't you." teased Semiramis while trying to hold back her laughter after seeing the flushed look on her face.

"Humph....there is no God in this world to whom I can pray...and even his there were any ,my fate in them had vanished the moment Master accepted us as his servants...Master is my light, Master is my life, Master is my everything and for him this servant of his devotes his whole body and while to him." said Jeanne D`arc while a loving expression surfaced her face.

"I can be anything my Master needs me to be....every fibre of my existence is devoted to him and would go to any lengths." said Jeanne D`arc but a red hue covering her face could be seen.

"Ohhhhhh...any lengths huh!!!!!...I am sure master would be very happy to hear that...he hehehe..." said Semiramis with a giggle.

"Humph...you dare tease me did you forgot who keeps mubbling 'Masterrrr... ' & 'Masterrrr....' in her dreams....!!!!!!!!" countered Jeanne d`arc.

Hearing this Semiramis face grew a many shades of red ,she bowed her head not daring to look Jeanne in the eyes.

Ichizu had an amused expression on his as he thought of notifying them of his presence "Can't say I have a problem with it."

Both Semiramis and Jeanne quickly unsheathed their Christ-sword and Poison-chains ready to attack at the moments notice. Both turned towards the source of the voice which was apparently originating from the throne.

"Ho.... ho.... ho ,pointing weapons at your Master is not a good thing to do. Looks like the first thing I should do after coming to check on you both is to properly spank your butts."

As the voice fell a face appeared from the darkness with a smile on his face. Seeing him there on the throne both of them were stunned speechless.

Jeanne asked in a somewhat nervous tone "Master can you tell us since when have you been on the throne.???"

Ichizu tossed two small pieces of rock in the air ,both of the girls attention was on the stones while he was looking at them with a slight smile on his face and replied "From the beginning!!!!".

Before the girls could respond ,their vision went blurry for a second and gained their clarity after.

Both of them had suddenly crossed a distance and arrived in front of their Master who had a sinister smile on his face as he sat there and uncrossed his crossed legs.

"I have listened both of you taking and I gotta say, I missed both of you too." saying so Crimson-snakes came out his sleeves and wrapped around the clueless servants.

He pulls both of they into his embrace ,playing them on both of his laps. He moved his face towards Jeanne who averted her eyes but didn't move her head.

Ichizu gently kissed on her cherry lips ,s_u_c_k_i_n_g at them greedily while he tightly squeezed Semiramis's butt. He gently commands the system to remove Jeanne's armor and Semiramis's battle skirt.

"Ohhh.....I missed both of you dearly fufufufufu...."

"Such a nice scent...as expected from you Jeanne you smell like lilies..." Hearing me complimenting only Jeanne , Semiramis pouted as she couldn't help but feel jeleous of her.

Seeing her like this Ichizu chuckled "Oh my dear~ Semiramis no need to be jeleous ,I haven't forgotten about my s_e_xy queen....fufufufufu."

He first gently bite Jeanne's peak while she m_o_a_n_e_d as her body shook ,the only thing separating Ichizu from touching her skin was her clothes but the bite was effective nevertheless. After that he separated from her c_h_e_s_t and kissed Semiramis on the lips while invading her mouth ,exploring it's every corner with his tongue.

He pinched her left peak with his free hand as the other hand was busy gropping Jeanne's b_u_t_t and b_r_e_a_s_t. Semiramis's body jerked back due to the p_l_e_a_s_u_r_e that shot in her body upon Ichizu's touch.

Using the snakes to keep Semiramis and Jeanne from falling he kept kissing ,gropping and sometimes l_i_c_k_i_n_g a certain part of their body to make them feel p_l_e_a_s_u_r_e.

The three of them teleported to the *Queen's royal quarters* on a large bed. Ichizu had taken care of their clothes as he was currently only wearing his u_n_d_e_r_w_e_a_r and both of them only bra and p_a_n_t_i_e_s.

"I am going to savour both of your tastes today...."

"My body ,my soul ,my faith ,my loyalty ,my love and my everything is your Master..."

"This Queen will always and only ,be yours...."

Ichizu pouches at Semiramis and started kissing every single part of her body as he did the same with her after some time.

Ichizu removes their p_a_n_t_i_e_s and looked captivated by beautiful cave in front of him. Both Semiramis and Jeanne blushed and tried to cover their pink lips down there with their hands.

Ichizu removed there hands and said "No need to be shy he hehehe...I will surely teach you guys everything you both need you learn."

Both of them thought 'Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen.???'.

Both of them tried to argue but were immediately silenced by a smack on their butts as it jiggled upon contact.

Ichizu placed Semiramis on Jeanne as they faced each other and started to eat their pussies at the same time as they m_o_a_n_e_d loudly.

After 15 min they couldn't take it anymore and squirted on his face as he wiped his face and removed his u_n_d_e_r_w_e_a_r while revealing a gigantic monster which scared the hell out of both of them.

"Masterrrr...that won't ..AHHH..!!!!!" screamed Jeanne as body flowed out of her p_u_s_s_y which was pierced in one go by Ichizu's 'Spear'.

Tears inside her eyes and rolled down her face. Ichizu after taking her v_i_r_g_i_n_i_t_y didn't moved and stated still while massaging her left mountain with his right and as his other hand was busy gropping Semiramis's left mountain as he planted kisses on her neck and long ears from time to time ,she trembled greatly as her ears were a little more s_e_n_s_i_t_i_v_e.

After Jeanne got a hold of herself Ichizu slowly started thrusting as m_o_a_ns and Cry's to pain echoed throughout the room.

{Pa} {Pa} {Pa} {Pa} {Pa} {Pa}...sound of bodies colliding ,meat gridding together could be heard as Jeanne and Semiramis continued to m_o_a_n loudly. Semiramis raised her p_u_s_s_y high while kissing Jeanne on the lips as Ichizu ate her p_u_s_s_y while f_u_c_k_i_n_g the hell out of Jeanne.

After 4 hr of m_a_k_i_n_g_ _l_o_v_e with each other and Ichizu injecting inside Jeanne two times as she came 6 time straight ,she was totally tired and immediately collapsed on the bed.

Semiramis was barely able to standing as Ichizu made her c_u_m using his tongue only as she came 3 times already.

After covering Jeanne with a blanket ,He pinned Semiramis below him as she said in a tired at seductive tone "Yes!!!!.....dominate me ,spank me hard.... masterrrrr...f_u_c_k the hell out of me."

Ichizu raised an eyebrow after seeing her antics and asked in an amused tone "You`re a m_a_s_o_c_h_i_s_t ?????...."

"I....AHHHH...!!!!!!!!" screamed Semiramis as Ichizu pierced her even before she could reply ,trail of fresh blood could be seen as tears fell down her face but a huge grin was pasted on her face.

Seeing this Ichizu felt something inside in awakening....or to say a half-awoken side of him was fully awake.

He smiled Sadistly and started thrusting inside her as he raised her leg with his hand resulting in Semiramis being pounded heavily as she felt Ichizu's 'dragon' inside her G-spot ever time it entered deep inside.

They tried every position Ichizu knew and went on for 7 hr as Semiramis had immense stamina due to her being a divine.But even divinity could allow one to survive Ichizu's pounding.

Ichizu cared for her girl in his life very deeply ,they weren't just his servants or tool which he would thrown or replace after you there all are his beloved after knowing that she was reaching her limit he thrusted inside one last time before injecting his s_e_m_e_n inside her deeply which caused her to ark back due to the p_l_e_a_s_u_r_e.

He then laid up the bed with Semiramis on his c_h_e_s_t ,his 'Dragon' still inside her as she sleeps peacefully while Jeanne on his right side as he rested his hand on she b_u_t_t ,gripping it from time to time.

"This is the last peaceful moment as after this the war would begin." thought Ichizu as he closed his eyes and slept.


(A/N:- Hello guys I just wanted to inform you all that my friend and me, we are working on an another fanfiction and are thinking of uploading it from my account we have actually started the story and even finalized the first chapter.....so I just wanted to inform you guys that soon another novel will be posted from this account written by my friend and me ,both together....the updates may not be regular as we both are in class 11 p.c.m batch so we don't have much time for these things plus we can only discuss on it in the school also I will be focusing on this novel more as I won't drop it or decrease it's chapter release. So don't get your hopes up.)

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