From the imperial city to the border, there is a section of road that is difficult to walk. It is safer to walk in the valley. But on such a Rainstorm Day, the debris flow will rush down at any time. The most dangerous thing is to seal up their front and back roads, and the distance is also long.

Taking the hillside can save a lot of road sections. Although there is also the risk of rolling stones, it is not easy to be blocked. The disadvantage is that the road is too narrow. Most people do not choose this road when transporting materials.

This time, there is no dispute. It is rare for us to have a consensus. Since there are not many people, let's go on the hillside.

However, Pei Ming is not wrong. Fang Xiaowei must have another bad idea. It's easy for him to take the risk of taking a mountain road in a rainy day. It's very easy for him to have an accident. In his last life, he had a good time, but he didn't succeed.

I don't know if I'm going to do it again or find another way.

Another drawback of walking in the mountains is thunder and lightning. No one can predict whether the next green light will hit his head. Even the brave and fat people have to be careful.

Pei Ming was led by Xue ting with one hand and ER Xun's rein with the other. He tried to stick to the wall of the mountain.

All of a sudden, the distance of ten steps ahead was shocked. They saw the branches on the cliff burst into flames, and then fell down the cliff in the heavy rain. Xue tingji put Pei ming to his side, and he walked outside. Three steps away was the abyss.

Fang half looked back at their every move, Chang half stepped back to watch him, and soon came to the most dangerous corner, everyone's pace slowed down a lot.

After that, Fang moved to the side of the mountain wall, deliberately retreating slowly. Unfortunately, he was stopped by Chang Xiaowei, and he was clearly not allowed to get close to Xue tingji.

"Yo, Lao Chang, you make me feel uneasy." He was not reconciled. His eyes seemed to glance at Er Xun unintentionally. "You're behind me. I'm afraid you'll stab me. What can I do?"

Chang Xiaowei's answer is straightforward, "don't do bad things, don't be afraid of being struck by thunder." Pei Ming laughs, but she remembers that they were attacked by Fang Xiaowei here in the last life, so they really have to be prepared.

But this time, it's a little different. I hope this little guy can help them.

However, animals know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is not in line with their living habits to act in lightning. Although they are well tamed, fear is not so easy to eliminate.

Therefore, every time there is thunder and lightning disturbance, xunger's pace will be disordered for a while. Obviously, he is extremely afraid. He is very loyal to his master without hissing and running away.

Pei ming could see his patience and patted him to appease him. But at this moment, a pillar of gold, which was more frightening than any light before, burst down and burst the dark valley into light.

Even Pei Ming almost screamed in fright, not to mention the dazzling light completely startled Er Xun. He raised his front hoof and tried to escape, but he didn't lose control under Pei Ming's pull.

Don't make trouble here. One will fall off the cliff if he is not careful.

And this is the opportunity that Fang Xiaowei has been waiting for. He suddenly yelled out loud and retreated madly. Behind him, Chang Xiaowei was caught off guard. "What are you doing?" He fell on Ertian again.

The frightened Er Xun thought that he was attacked, and finally he could not control his wildness. With a long roar, he jumped up. That is to say, he threw Pei Ming, who was holding the reins.

It's not a good thing for Pei ming to leave his feet on the edge of the cliff. Pei Ming is tense all over. Xue tingji is even more frightened and catches her!

He thought it was safe, but he didn't notice that he stepped on the soft mud and stone on the edge of the road. The mud and stone washed by the rain was not vulnerable.

So he half slipped down the cliff!

"Tingji -" Pei Ming's heart almost stopped. Fortunately, he held hands with him, but Xue tingji's weight was not light, and she also lost her feet. With the roaring thunder in the sky, she covered up the exclamations of other people.

Now Pei Ming is holding on to ER Xun's reins. Er Xun knows that he has put his master in danger and tries to pull them up. But the mud is wet and slippery. If he can keep his body steady, he has to do his best.

Chang Xiaowei and two Jinwu generals came to help, but Er Xun thought they were enemies, and maniacally refused to let them close. The more it moved, the closer it was to the cliff. If it fell down, it would be doomed.

"Er Xun! "Don't be afraid, er Xun." Pei Ming tried his best to suppress his fear and command him as he did during training. After hearing the command, er Xun really calmed down and tried to pull his master up.

Xue Ting can at least reduce half of his weight by climbing up with the help of the branches on the cliff. He takes the risk of embracing Pei Ming's waist. He can get out of danger with more efforts.

But heaven failed. Just when they were only one arm short of being pulled up, the reins that were repeatedly rubbed by the stone suddenly couldn't bear it. One end of the reins was completely broken, and they suddenly fell several feet down!

"Ah Pei Ming screamed instinctively, and everyone's face was pale. Even Er Xun was flustered. He tried to straighten his neck and didn't give up. His stubbornness was quite like his two masters.Fortunately, the other end of the reins can still hold, but Chang Xiaowei can't reach them. Xue tingji hugs Pei Ming and grabs the protruding stone in one hand. Thanks to his quick reaction just now, otherwise he will die.

But Pei Ming looks up and sees his fingertips, and his eyes are suddenly wet. Because of his violent action, Xue tingji's nails are lifted and broken by stones, and blood oozes down the back of his hands. He has to support two people's weight in the pouring rainstorm. Even if he is pierced by stones, he must not let go.

How painful it is

Xue tingji endured the pain and tried to restrain the trembling of her fingertips. With his other hand, he tied her waist tightly and lowered his head to her forehead.

She broke out a lot of cold sweat and was diluted by the rain, leaving only a light salty taste. She was as cool as before, searching in the rain in the mountains in order to find medicine for Feng.

"Don't be afraid. I'll take you up." His voice is firm, not a bit flustered. Let Pei Ming hold the reins with one hand and his waist with the other, so that he can climb the cliff.

Although reluctant to aggravate his injury, there is no other way at the moment, and Pei Ming can't take care of any respectability, and puts his legs and feet on him.

Xue tingji carefully analyzed the rock above and calculated every step before he acted cautiously.

But just when everyone was concentrating on the rescue, Fang Xiaowei quietly approached Er Xun. He would do nothing if he wanted to. He couldn't give Xue ting a chance to turn over.

He wanted to frighten Er Xun again and completely cut off Xue tingji's life. It didn't even matter whether Pei Ming would die or not.

Fortunately, General Yu found out his plot in time and waved his sword to him without hesitation. It was not a threat, but a real death.

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