The towering tower with a height of 16 Zhang has been changed from a lookout tower to a six storey structure. Each storey is equipped with crossbows, projectiles and other long-range attack equipment. It is superior enough to play a decisive role in the battlefield.

From then on, the balance of power between Dahong and Xiongnu will be broken, which will lay the foundation for Xueting to command the northern region and fight against the imperial city.

These are not enough. He wants to come up with more ways to defeat the enemy, but several ideas have been rejected by general Tan, and no better way has been discussed yet.

But there is an idea that he can't get rid of all the time. Even if the process is troublesome, it must be realized.

The ceremony lasted into the evening. Although it was hot in the day, everyone was happy and could not bear it. When it was cool at night, they were more comfortable and drank and ate meat around the campfire.

Pei Ming and Xue tingji, as if they were in the spotlight, toured the ranks of the soldiers and enjoyed their concern and love.

It's just like a Wedding Toast, which makes everyone laugh. Let your highness and the eldest lady, oh no, it's the prince and the concubine, have a big wedding in this military camp.

To tell you the truth, Xue tingji really has a little heart. The soldiers here are their guests. The wedding will be very lively.

But no, no matter how lively it is, it's not grand enough. What he wants to give to Ah Ming is a grand gift of universal celebration.

"Don't worry." He took Pei Ming by the hand, touched the wine bowl in her hand, looked up and drank it all, "when we enter the imperial city and get married, let you shout enough!"

The soldiers are just joking. How can they be disappointed? As a result, general Tan Shicheng suddenly said, "I'm afraid you can't wait until then."

Why does that sound so bad? Tan Shi quickly pushed his father, "what do you say?"

Then general Tan realized that he had said something wrong. He patted his head and apologized, "Ho, I mean, if you have children --"

"poop cough..." Pei Ming, choked by the wine, coughs fiercely. His face turns red. Even Xue tingji can't help clearing his voice. He claps his back for her and stares at general Tan secretly.

Let's have a hundred hearts. There won't be.

Even so, after the party ended, they closed the door and were not stingy with their skin. Even before they had time to pour into the bed, they were already reluctant to part.

Licking his lips and resisting the beating of his heart like a drum, Xue Ting couldn't help but feel funny again. "General Tan has a point. We have to go back to get married as soon as possible. Otherwise, after a long time, they think I'm as good as the prince."

Hum, he can endure very much. At the beginning, he let her be pregnant only once. There's no need to worry.

Xue tingji couldn't hear Pei Ming's belly Fei, but he could see her white eyes. He thought she was laughing at herself and threw her into the bed. He didn't give her any chance to escape.

Next, the summer night is long, and there are always some sounds that can't even cover the sound of insects floating out of the window. The sleepy birds on the eaves hear the movement and fly away silently, so as not to disturb their good night.

Until the thin clouds cover the moon, all sounds return to calm, the tent is blown by the breeze, the two people in the tent cuddle up and sleep, falling into their respective dreams.

Xue tingji's breathing was short, his eyelashes were trembling, and his dream was obviously not calm.

He dreamed of hawk claws and wolves. The pain in his right leg was very real. Just as he was about to wake up, the dream suddenly changed and he came back to the road to the north. In the wind and snow, wild wolves howled everywhere, but they did not dare to approach.

Because he had something in his hands that they were afraid of, which was what he needed most.

he took two breaths like breaking water. When he opened his eyes, he was in a trance. Then he woke up and touched the sweat on his forehead.

It seems to feel his restlessness, Pei Ming in his sleep whines, snow arm moves a little on his chest.

Although it's hot now, she will catch cold at night. After she gets the quilt, Xue tingji simply sleeps her arms and thinks.

He remembers the time when he was surrounded by wolves. Ah Ming threw a very smelly fireball. It was a novelty. Maybe it could be used in the battlefield.

As the dawn dawns, Pei Ming, who wakes up a good night's dream, turns over and opens his eyes to see Xue Ting's bright eyes.

“…… What do you want? "

"Ask you a question." Xue tingji was lying on her pillow arm side. Her blinking eyes seemed childish. "How did you make the stinky fireball you used before? Teach me. "

Stinky fireball? Pei Ming didn't understand it at all. He was embarrassed by his explanation. "It's easy. If you want, I'll let the soldiers do something."

She and Xue Ting had a heart to heart, and immediately understood his intention, and immediately became interested, so she simply lay on the pillow to discuss with him.

Having been attacked by wild wolves before, Xue tingji thought of conquering the enemy with fire. If he could burn the whole Xiongnu, it would be best!

In fact, he had this idea in his last life, and he did it once, but the effect was not good. He almost lost his barracks, so he gave up the idea.But that stinky fireball really inspired her. Although it didn't play a big role in the battlefield, it was very good to use it occasionally for self-defense.

However, Xue tingji in this life is so different everywhere. Maybe there is a better way? Anyway, she believes in him, no matter what he wants to do, support is right.

Thanks to Pei Ming's preoccupation with how to help him, Xue tingji is distracted. I don't blame him. Ah Ming is too unconscious.

In her present posture, the two snowy soft meats on her chest are piled on the pillow, full as jade balls, squeezing out deep ravines. If they are buried in them, they must be full of fragrance.

But she didn't know it. She put down a little when her arm was sore. She pushed the snowdrift even harder, which made his blood rush to the spirit of heaven. She couldn't bear it any longer.

Pei Ming is still murmuring about making fireballs. Suddenly, he is scalded by a hot current around his neck. Only then can he find that he has pressed himself hungrily, and his eyes are staring at her chest.

It happened that he was hungry and needed to fill up. How could he let go of such a delicious cake

The pillow, which was in the way, was pulled out and thrown to one side. Pei Ming was lying on his long hair. His black skin was even more white, which made people love him.

Her obedience and cooperation made Xue tingji very happy, and also gave her more shivering taste. She fell into happiness in pairs, but today she can't enjoy it.

How to taste is not enough, just want more, Xue tingji quite stifled to sigh, difficult to do, now he is more and more not satisfied.

Hurry back to the Imperial City, and have many children with a Ming. Tell the whole world that he is much better than the seedless prince!

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