“Damn it! This is an awesome opening!”

“Where is that snow mountain?”

“I seemed to have seen the arena just now. Could it be the arena where the Huashan sword debate took place? Is that Huashan?”

“Go check it out!”

The players rushed to Huashan impatiently.

Da Sima patted the stunned PDD beside him.

“What are you doing here? For TM!”

When they arrived at the foot of Huashan Mountain, the shocking feeling could no longer be described in a few words.

Looking up, they could not see the top at all. They could only see the top of Huashan Mountain hidden in the clouds.

“Da Sima, PDD?”

Sister Zhou came over, with surprise in her voice.

Da Sima and PDD came back to their senses and saw Sister Zhou walking in front of them.

Sister Zhou was obviously on a different server than them, but now they met in the game!

“Sister Zhou, have you switched servers?”

“How can it be!”

The three fell into silence.

They guessed the truth, but the truth was too scary. They really couldn’t believe it.

Not to mention them, even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t believe it.

“Could it be…Server merged?”

“This is impossible! There are a hundred servers in Xia Ke Xing. If the servers are really merged, wouldn’t the maps all overlap?”

“Is our Wind and Fire Region going to open a branch line?”

“What? Isn’t it the Extremely Dark Mountain Range?”

“Let me go, the map of our service is clearly called Muzhou Prefecture!”

Everyone fell into silence.

They had never thought that the maps of different servers were different.

A hundred servers, could there be a hundred maps?

After the servers were merged, could it be that the maps were brought together?

“Damn it! map!”

Da Sima and the others heard the exclamations from the people around them one after another, and quickly opened the map to check.

A vast map was displayed in front of him. The dense land was connected to Huashan Mountain in the middle. The names of different server maps were also marked on the continent.

Such as the audience The Wind and Fire Region, Extreme Darkness Mountain Range, and Muzhou Mansion mentioned before are all gathered together as they thought, and they are unified….The maps are also merged!

Da Sima was speechless and felt complicated.

The viewers in the live broadcast room could only throw various gifts to comfort them.

“I was wrong. I always thought that the game designer made Xiakexing like this. I didn’t expect that it could still be played like this!”

“too strong! Congratulations to the designer!!! You will be my male god from now on!!!”

“If it wasn’t for server merging, who would have discovered that the maps on each server are different?”

More and more players are gathering towards Huashan. Everyone recognizes their real-life friends from different servers and is holding a”family recognition meeting” every minute.

There are also naughty children who pretend to do homework but are actually playing games. They specially talk to their dad. Mom plays different servers, and family members gather together……

Parents: Are you surprised? Are you impressed?

Naughty kid: Don’t dare to move! Don’t dare to move!

Foreign players had just learned Chinese and were stumbling to practice releasing skills, but they happened to encounter such a shocking scene of server merging, and they were dumbfounded.

Mark’s eyes widened, he covered his mouth, and screamed silently.

Server merging feat! This is truly a feat!

He has played countless online games, and he can responsibly say that there is no game at home or abroad that is the same as Xia Ke Xing. The maps on different servers are different, and they can be merged in the end.

There is a genius among the game designers of Dragon Kingdom!

Hundreds of servers merged! too strong!


In a game club, the team leader has a heavy expression

“Brothers, I’m sorry”

“After careful consideration, I am going on a long voyage today…No, I’m quitting the club.”

The team members looked surprised.

“Why? Captain, you don’t want to play games anymore?”

“I’m going to Xia Ke Xing.”

The captain didn’t dare to look at the surprised or disappointed faces of the team members. The reluctance in his heart was hard to describe. He had left the team members behind…….

“team leader!”

The captain’s voice was stacked on top of each other, making the captain’s face look painful.

“Stop talking, I’m sorry for you!”

“No, Captain.”

One of the team members interrupted him with a look of embarrassment on his face.

“In fact, I am here to tell you today that I want to quit the club and go to Xia Ke Xing”

“Me too”

“Me too……”

After the team members finished speaking, they all looked at each other in shock.

“Damn it, you also play Xia Kexing?”

“I always thought you didn’t play!”

“How could you not play a game that dares to merge hundreds of servers?”

“I want to create my own exercises in it……”

The team members played Xia Ke Xing in private and did not dare to let others know, so they did not know that others were also playing Xia Ke Xing, and they felt uncomfortable and reluctant to quit the club.

But now looking at each other’s confused faces, everyone knows that this is a mistake

“Then we……”

“Quit the club all together?”

At this time, the club owner opened the door and came in with a bad look on his face.

“Are you leaving?”


“If you don’t take me with you when you play Xia Ke, that’s too much!”

He snorted, crossed his arms and glanced at everyone

“I am here to tell you today that the club has moved to Xiakexing. I’m still thinking that if you don’t want to, you can quit the club.”

He muttered

“Who knew everyone wanted to go to Xia Ke Xing?……”

Everyone looked at each other with smiles on their faces

“But Huashan can’t keep up with the sword debate.”

“I can’t catch up with the next one!”


Foreign players have discovered that their favorite Dragon Kingdom teams have recently started to switch to playing Xia Ke Xing

“What a shame, I won’t be able to see them in games anymore”

“What kind of game is this Xia Ke Xing? So charming?”

“Why only the Dragon Kingdom server! Only in Chinese!”

Even if there is only the Dragon Kingdom server, they are still curious about what kind of game can make their favorite team willing to give up the opportunity to be at the top and switch to a Dragon Kingdom game.

Climb the wall! Climb the wall and check it out!

“Damn it! You can design your own fashion in this game!”

“The skill casting in this game is so cool!”

“Abnormal balance of various professions….”

“Can you also create your own exercises? I’m going to try it!”

“Discussing swords in Mount Huashan, are there five unique skills in the world?”

“Hundreds of servers in one? Peak showdown?”

When foreign players entered the game, their exclamations never stopped.

This game gave them a huge surprise!

They put away their disdainful attitude towards domestic games and explored this game with infinite enthusiasm.

“Game designers really know how to think! Design your own clothes, create your own exercises, and merge a hundred maps!”

“If you put any one of them in other games, the game will become a hit!”

“The game designer is a genius! An absolute genius!”

“This Huashan sword competition is so exciting! That piano player is so handsome!”

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