I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


{Ting} {Ting} {Ting} {Ting} sounds of weapons clashing could be heard as Kakashi swept the sword in his right hand vertically towards Pain(Naraka-path).

Though usually this version of Pain is protected by the others due to his 2-abilities, interrogation and Restoration.

But due to all the versions of Pain being occupied by certain individuals ,this poor 'soul' was forced to fight Kakashi.

Pain(Naraka-path) swing his black-rod to meet Kakashi's sword and jumps back. Kakashi doesn't give him a single second to retaliate as he made hand-signs and used *Fire-release:-Red dragon bullets*.

Pain(Preta-path) jumps in front of Pain(Naraka-path) and absorbs the jutsu Kakashi unleashed on his other version while Pain(Nakara-path) launches many Black-rods towards Jiraiya who was fighting the Pain(Preta-path) just before they switched partners. Seeing the incoming attack, Jiraiya jumps towards the incoming attack as chakra concentrated in his right hand and all giant greenish-blue orb forms in his hands as he thrusts it forward disintegrating the Black-rods to dust.

Suddenly the giant chameleon appears trying to attack Jiraiya with his tongue, but with a loud bang ,it gets embedded on the ground beneath as blood came out of its mouth. A lady wearing a cloak with *5th Hokage* could be seen coming out of the crater formed when she smashed it into it.

Tsunade makes some hand-signs and says in a low tone "*Wood-release:-Restricting bind*...."

Many gigantic veins and roots grew out of the ground restraining a big-dog with 3-heads and two small wings on it's back. She says coldly "Easy boy or else!!!!....." ,the pressure from the roots and veins increased as the beast howled and struggled to break free.

Suddenly many missiles made their way towards Jiraiya and herself as they were busy fighting the Pain versions. Even though they knew that they were under attack but after going through the bloodline awakening and mastering of the Sage-energy.

They didn't need to worry about any small explosions..... Kakashi held up his sword high above his head and brought it down in a slashing motion as *Lightning-release* covered the blade of the sword and expanded from the tip of the blade piercing the missile before it could reach the 5th & 6th Hokage ,resulting them to explode mid-way.

Pain(Human-path) was already taken down by Naruto and Sakura who are currently fighting Pain(Deva-path).

"Summoning jutsu:-Bring down the house" shouted Jiraiya while dropping a gigantic toad on Pain(Animal-path) and squash him meanwhile Pain(Naraka-path) was busy fighting other leaf shinobi.

Pain(Naraka-path) tries to revive the Pain(Animal-path) but a surprise attack from Konohamaru was enough to ensure that he was down for good.

Pain(Asura-path) tries to absorb the jutsu which as about to kill him but after continuously fighting with Pain(Preta-path) he was able to deduced that another than him no one else can harm thing man...so he searched for what was unique about himself , eventually he found the answer.

*Sage-energy* Yes.... Sage-energy not only makes a person stronger in physical parameters but also adds to the chakra capacity and Jutsu's effectiveness.

He had assimilated Sage-Energy into his attack trying to kill him in one shot and it actually worked.

"Chidori!!!!!....." shouted Kakashi as he thrusts his palm inside the body of Pain(Asura-path) killing him in one blow while bursting a hole through his c_h_e_s_t.

"Huff....huff...looks like we have taken care of the 5-rinnegan possessing individuals and only one is left ,Naruto is currently engaging with him in a battle with Sakura as a support." stated kakashi after catching his breadth.

"Humph.....let's quickly take care of his ,we still need to restore the village as Ichizu wouldn't be happy after seeing the villages current condition." said Tsunade with a frown on her face.

"We need to first make sure that Naruto and Sakura are doing good...since we have finished these idiots let's help them."

"Right let's go...." replied Jiraiya as the group rushed towards Naruto and Sakura's location.

They arrived at the center of the crater which Pain(Deva-path) created with his attack and heard a loud voice "*Chibaku-tensei*.....".

What happened next was ,a black colored ball floated up in the sky nd next thing we knew the ground beneath us cracked and started floating towards the orb.

"What the hell....!!!!"

"Damn it what is happening."

They themselves started floating towards the orb as the ground underneath started to fly towards the orb. From above they could see Sakura being supported by Sai as they flew on his bird trying to escape the gravitational pull.

"Saku..." before Tsunade could call out her name they disappeared from the flying rock and reappeared on top of the *Hokage monument* ,Sakura and Sai too were there. Sakura was breathing heavily while standing with Sai's support.

Tsunade ran towards Sakura and started to heal her, though Sakura wasn't hurt or anything ,it still restored her stamina.

"What happened during Naruto and your fight with Pain(Deva-path).???" asked Tsunade while worrying about Naruto's safety after all he was her little brother-in-law whom she dearly loved.

"Naruto and I, we used *Chakra-suppressing formation* to fight Pain with *Taijutsu* as both Naruto's and his chakra will be suppressed and they wouldn't be able to use ninjutsu."

"During there fight Pain found an opening and stabbed a black-rod into Naruto's stomach....I panicked but I couldn't move due to controlling the formation and breaking it would destroy our any chances to win.....So I could only watch as Pain(Deva-path) pierced Naruto's body with 2 more rods."

"Seeing this Hinata suddenly attacked Pain(Deva-path) from behind as he jumped and dodged the attack and kept dodging the attacks till he forcefully broke through my formation by releasing an immerse amount of Chakra."

"He attacked Hinata injuring her though her father saved her and escaped while Naruto lost control of himself and released large amount of red-chakra and slowly grew chakra-tails."

"Sai saved me from rampaging Naruto as we proceeded to escape and regroup with others to stop both of them. Suddenly a black-ball appeared in Pain(Deva-path) hand and floated in the air and what happened next ,we all know that....." concluded Sakura as Jiraiya replied after 2min of thinking "Let's go help him and free him from the rock binding."

"No need it's his test to see if he has what it tasks to save everyone....." a voice filled with indifference and hidden worry made it's way in there ears as they all thought 'We didn't even sense him...... Nikasu Namikaze is here......"

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