After a few days, the team finally settled down. With Pei Ming's socks, Xue tingji gradually adapted to the hardships of the military.

Although he doesn't have a chance to "come and go" with him, Pei Ming can always find a way to be partial. In the name of training new recruits, he can separate the fish from Xue Ting's covetous subordinates and ask Pei Li to stuff him every three to five.

After a long time, others did not pick Xue tingji's thorn, but spread another story.

It turns out that the first lady didn't see Wang a ye, but Pei Li.

This can frighten Pei Li, but can't deny to clarify, for fear of six his highness misunderstanding, look at Xue tingji's eyes almost beg for mercy.

Xue tingji has to comfort him in turn. Don't worry. Can he doubt Pei Ming? There is one thing that he cares about.

"Marching in the daytime, I saw a lot of ragged people on the side of the road who wanted to lean over and be chased away by you. Who are those people?"

Pelimer took a moment, then told him that the people were just local farmers.

"This year's harvest is not good. They are about to pay taxes on grain. They have no food to eat. When they see that we have grain in the army, or rob or beg, they always want to get some."

Hearing this, Xue Ting's first reaction was ridiculous. Do civilians still want to rob the army? I'm starving.

But Perry couldn't smile. He said with a bitter smile, "yes, I'm hungry. You've never had this kind of bitterness, and you don't know what it's like It's really not allowed by military discipline. Otherwise, do you think we are willing to drive them away? "

Most of the people who can bear hardships in the army are too poor to understand the sufferings of the hungry people.

Xue tingji stopped talking. For the first time, he knew that there were so many sufferings beyond the appearance of prosperity and luxury in the imperial city of Darong that he had never seen before.

Secretly determined, he whispered, "when I come to power, I will make the country prosperous and the people strong."

What's more surprising is that Perry didn't panic to dissuade him. Instead, he laughed and bent his luggage higher.

Although he has a definite number for a long time, it is I don't think I should compromise like this.

She's too afraid to do it again.

Seeing her so long-term, I don't have much to say. Maybe these two days I can have this opportunity to let her put down her burden.

Of course, if he knew that this so-called "opportunity" would soon appear in himself, he would surely cover his crow's mouth at the moment.

Just in the middle of the month, the jade plate in the sky is shining and silver is shining. Even if it's ahead of time to celebrate for tomorrow, Pei Changyuan will wave his hand and have a good dinner tonight!

Only at this time can the discipline in the army be relaxed, and the soldiers finally dare to laugh, smell the delicious wine and meat, and can't wait for their hunger.

Pei Li offers the barbecue attentively. There's no need to say more. Pei Ming also knows that he's helping Xue tingji to spread a message. They haven't said a word these days. Can't they hold it?

But if she wanted to confess tomorrow, she couldn't calm down. She just wanted to hide for a while, so she only looked at him from a distance, and then shrank beside her father.

In order to cheer up his daughter, Pei Changyuan is very forthright. He drinks a few bowls to enjoy himself. His big voice can be heard for two or three miles.

Until the middle of the moon, Pei Mingcai and general Tan work together to help his father back to the account.

Pei Changyuan got drunk and hung his hand around general Tan's neck and sighed, "Lao Tan, I understand now. Since ancient times, generals have no choice but to do something I don't want to do."

Pei Ming raises her eyes. No wonder she feels that her father is bold and unconstrained tonight. It turns out that it is certain that she will become a member of the sixth Royal Highness. The struggle between the court and the court is inevitable, and she has to be depressed.

Although she knew that the Pei family would take this road sooner or later, she could not help blaming herself for dragging her father into the vortex of seizing the position.

General Tan is so careful that he asks Pei ming to go back to rest and helps Pei lie down. Just as he is about to go out, he suddenly gets up to look for his sword. His action is so fierce that he almost knocks down the torch.

As a general, Pei Changyuan has to keep alert all the time. He is in a trance and realizes that he has lost his words after drinking. For fear of being heard, general Tan zazazui blames him for his surprise and urges him to go to bed honestly.

But none of them noticed that when they were knocked down just now, the spark fell out of the torch basin and flickered on the carpet in the tent

The camp gradually calmed down. After he had enough to eat and drink, even the footsteps of the guards were heavier than usual. Pei Ming couldn't sleep and his mind was in a mess.

How to deal with Xue tingji was a trivial matter. She didn't forget the purpose of this trip, but nine days later, she still didn't see anyone suspicious. How could she rest assured.

Night gradually sink, sleepy idea also slowly gush, she confused turned over, hazy still worried.

How and when did my father die? It's impossible to prevent.

Later she went to sleep, and her dream was full of noise, and her ears became more and more noisy, which made her frown, but what she heard vaguely scared her smart.It's clear that people outside are shouting that they're out of water!

It's not a dream. The camp is really on fire, and it's Pei Changyuan's big account.

Maybe it's because there is a torch in the tent, so people can't see what's wrong with the fire. When the patrol guards find something wrong, the fire has spread.

The trouble is that although Pei Changyuan was alerted by the shouts outside the account, he was seriously drunk and his pace was unstable. If he rushed out rashly, he might have to be held down by the burning account!

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