When the troops and horses return to the city, the banners and battle robes are hunting. Pei Changyuan, who is in the front of the team, looks majestic and moves towards the palace.

There was a carriage in the street not far away from the procession. Pei Ming stood on the shaft of the carriage and looked into the distance. After a long time, he sighed deeply and was held by Xue tingji.

Her father has been safe since the works around her have been eradicated. The western expedition to Yueshi is not difficult for him. As long as he can come back safely, her guilt will be less and her life in Beidi will be better.

After a while, a servant came and said that Princess dada wanted to see her sixth highness and the first lady. They looked at each other and went into the palace hand in hand.

This return is a battle of life and death, and also a journey to regain the throne. Dada is very excited and emotional. She has to say goodbye to them seriously.

"I hope I'll be the queen next time."

After a few months' absence, her rich eyebrows and eyes add luster. With the help of Darong's best general, she is confident in the way ahead.

During this period of time, she also learned about Xue tingji's fight with the prince and the story between her and Pei Ming. She solemnly promised that she would do her best to help them in the future.

"What I want to see is that the friendship between the queen of Yueshi and the emperor of Darong will last forever, which is the best for our two countries."

Xue tingji is not easy to reply, but Pei Ming, who has always been cautious, thanks the queen for her lucky words with Yueshi's etiquette, which makes him a little surprised.

Ah Ming is so ambitious that he wants to usurp the throne?

Without a word of conversation, Pei Changyuan came from the emperor, holding a silver helmet in his hand and walking like a mountain.

The mission of this expedition is very important. He never dare to underestimate the enemy. The trouble is that all the troops are transferred to the West. What about the north?

Although the Huns promised that they would not invade before the beginning of spring, spring is coming, and the Huns who have suffered all winter will not be honest.

For a while, where can he go to raise troops?

Pei Ming has a proposal to talk with his father. He looks like an old official.

But what she said made Pei Changyuan unable to laugh.

"You want me to use the side branch? no way! This rule can't be broken. " Up to now, he still abides by his own rules, but Pei Ming breaks his insistence with just one word.

"It's not what it used to be, father. You're afraid that your majesty will be afraid of the dictatorship of your generals. But who is the one who is in power now?"

It's the prince, who regards Xue tingji and the Pei family as his eyesore. Now the Pei family can't pay attention to the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Only by supporting troops and self-respect, can the whole family not be overthrown.

Pei Changyuan was irrefutable. He frowned after a long silence. "But it's too late to call the collateral branch. I don't allow them to stand out these years. How many of them can get on the battlefield?"

"Hum, father, you don't believe in your own people." Pei Ming smiles cunningly, and his confident expression makes Pei Changyuan feel at ease.

I hope my father will forgive me. She has already informed Chang Xi that she can call it at any time.

Unexpectedly, she even took the lead in this step. Pei Changyuan looked at her in amazement. After a long time, he asked, "mingniang, how old are you this year?"

She slightly Leng, smile convergence color, is still that pair of clever appearance, "father confused, daughter 17 years old."

Can a girl's family, who was pampered by a 17-year-old boudoir, have such foresight and strategy?

Pei Ming finally lowered his voice to remind his father that he had to make more plans while his majesty could protect them. Otherwise, when the prince ascended the throne, they would have to wait for their death.

It's time to have such an awareness. Pei Changyuan didn't hesitate fearlessly. Pei Changyuan finally took the last step as a minister. "Now that you've done everything right, it's up to you to do it. At that time, just give the recruits to general tan."

Every step is as smooth as Pei Ming's calculation, and her uneasiness is also reduced. Seeing her father, she is ready to start the whole army. She is puzzled and shouts at him.

"My letter to you Did you receive it? "

Looking at Pei Changyuan's expression, he obviously knew that Wang's family had passed away, but he hated that poisonous woman's persecution of mingniang, and he didn't even want to enter the Lingtang.

But Pei Ming still hopes that he can go to Zhuxiang. After all, Yuniang is still there, so he should take care of his daughter.

Now that mingniang has opened her mouth, I don't want to vent her anger on Yuniang. Anyway, it's still a short time before I leave. I still have enough time to go home.

However, before entering the house, he stopped under the plaque and looked up at the hanging white thick. He was so sad that he didn't dare to see more.

He thought of the death of his wife, Mrs. Liu. He still has no courage to recall the sadness of that time. After all, the big man, embarrassed to let his daughter see his tears, took a long time to take a deep breath and stepped into the house full of color loss.

Pei Yu was surprised by her father's return, but she didn't feel as happy as before. Pei Yu felt guilty for her apathy. She didn't get much love from her childhood, so she took her in her arms and patted her.

"I'm sorry to be a father."

In a word, the end is to hook out the heart of Pei Yu's vulnerability, she wants to be loved by her father, want to be like her sister as a baby daughter.Finally, she was able to make a fuss in her father's arms and cry

It's a pity that Pei didn't have much time. He just comforted Wang a little. Then he hastened to give Wang a piece of incense. Facing the throne, he didn't say a word, so he got up and left.

After all, he is used to carelessness. He doesn't know how hurt Pei Yu's heart is when he leaves so neatly. Is that all? Father left Is that all?

No tears, no sadness even if, even her daughter, can only get a little charity? Won't you accompany her more?

Looking at her father's back, she stretched out her hand to keep her, but finally she couldn't shout out. She knelt down and slowly saw her mother's Spirit card and the few words on it.

It's better not to come back, it's better to let her keep this hope, give her some ripples, and then die in an instant. What's this?

In tears, she looked up at the gloomy sky outside the mourning hall. She had no hope for the Pei family

It's a pity that no one has a prophet. How could Pei long expect that today's humble stay would set off a huge wave in the future and almost reverse the great prosperity of the country.

If Pei ming could see her tears at the moment, she would be able to stay with her father more. But it was just so coincidental that she didn't come back at the moment. Instead, she was busy telling Lu Yu and other soldiers to guard the general well and not let those who couldn't trust get close to him.

Although I don't know why the young lady is so cautious, Lu Yu wrote down her words. Pei Changyuan just came back, rode on a high horse, bid farewell to Pei Ming, and ordered the army to go out.

Although he started at a different time from the previous life, he still set foot on the road to the West. Pei Ming had no idea what would happen this time.

She gave way to one side, no matter how calm, in the army away, the city gate is about to close, finally can not help but shouts, tears were blown away by the wind.

"You must come back! Be sure to come back... "

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