I Freakin Reincarnated With A System

Chapter 86 - GATHERING OF THE LEADERS (Part-2)

"Are you ready for the *Nations Summit*???" asked Nikasu as he started at Jiraiya waiting for his response.

"Yes i am ready for the meeting, the *Akatsuki* is much more dangerous than everyone thought. Other than 1-tails ,8-tails and 9-tails every other Jinchuriki is missing and according to our source the intel we have gathered till now points a finger at this organization. We need to discuss and take swift action in retaliating to them." replied Jiraiya as he placed his hat on his head.

"Hmm.... Akatsuki is not the only matter at our hand here....." said Ichizu ,wearing his black-red exorcists dress with his *Kronos* hanging from his waist.

He thought '*Carolus patricius* is currently being used to train the new generation shinobi under 3rd's command where as *Charles patricius* is being used as a training center for the servants to hone their skills.'

'War is near and both of the *Noble Phantasm* will finally be able to show their true capabilities ,their offensive capabilities are even more horrifying than *hanging gardens* especially *Carolus Patricius* with it's canon.'

"What do you mean...??? is there another matter as important as Akatsuki.???" asked Jiraiya confusingly.

"I have captured Itachi and have freed him from that masked man's control and now the problem comes about informing the other nations." said Ichizu while thinking 'They would surely try to take him into custody and try to force out all the information related to Akatsuki out of him but that wouldn't be a problem as with Gaara, Mei, Yahiko and the head of the *Village hidden under stars* supporting Konoha the other villages wouldn't be able to snatch him from us.'

'I won't let anyone as much as touch my brother and also .... Danzo your time has come.'

"Wh...what Itachi has been freed from that masked man's control and you have already recovered him...now this surely is a problem."

"Don't worry Jiraiya-san.....you don't need to think about this matter ,I have already planned everything out."

"Well as long as he can be united with his family."

"Let's go ... Danzo, Nikasu and I, will be accompanying you to the summit, let's hope this goes alright and our objective of forming an alliance would be successful."

"Yeah let's hope everything goes accordingly."

They exited the room and headed towards the village exit ,on their way they arrived at the Gate.

"Take care of yourself little-Ichizu and little-Nikasu ,I don't want you both to create trouble there otherwise you both will be punished."

"I am sure that both of them will behave Dear~ ,then are grown a_d_u_l_t and..."

"Be quite i know both of them more than you do, they are two troublesome kids who always create trouble..... humph.."

"*Sign* Both of you please do behave like m_a_t_u_r_e individuals...."

"Don't worry mom ,Dad we won't create any trouble...Hahaha.." awkward laughter resounded in the surroundings.

"Humph!!!!" snorted Ichizu's mother at her son's antics.

Even Nikasu who usually stayed stoic and indifferent ,had a light blush on his face after being reprimand by Ichizu's mother.

"Care take of yourself and say 'hello' to sister Mei for me....." said Tsunade who suddenly kissed Ichizu on the cheeks well others weren't paying attention.

'Naughtly girl.....he hehehe....I will teach you some 'manners' when I return.' sent Ichizu a chakra message to Tsunade who had a blush on her face after receiving it.

"Now now....if you both have finished flirting let's go..." said Jiraiya with a teasing smile on his face.

"Ohh...you sure have grown some guts Jiraiya...why don't we have a 'talk' after you all have returned." said Tsunade with evil-expression.

"Looks like I need to increase the paper work that you need to finish he hehehe...." said Ichizu with an innocent smile on his face.

Chills went down his spine as he shivered and sprinted forward at full speed.

"These fools.....*Sigh*.." muttered Danzo before following Jiraiya who had just disappeared.

'This will be your end , Danzo.' thought Ichizu as he watched Danzo from the corner of his eyes.

They travelled for 3 days before arrivingat the summit. Jiraiya, Danzo and Nikasu entered the place filled with samurai protecting the place from any possible intruders.

Ichizu went towards the resting room of the Mizukage meeting his old acquaintances.

"How have you been Ichizu-sama???" asked the kid with blue glasses.

"Yes !!!! how has everything been all this time Ichizu-kun." asked the Ao.

"I bought you all a gift to show good will as the Great-elder of Konoha..."

"Ohh...you don't need to do something like this ,you are Mei's fiancé as well as Konoha's great-elder."

"Yeah they both are right Ichizu.....you don't need to do something like this...." heard a voice as the door behind Ao opened and Mei exited the room.

"Hahaha....why don't you look at it first." said Ichizu as he took out a scroll from his holder and placed it on the earthen table which he made using *Earth-release:-Mobile earth*.

"There is no ne...WHAT!!!!!!!" shouted Ao after looking at the blue scaled sword which Ichizu summoned from his scroll.

"This... this... is *Samehada* ,but wasn't it stolen by Kisame.???" asked Ao confusingly.

"Ohh...that I killed him when I came across him while hunting for Akatsuki....Hahaha..I thought of giving it back to your village after all these swords represent something much greater than strength for your people." said Ichizu waving his hands carelessly.

Ao and Chojuro had cold sweat dripping down their ass...*ahem* I mean back..*Awkward laugh* while they thought 'Kisame was considered the strongest and most dangerous one of the seven swordmen and Ichizu-sama killed him just like that....just how strong is the Great-elder of Konoha.'

'Though he is not much stronger when compared to absolute monsters like the Raikage or Tsuchikage but he was surely kage-level shinobi who would even make Raikage pay a heavy price for killing him.'

"Tha..nks Ichizu, you may not know but these swords do mean very much for our people. I don't know how to thank you." hearing the last part Ichizu's face darkened ,Mei quickly added "On..the behalf of my country and as a Mizukage...hehehe....."

Ichizu's expression lightened as he said with a pure smile on his face "Ohh...you sure can help me ,I have to discuss something very important with you..."

"Ohh...ok please come inside." said Mei with a smile before entering the room.

Ichizu walked in smiling before patting Ao left shoulder "Please make sure NO..one enters."

Ao nodded as Ichizu entered and closed the door behind him.

As soon as Ichizu entered the room , Chojuro asked "Ao-san ,what do you think Ichizu-sama wants to discuss with Mei-san.???"

"When you have saw your fiancé for more than 3-years (That's what you think.) ,there is only one thing that you need to do."

"Ohh...what is that.???" asked Chojuro with an innocent expression much more innocent looking than Ichizu's expression.

"*Sigh*....You will understand when you are old enough." replied Ao while thinking 'You have just invited a wolf in your house Mei, may God bless you.'


"So what is the important thing you wanted to discuss Ichizu." asked Mei as she turned as saw Ichizu's back since he was busy closing the door.

Ichizu closed the door and placed the sound-barrier inside the room isolating it from outside world. The smile on his face turned Evil as he turned as his smile again returned back to normal and innocent one.

"Hehehe.....ohhhh....Mei I do have to discuss something important with you. Come closer please..."

Mei approached him as she asked "What is it Ichi..." before she could finish she mouth was sealed by Ichizu's lips and her a_s_s was gripped by Ichizu.

"Ohh...My Mei you are so innocent ,this light is what attracts me to you I can't get enough of it even after making you and Tsunade mine...I will never let both of you leave me ever."


Guys the new novel is out check it out it's name is *THE COLL_A_PSING VERSE* it is a mix of all the Fate versions with my and my friends own story line enjoy it and comment on it the next chapter will be uploaded by Tuesday with an auxiliary chapter.

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