I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


(A/N:-This chapter will be more focused on Nikasu. Keep these words in your mind while reading the chapter.)


"Hidden cloud village agrees with Konoha, we wouldn't be handing over Bee and Naruto if it is war that you want then you will get one." said Raikage as extreme amount of *Lightning-chakra* burst forth his body destroying a part of the round table as cracks appeared on the already cracked wall.

"What you want to accomplish is nothing but a fake reality, a dream but not true peace. The shinobi who fight with their life's on the line, to protect ,to help ,etc. People who made it out alive due to the sacrifice of their close one are responsible for moving forward and not let more people down."

"To remember that their life is not only theirs but also others."

"What you want to accomplish is just a dream and a waste of their sacrifice." reasoned Tsuhikage.

"Why let them die ,why is their a need to sacrifice ,why must we endure the pain of losing someone, why don't we fight, why is there no peace, why????" countered Obito making Tsuhikage shut up.

In truth Ichizu and Nikasu agreed with Obito's plan, why live in a broken world like this, why must we endure, why???.

(A/N:-People like Otaku and anime fans would understand what I am trying so express here. Actually everyone would.)

If only they didn't knew the truth behind the *Eye of the Moon* plan, everyone is just a pawn ,the true goal was to free 'her' and nothing else.

If only Obito hadn't kill the Uchiha clan.

If only he hadn't tried to kill Nikasu's parents.

If only he wasn't responsible for all things Naruto had to suffer from.

Nikasu's d_e_s_i_r_e to kill Obito far exceeded that of Ichizu ,he was responsible for suffering of not only Naruto, his parents and himself.

If he wasn't useful for the quest completion ,he would have already tore apart Obito.

All this time he was holding himself back, Nikasu had gone on far more missions compared to Ichizu, even after creating *Yami to Hikari*.

Ichizu didn't had to struggle due to his passive ability so he put more of his time in elevating his and his clan's status in the village to remove the bad reputation of his clan. He handled the village with Tsunade and *Yami to Hikari* with Nikasu, he upgraded the village and made the villages life more comfortable after all his not matter what this was his village the village he grew up in and loved.

Many would thing that he should hate the village for what they did to his clan and family....but let me ask you this ,who is the village is it the clan leaders or is it the villagers.

Here the 'Village' only referred to some old-idiots ,Danzo and the other elders.....remember Sarutobi always wanted to help Uchiha clan and treat them nicely but due to the pressure from the other elders and clan leaders he could only comply. Even though he didn't do anything to help the Uchiha, he didn't also did something which was bad to the Uchiha.

After all the massacre was Danzo's fault ,Sarutobi and the village didn't even knew about it.

(A/N:-I know many of you disagree with me but let me make something clear the old man for me is a good man burdened with many regrets and in my novel I won't make him the bad person.)

Well back to the topic, Nikasu had been constantly going on mission to develop his skills to match Ichizu.

And after all this time he had grown a lot also had formed an enormous amount of killing intent.

Though it looked like Ichizu was the one who wanted to kill Obito due to various reasons but if someone was to touch Nikasu's body right now ,they would most likely be frozen due to fear.

Unlike others Nikasu had two passive skills:-*Poker face* and *Containment*.

He was able to hide his emotions and contain his feeling, power, emotion ,etc inside his body.

Killing intent was coursing through Nikasu's body as he contained all of his emotion and d_e_s_i_r_es inside himself.

But if he were to be touched by someone then they would be able to feeling all the emotions inside him.

Ichizu glanced towards Nikasu then replied to Obito.

"It doesn't matter what reason you give, What about happiness, what about comradeship ,what about friendship ,what about hardship ,what about love ,what about pride and finally what about sacrifice."

"This world is not a dream, it's a reality that's why it is beautiful, that's why we all come together in a village ,that's why we happily sacrifice our lives for our loved one that's why we fall in love, that's why we cherish what we have, that's why we live, life to the fullest and me at my best against the odds is my 'Ninja-way'."

"Dream is limited, and infinite, we are the gods that's why is it a dream..."

"Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be."

"But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that."

"THEY'RE DOOMED!!!!!!" countered Obito savagely.

"Yes!!!! But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." replied Ichizu with narrowed eyes.

"That's why dream is not the reality...." replied Ichizu as a majestic aura spread through out the room covering the whole room.

Ichizu continued "For any of us who have enjoyed the sunshine of summer, the colorful vibrancy of autumn or the peaceful stillness and solitude of a snowy winter night know that there are many forms of beauty."

"We also know none of these ever last."

"They expire. They have an end."

"And so do we."

"But does an expiration date remove value?"

"Two main responses exist.

•Appreciate the fact that it happened."

"I think if we are possessive, we can get thinking that we'd prefer to have as much of something for as long as we can or we'd prefer not to have it at all."

"But I think that's a poor perspective."

"•One reason: *Learning*

•If nothing new or different doesn't happen, you don't experience it and thus don't have that experience to draw upon in the future."

"You don't adjust, shift or open up or mindset from what it previously was."

"Something doesn't have to last very long to greatly affect us..."

"Something has to be perfectly harmonious to be beautiful?"

"I don't think so."

"I think there is some beauty in defects as well."

"It can just be a feeling or a specific message. But it's the communication of peace or fun or happiness or sadness that makes it pleasing. We feel a connection. And that makes it enjoyable."

"I think as a human ,we have to recognize the beauty in who we are and recognize and value the good. And more importantly, find grace in our failings so that we transmit messages of hope, goodness and faith to future generations. Often, the beauty that is found is in overcoming something ugly and horrifying and finding a way to heal and become stronger." concluded Ichizu.


"We will see...." replied Ichizu with a calm expression.

Obito gritted his teeth and wrapped away with Sasuke.

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