Xue tingji was already convulsed, and his whole body was stiff and tense. He could not respond to any call. It was painful. If he didn't handle it properly, he was afraid that he would be killed.

Fortunately, Dr. Zhang was very experienced and didn't panic. He gave Xue Ting an acupuncture to wake him up and let him breathe.

But because of the cry of general Tan and Chang Xiaowei, Pei Ming outside the door suddenly loses control, pushes the door and rushes in. He is also startled by Xue Ting's pale face.

"Tingji..." She went to the bedside and did not dare to disturb Dr. Zhang. She did not know that her face was worse than Xue tingji on the bed.

"Don't worry, madam." Zhang Taiyi twists the silver needle and tells her that his Highness has recovered.

Just as he said, Xue Ting opened his eyes weakly, saw Pei Ming and said, "it's true that I can't do without you."

Pei Ming, who was originally dimly tearful, was amused by a sentence. He sniffed and asked how long it would take for Taiyi Zhang to finish his treatment? Zhang Taiyi put away the equipment, it seems that he is not going to continue.

"It can't be achieved overnight. It has to be cured several times. This time, your Highness has consumed too much energy and can't bear it any more."

It's not good news. How many times does it hurt? Pei Ming's heart trembles when he hears this, and his face is in mourning. Knowing that persuasion is useless, he simply shrivels his mouth and doesn't speak.

Aware of her worries, Xue Ting gently squeezed her hand and sat up slowly, leaning on the piled cushion. "Since I've endured this time, how can it be worthwhile to give up halfway? If you can't rest assured, you will accompany me in the future? "

She couldn't see Xue Ting suffering. She could imagine how hard she was working because her mattress was soaked with sweat.

If he had done so many evils to her in the last life, would he be able to pay her back now? It's good to stop, but please don't give him any more twists and turns.

Before leaving, Dr. Zhang asked his highness to move his right knee as much as possible, with slight pain as appropriate.

Pei Ming was very happy when he heard that. "You say that, he must be sweating without stopping." Looking back, he angrily went up to Xue ting and said, "some people just can't learn how to be proper."

The summer in the north is short, but it has a beautiful scenery that the imperial city can't compare with. The grassland is full of gorgeous wild flowers. With the gust of wind, it is fragrant and pleasant.

The old men in the barracks are afraid of heat, and they always like to be naked when they are training. Although Pei Ming has been used to it for a long time, he doesn't like to appear in the drill to make them more comfortable.

Surprisingly, Tan Shi, a young man, was very interested in the towering tower. He often pestered the craftsmen to learn about architecture, and he was quite accomplished. After a long time, he even put forward some suggestions.

As a father, general Tan really wanted to bring his son out of his style. Unfortunately, he didn't pay for it. Occasionally, when he got annoyed, he gave him a bottle of wine. "You can go to find a girl yourself."

Looking at his impatient son, general Tan was very distressed, "if this boy is not enlightened, he will not find his daughter-in-law."

"Don't worry about it." Chang Xiaowei said with a smile, "when we go back with your highness, I'm afraid we won't have a daughter-in-law to choose?"

"How did you get out?" General Tan couldn't help wondering, "isn't your highness going to treat the wound today? Don't you press it?"

Chang Xiaowei shakes his head. Now he has been treated for seven or eight times. His Highness's leg injury has been much better. It's not so painful at the beginning, so he doesn't need to press it.

In the scorching summer sun, he narrowed his eyes and crossed his waist with a smile, "so we have to prepare for a grand ceremony for your highness!"

They want to take over his highness. After three months, the cheers of those officers and soldiers will surely satisfy his highness and make it impossible for people in the world to slander him!

After a lot of discussion, the time is July 22, which is the date of the completion of the reconstruction of the towering tower. Your Highness's appearance will make you excited.

Finally, Xue tingji was still a little uneasy when he wanted to step out of the door. Pei Ming held his fingers tightly and gave him the most solid support. "Even Dr. Zhang said it was ok, then it must be no problem. Tingji, let's have a look at you now."

Xue tingji took a deep breath and leaned over to kiss her lips. In summer, the climate was warmer, and even her lips were softer. There was no need to garnish them with lipstick, and the taste was very good.

But opposite them sat general Tan and captain Chang! Can't you avoid it a little bit? Pei Ming flushed his neck. For a moment, he didn't know whether to photograph Xue tingji's face or cover his face

The night before the ceremony, it was the most pleasant rainstorm since the beginning of summer. The rain dispersed the sultry heat, as if sweeping the world for tomorrow's ceremony.

But Pei Ming was not happy. In the middle of the night, he closed his sleeves and stood in front of the window.

Before the raindrops hit the ground, they were smashed by the eaves and broken into small water mist, which fell on her face. Although there was no wind, it was cool.

It rained on the first day, but the next day it happened. In retrospect, she was still afraid. Therefore, the rain always made her feel uneasy.

With a deep sigh, just as she was about to close the window, her back was suddenly covered with warmth, which stopped her arm."Worried?"

Every night, his voice is different from that of the day. It's deeper and heavier. It's different from that of flirting. It's a steady rumble precipitated from the depth of his bone marrow.

Although he never said it, Pei Ming really liked his voice. He leaned back on his chest and felt comfortable with the cool water on his neck.

"Don't worry." She raised her head, fingertips climbed up to his jaw angle, and carefully described, "you seem to be a little fat. The skin that was tanned before is white now, and the soldiers are not used to it? I'll shave my beard tomorrow morning, and... "

Before her words were finished, Xue tingji began to smile. In fact, she thought more than herself, didn't she?

Touching her head, the water on her hair was evaporated by the temperature of her palm. "Tomorrow, I'll prepare a gift for you."

But no matter how Pei Ming asked, he kept silent and pushed her back to bed. Lying on both sides corresponded with each other. For them, such a small move was the best reward for their great efforts.

After the rainstorm, there was a cloudless dawn. Before it was clear, everyone was busy.

Put on the good clothes you usually don't want to take out, and move out the new drum. The wine is the strongest, and the war is the most profitable. Today's battle is bigger than the victory. It's all to welcome their long separated highness.

The trombone blows, the drum beats to the sky, and the soldiers' mountain calls resound all over the country. There is no doubt that they can be spread to the Xiongnu, so that Chanyu can hear their morale.

In all the cheers and attention, Xue tingji, who hasn't been seen for three months, finally came in person, still holding his beloved wife with firm steps.

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