He thought it would be Wen Xiang and nephrite, but he was surprised by the exclamation of the person in his arms. At the same time, Pei Li was also shocked and struggled to retreat. At this time, they could see each other clearly and both of them were in the same place.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Pei Ming's laughter broke the rigidity. He didn't dare to be too loud, so his shoulder trembled very hard.

In fact, she didn't go far at all, relying on the sparsity of the stars and the moon, she fooled Xue Ting, "Oh, is my cousin cheaper than mine?"

Pei Li, who was nothing at all, was ashamed. Xue tingji was even more angry and laughed, "you little girl dare to play with me!"

"Haven't you played with me before?" She had a grudge, though Dongshi's captivity should have been even.

After apologizing to Pei Li, she asked him to have a rest earlier. She held her arms two steps away from Xue Ting, for fear that he would make a deal with her.

Xue tingji really wanted to do this, holding his waist, crying and laughing, "I thought Miss Pei was going to pay for the pain of Acacia with me, why, just to see me at night?"

As soon as he reached the point, Pei Ming stopped playing and said, "my father told me before that he suspected that someone around him was unfaithful."

"The prince's people?" Xue Ting by squinting, bearing suddenly fierce many, "who is it?"

Pei Ming shook his head. "My father is afraid to be detected, so he doesn't dare to test. I think we are not in the army. Maybe that detailed work will relax our vigilance."

Xue tingji understands. She wants to help general Pei find out the spy secretly. Let him do it.

Pei Ming was afraid to let go of the crown prince for a day. He grabbed him by the corner of his coat and said, "so you can't expose yourself. You and my father can't do anything."

Most reluctant to see her worried appearance, Xue tingji and her forehead against, gently rubbed, "don't worry, I'm still waiting for door-to-door marriage, personally call him father-in-law."

Pei Ming's smile froze. His expectation couldn't be realized. Somehow, she didn't have the hatred that she was full of calculation before. She was left with unspeakable bitterness.

Even feel a little Sorry for him.

Her deep guilt was misunderstood by Xue ting into shame. There was no one around, so it was hard to control her feelings. Last night that kiss let him not forget for a long time, now how can let go.

Even Pei Ming was shocked when he raised her cheek. She didn't resist at all. It's like making up for him. It's like Give him some sweets first, and let him be miserable later.

In a word, the kiss between Xue tingji and her is more natural and deeper than yesterday

When the kiss was the strongest, she tasted something strange. It was too wet and slippery. The sticky feeling was not right.

When she opened her eyes and saw that she almost didn't bite her own lips, she quickly covered her mouth and smirked, which made Xue Ting feel depressed, "can't you concentrate?"

"I think you're just too focused." She kept shaking and repeatedly wiped her lips clean with the back of her hand. Xue tingji thought that she was rejected and held up his waist to discuss.

Doesn't he feel it yet? Pei Ming stopped playing tricks. He laughed for a long time before he could breathe again. "Xue tingji, you have nosebleed..."

Then he felt his nose. If it was really red and greasy, Xue tingji immediately turned red and had nowhere to escape. Pei Ming's curved and slender eyes smile like a little fox. He doesn't save face at all.

It took a while to hold back her smile. She patted him on the shoulder with a pretense of sophistication. "Young man, it seems that you are not happy. You'd better be honest." With that, Xue Ting ran away without waiting to catch her.

Leaving Xue ting in embarrassment to cover his face and lament, this is a shame

In the days after that, they didn't have any contact. First, Pei Ming was considerate of Xue tingji's making a fool of himself and gave him time to relax. Second, if they wanted to find out the prince's eyes and ears secretly, it would be better to attract less attention.

The two of them are by Pei Changyuan's side, pretending to be innocent, occasionally acting coquettish, but Yu Guang sweeps all of them.

The other made a mistake on purpose. Pei Ming complained and rushed back to the ranks of the soldiers, staring at the movements of the rear men.

But what Xue tingji didn't expect was that his low-key and quiet made those minions mistakenly think that he failed to climb the high branch of the eldest lady and was demoted back.

In this way, how can they miss this good opportunity?

On this day when he was camping, Xue Ting was busy carrying water. It was not easy to pick up two buckets full of water from the river in the distance. After a few days of training, he was competent.

However, he failed to notice that the seemingly flat grass under his feet was actually a trap. When he stepped down with one foot, he immediately sprained into the pit. Although it was only ankle deep, he stumbled and fell two buckets of water. He was wet and had to go back to pick again.

Without waiting for him to get up, three or four pawns "happened to pass by" whistled complacently, and the meaning of bullying was obvious.

"Oh, how can you fall so badly? Hurry to fetch water again, or the general will scold you for delaying the start of the gang."

"I've been on the road these days. Why are you so clumsy that you can fall on a flat road? I'm afraid your eyes are still sticking to the young lady?"Xue tingji is smart, there is no need to quarrel with these scum, in order not to pick a thing, can only swallow this bad breath, limp sprained leg back to the river.

Pei Ming saw all of them, not only her, but also Pei Changyuan. He frowned, "it's too shameful."

Pei Ming asked his father not to interfere and let him suffer.

Pei Changyuan thought that she was still in trouble, and taught her that since she had got back together, she could not be more coquettish and should have a sense of propriety.

She laughs and shakes her head. It's not that she has sex. It's that she has to let Xue Ting get used to this situation. In the future, she will not suffer too much when it comes to the day when she falls into a precipitous decline

These can't tell her father. She can only look at the end of Hirakawa in silence. After a long time, she asked her father who would be the prince's hand.

Sure enough, Pei Changyuan smiles and tells his daughter that suspicion is the most taboo thing in the army. You can't do anything without full assurance.

Then he flicked Pei Ming's head again. "No wonder you're so abnormal, but don't get involved in this matter. I know it for my father."

Pei Ming felt relieved when she heard this. It seems that her father had a plan for a long time, but she didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, in the last life, the old ginger of her father was planted in the hands of the prince.

She has a lot of time to "secretly investigate the enemy situation", but Xue tingji is very tired.

When I got back the water, I had to make a fire. It was clear that there was no rain, but the firewood was so wet that it could drip. I had to look for the dead branch by myself. I picked up the bamboo tube to blow air, and I was covered with firewood ash.

A series of troubles made him fidgety, and the laughter of the people nearby was even more harsh. He bit his teeth and didn't attack. Instead, he threw the wet firewood forward and landed at the feet of those people.

People are easy to get carried away. They talk and laugh with their nostrils up. They don't notice the stick. Unexpectedly, they fall to the ground with a loud sound.

Hearing the news, Pei Mingxun and Xue tingji look at each other in secret. They all see a bad smile on each other's face.

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